DISTRICT INFORMATION: All district information and fields must be completed in this form.
Technology Integration Plan (TIP) Contact—Name and contact information of the district contact person who is able to answer questions concerning the content of the technology plan. RCDT information can be found at website—
District Name / Madison CUSD#12District address / 602 Farrish
City/State/Zip / Madison/IL/62060 / RCDT Number / 410570120260000
Superintendent Name / Dr. Sandra Schroeder / Superintendent
e-mail address /
District Phone Number / 618 877-1712 / District Fax Number / 618 877-2690
TIP Contact Name / Robert Lenhardt / TIP Contact
e-mail address /
TIP Contact Phone Number / 618 877-1712 ext. 5013 / TIP Contact
Fax Number / 618 877-4916
2. Check appropriate line:
__X__ Original Submission—Check this line if this is the first submission of a 3-year technology plan by your district.
____Amended Submission—Check this line for any resubmission of the plan (returning for peer review, etc)
3. Annual Review –Write the date of the Annual Review of your district’s approved 3-year technology plan if there are no major changes to the plan.
The plan was reviewed and evaluated on ______
4. Mid Course Correction - Check this line if during your Annual Review you had major changes to the plan. Midcourse Corrections will require a Peer Review of the plan.
Mid course correction was needed_____yes_____no
Part A - Data Collection and Information
A.1 District Report Card
Summarize the District Report Card Data for Assessment:
Chart 1- Grade 3 ISAT Scores
Chart 2- Grade 4 ISAT Scores
Chart 3- Grade 5 ISAT Scores
Chart 4- Grade 6 ISAT Scores
Chart 5- Grade 7 ISAT Scores
Chart 6- Grade 8 ISAT Scores
Chart 7- Grade 11 PSAE Scores
Summary of Basic District Information:
Chart 8- AYP Report for 2005
Chart 9- Basic District Information (Educator Data)
Summary of District Report Card for Basic District Information
Chart 10- Student Demographics & Characteristics Data
Chart 11- Educational Environment
Chart 12- Student Enrollment
Chart 13- Class Size
Key Factors for the District Report Data
Conclusion for District Report Card data (This box will focus on Student Achievement)
A.2 Other Data
Attributes and challenges of the district and community that have affected student learning
List of Data Collection Tools/Instruments / Date AdministeredBudget Analysis Tool / Spring 2005
Curriculum Integration:
Teacher & Student NextSteps Survey (How is the technology being used in the classroom with the student) / Fall 2006
Community Demographics
/ 2000 Census
Summary of Curriculum Integration Data–
Summarize and Analysis of the Data for Attributes and Challenges
Summary of Budget Analysis Tool / Analysis of Budget Analysis Tool/
- After analysis Tool 16 data, the technology budget over the past 3 years has increased $588,000 from $240,000 in 2005 to $828,000 in 2007.
- This change is due to receiving the Federal AP grant in 2006 and the E2T2 grant in 2006 and 2007. The AP grant will end in 2008 and since we do not know the future of the E2T2 grant, technology funds will most likely decrease.
- District Funds over the past three years have remained constant for technology.
- State Funds have been almost non-existent
- Without extra funds such as Federal Grants, Madison CUSD #12 can not sustain the current level of funding in its technology budget
- District employees: one full time technology support person and four part time technology support persons.
- District has spent $1270/student on technology in the past 3 years.
- 56% of the district technology budget is spent on hardware and software.
- 10% is spent on technology support salaries.
- 90% of funding for 2007 and 62% of funding for 2006 have come from Federal funds.
- 22% of the district’s Technology budget is spent on staff development.
- The remaining 12% is Infrastructure, Assessment & Maintenance, and Telecommunications Charges.
Summary of Curriculum Integration Data / Analysis of Curriculum Integration Data
- 42% of teachers report that the use of technology has increased their time to work with individuals or small groups in the classroom setting.
- 37% of teachers report that the use of technology with students provides more complex, challenging tasks for students.
- 32% of teachers reported that they use technology to present information or concepts to students daily.
- NETS-National Education Technology Standards are listed as the performance benchmarks on student report cards for computer literacy classes.
- Computer literacy classes were introduced during the 2004-2005 school year.
- 56% of teachers report that they are not using technology for collaborative projects in the classroom
- 90% of our teachers are not using technology to facilitate electronic portfolios containing actual samples of student work in various media.
Student NextSteps Survey Info
- 79% of students reported that they use the computers in the lab or other areas of the building when working on class projects.
- 50% of students have used computers for more than five years.
- 50% of students use computers one hour or less per week at school.
- 43% of students make charts or graphs to explain information.
- 36% of students seldom or never develop products to demonstrate knowledge.
A.2 Other Data – (contd.) Attributes and Challenges
Summary of Community Demographics / Analysis of Community Demographics/
C –The community of Madison lies across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri just north of East St. Louis, Illinois. The area was founded as an ethnic neighborhood to serve as a haven for European immigrants of World War II. It evolved into a hard working, middle class enclave, swallowed up by the heavy industrial area surrounding it.
During this time Madison enjoyed economic prosperity. However, the end of the 1970’s saw economic decline throughout the nation. Industrialized areas such as Madison were hit especially hard. Madison suffered high unemployment. The city is trying to recover economically. The new racetrack located on highway 203 has helped the local economy. However, the questionable status of the nearby Granite City Steel could further damage the economic status of the residents of Madison.In recent years the racial and economic configuration has changed dramatically resulting in an African American population increase and low socio-economic citizens that require additional services.
Total housing units for the community is 50% owned and 50% is rented or vacant. This is reflective of the community climate and attitude which does affect student achievement.
27% of the individuals in the community population are below the poverty level. Another 26% (pop. 5 years and over) are disabled.
Proximity to St. Louis offers exposure to many colleges, museums and cultural opportunities to the students.
64% of total population is 25 years are older with 42% being a high school graduate or higher.
Key Factors for Curriculum Integration –
Conclusions For Curriculum Integrations –
The data collected in this box will focus on Curriculum Integration.
A.2 Other Data - Local Assessment Data
List of Data Collection Tools/Instruments / Date AdministeredBenchmark Exams Using STI Assessment / Quarterly
Advanced Placement Exams / Yearly (spring)
Iowa Basic Exams / Yearly (Spring)
STAR Reading and STAR Math Assessments / 2-3 times a year
Summary of Local Assessment Data / Analysis of Local Assessment Data
STAR Math Scores
- K-3 scores reflect that our students test at .55 years below grade level
-4-5 scores reflect that our students test at 1.47 years below grade level
-6-8 scores reflect that our students test at 3.1 years below grade level
-9-12 scored reflect that our students test at 7.08 years below grade level
STAR Reading Scores
-k-3 scores reflect that our students test at .43 years below grade level
-4-5 scores reflect that our students test at 1.65 years below grade level
-6-8 scores reflect that our students test at 3.03 years below grade level
-9-12 scores reflect that our students test at 3.79 years below grade level
Benchmark Exams-
-Benchmark exams are administered in all grades K-12 for the core subjects of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. The results of these exams are used to guide instructional planning
Advanced Placement Exams-
-Advanced placement exams will be offered in our district for the first time in the spring of ’07.
Iowa Test of Basic Skills-
- ITBS is administered yearly to all students in grades K-5. / The discrepancy of student grade placement versus reading and math ability level, according to STAR assessments, increases at each grade level. Students at higher grades score at a lower grade level than the primary students. The vast minority of teachers are utilizing the district assessment program to the best of its capabilities.
Key Factors of local Assessment Data –
Conclusions for Local Assessment Data –
The data collected in this box will focus on Student Achievement.
A.2 Other Data - Educator qualifications and professional growth and development data
List of Data Collection Tools/Instruments / Date AdministeredNext Steps Survey / Week of February 5th -9th
E2T2 Student Technology Awareness Survey / December 2006
Qualitative Review of Individual Teaching Strategies / Ongoing
District Report Card / 2005-2006
Summary of Professional Development Data / Analysis of Professional Development Data
- 73% of district staff have a bachelors degree
- 27% have a masters degree or higher
- 47% of teachers report that they need professional development on designing learning projects using technology
- 19% of teachers report that they need professional development on desktop presentation (PowerPoint, etc)
- 13% of teachers report that they need professional development on adaptive technology for special needs uses
- Teachers who are individually reviewed on an on-going basis are mentored in their implementation of technology in their instructional planning
The percentage of teachers holding a master’s degree and the level of years of experience has decreased due to retirement of experienced teachers.
Key Factors for Professional Development –
Professional Development Conclusions–
The data collected in this box will focus on Professional Development.
Parent / Community Involvement Data
List of Data Collection Tools/Instruments / Date AdministeredNext Steps Survey / February 2007
Community Computer Lab Sign in Sheets and Feedback Forms / Monthly
Summary of Parent / Community Involvement Data–
Parent / Community Involvement Key Factors
Parent / Community Involvement Conclusions–.
The data collected in this box will focus on Parent and Community Involvement.
A.3 Technology Deployment Data
A.3 Technology Deployment Data
List of Data Collection Tools/Instruments / Date AdministeredDistrict Technology Inventory / August 2006
Next Steps Survey / February 2007
SpiceworksComputer Profiler / January 2007
ISBE District Technology Inventory Summary / February 2007
Summary of Technology Deployment Data– / Analysis of Technology Deployment Data–
- Through the receipt of the E2T2 competitive grant the district has received 150 new student desktop computers, 30 teacher laptops, 30 teacher desktop computers, 30 SmartBoards, 30 LCD projectors, 30 scanners, 30 digital cameras, 30 Color Laser Printers, and 30 USB flash drives.
- Software Inventory- Using the Spiceworks profiler we are utilizing approximately30 different software programs and 80% of our computers utilize Windows XP as their operating system.
- Hardware Inventory- Currently we have 212 new computer systems in classrooms this year. Less than 20% of all computer systems are more than five years old.
- Telecommunications Equipment and Services (e-Rate) - Each classroom has a telephone installed with outside line access as well as individual voice mail capabilities. 43% of district staff has a Nextel wireless communication device.
- Internet Access- 100% of classrooms and offices has high-speed internet access via T-1 lines supplied by ICN.
- Upgrading of the elementary schools electrical capacity in order to handle increased electrical load from E2T2 equipment.
- Future needs of an increase in bandwidth due to more web-based programs.
- Hardware for the district is adequate due to the receipt of the equipment from the E2T2 competitive grant.
- Software licenses on the majority of the computer systems are current.
- Maintenance of hardware due to the doubling of computer systems will be a future challenge.
- Re-deployment of older hardware needs to be addressed to ensure the quality of future technology instruction.
- Electrical service upgrade at the elementary schools will ensure growth and capacity to support future innovative technology purchases.
- District has adequate telecommunication service within the schools.
- With the increased need for bandwidth, due to the use of more web-based programs, the district will need to research use of fiber to accommodate this increase.
Technology Deployment Key Factors –
Technology Deployment Conclusions-
The data collected in this box will focus on technology systems/equipment, support, tools and policies.
Summary of Network Infrastructure / Analysis of Network InfrastructureThe district supports a wide area network which connects 4 buildings. The district has a robust network and provides access to technology for students and staff in all buildings. Buildings are able to access needed data and communicate across a WAN. / The district network infrastructure should be able to sustain and provide student and staff access to technology over the life of this plan.
Part B. Data Analysis—(Meta-Analysis Section)
Data Analysis Continued -
B. 2
Complete the Action Plan and Budget Template for Tech Plan. xls for Section II Parts A-E and submit as an attachment to technology plan
We need to reduce the percent (75%) of schools in our district in school improvement status and increase AYP in Reading (currently 38.3%) and Math (currently 42.1%) by at least 5-7% according to the federal No Child Left Behind Act over the course of this plan.
Part F. Monitoring Process
Madison CUSD # 12 Technology Stakeholder group will continue to review, analyze, and plan for the effective use of technology in the classrooms of Unit #12. Trends in funding, student population, building construction or expansion, changes in bandwidth needs due to media rich technologies, and the development of new innovative technologies will be tracked. The district will insure that adjustments will be made as needed to this plan to compensate for those and any other factors which might affect the efficiency of the use of technology and telecommunications equipment and services for instruction and learning.
District will need to do an annual evaluation that will allow for midcourse correction in response to new developments and opportunities as they arise.
Part F1: Monitoring Process for Objective 1
Description of Monitoring Process for Objective 1 and StrategiesF.2 Designate the name and role of the person overseeing the objectives.
Objective1 & Strategies / Person (s) ResponsibleOn-going Monitoring Process & Activities / Progress Indicators / Tools / Frequency / Person’s Name / Role in District
Students will engage in scientifically research based instruction that supports improved Reading and Math achievement through utilization of technology based tools and programs. / Completion of activities / Activity monitoring checklist / Quarterly / Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett, Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrators
Use of networked math, reading and test prep software preK-12 / Consistent and equitable software use by students / Teacher lesson plans posted online by grade level
Software usage reports / Quarterly / Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett, Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrators
Linking assessments and data to student achievement / Data analysis reports and curriculum maps indicating assessment alignment with ILS / District data analysis process
Curriculum maps / Quarterly / Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett, Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrators
Teen-moms program / Proficiency tests scores above cut score / Proficiency test / Quarterly / Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrator
Pre-K CD loaner program / Percentage of eligible students using program 50% or more / Check out sheets for loaner CD players / Quarterly / Denise Rhodes / Pre-K Director
Expanded Student access to technology in the classroom / Decreased student to computer ratio in identified classrooms / District technology inventory / Quarterly / Robert Lenhardt / Technology Coordinator
Teachers will develop and implement scientific research-based instructional strategies and appropriate uses of technology to support reading and math achievement. / Completion of activities / Activity monitoring checklist / Semester / Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett, Tracy Ross / Building Level
Training of all staff in available networked programs and other software related to student achievement / Consistent and equitable software utilization by teachers / Teacher lesson plans posted online by grade level / Quarterly / Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett, Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrators
Reading strategy training / Integration of reading strategies throughout content areas / Teacher lesson plans posted online by grade level / Quarterly / Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett, Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrators
Classroom responders training / Increased effective use of classroom responders / Classroom responder logs / Quarterly / Valeska Hill,
Terrien Fennoy,
Timothy Miller / Building Level Administrators
Training on innovative, available technology / Increase in teachers’ technology skills and use in classroom for instruction / Teacher technology proficiency test
Teacher lesson plans posted online by grade level / Quarterly / Valeska Hill, Terrien Fennoy, Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett, Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrators
District will use innovative informational technology and telecommunications services to communicate, collaborate and support parents and community members in order to address learning needs for all students. / Completion of activities / Activity monitoring checklist / Quarterly / Valeska Hill,
Terrien Fennoy,
Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett,
Tracy Ross / Building Level
Use of telecommunication system, e-mail, web site and student management system to communicate student progress, important dates, classroom information, achievement, discipline and various data to parents. / Reports of increased effective communication / System use logs
Communication artifacts / Quarterly / Valeska Hill,
Terrien Fennoy,
Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett,
Tracy Ross / Building Level Administrators
Survey needs of staff, parents, students and community to provide input into course development of the Community Computer Lab in order to better serve the technological needs of the community and to provide technology instruction for the parents, students, and community. / Timely input into the development of lab course curriculum / Parent, community and student NextSteps surveys / Yearly / Valeska Hill,
Terrien Fennoy,
Timothy Miller,
Tamara Sunkett,
Tracy Ross,
Robert Lenhardt / Building Level Administrators
Technology Coordinator
The district will continue its rotation, upgrade, and replacement system and to provide additional equipment as needed to support curriculum. / Completion of activities / Activity monitoring checklist / Yearly / Dr. Sandra Schroeder
Toni Cromer
Robert Lenhardt / District
District Business Manager
Technology Coordinator
Maintain and upgrade hardware, instructional software, and district network, security system. / Meeting of benchmarks in district technology replacement cycle / District technology replacement cycle plan / Monthly / Robert Lenhardt / Technology Coordinator
Monitor the district network to determine the need to implement fiber-optic lines to support forward thinking technology based instructional strategies. / Timely input into the development of a plan of implementation. / Monitoring of bandwidth use prior to and after implementing new web based programs. / Quarterly / Robert Lenhardt / Technology Coordinator
Part A - Description of Stakeholder Involvement: