On-Campus Interview Request Form

Department Date

Position Title Search Code

Search Chair______Phone No. ______

Proposed Title/Rank: [ ] Professor [ ] Associate [ ] Assistant [ ] Sr. Lecturer [ ] Lecturer [ ] Other If other, please specify

Total Number of Applicants:

INSTRUCTIONS: (Include Attachments)

A.  Interviews may begin when the short list has been approved by the Department chair and reviewed by EOS.

B.  When inviting the candidates to campus for interviews, the Department Chair or his representative must inform each of the candidates that a Criminal Background Check (CBC) form must be completed as part of the interview process. All applicants must complete the form. If a candidate objects to the CBC, inform the candidate a CBC is a requirement of employment and that they cannot be considered further unless they agree to complete and return the CBC form.

C.  Please provide the names of all candidates that made the final round of interviews (the Short List). Place an (I) next to all candidates that were selected for an on-campus interview.

D.  Please provide the Curriculum Vitae of all candidates on the “short-list.” The short-list will include the finalist for the position as listed above.

E.  Please provide the rationale for selecting each of the final candidates for On-campus interviews.


Department Chair Approval Date

EOS Review Date

------To Be Completed by EOS------
Current faculty composition of department/unit:
Race/Ethnicity / White / Black / Hispanic or Latino / Asian / Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Is / Am. Indian or Alaskan native / Two or more races / Unknown
Short List Composition
Race/Ethnicity / White / Black / Hispanic or Latino / Asian / Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Is / Am. Indian or Alaskan native / Two or more races / Unknown
Proposed On-campus Interviewees
Race/Ethnicity / White / Black / Hispanic or Latino / Asian / Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Is / Am. Indian or Alaskan native / Two or more races / Unknown

Revised by Heather Earnhardt
