Information Technology Department
Technology Customer Service - Standard Operation Procedures
Issued:2/11Revision Date: _____
Statement of Intent
To a large extent, the reputation of the department is based on the performance of field technicians. Therefore, technicians must exhibit unquestionable professional conduct - politely and quietly perform your work in a manner that does not disrupt other activities. Do not do anything that would cause a customer to question your conduct.
Work Schedules and Assignments
- Technicians are responsible for following the work schedule assigned to them by the Service Coordinator or designee, in the coordinators absence. This includes keeping the Service Coordinator updated on your work location throughout the work day and notifying the Service Coordinator when moving from one assigned location to another.
- Technicians are not authorized to go tolocations where they are not assigned. Technicians will not go to schools that they were previously assigned (prior years) to perform work.
- When travel is required between scheduled locations, the least time consuming and most cost effective route is to be taken. Personal stops (except for morning and afternoon breaks) are not permitted, except for emergency situations.
- Each technician must have their own personal vehicle for travel to district locations.
- During working hours, district Blackberry’s must be charged and working. For locations where cellular service is not reliable, technicians must check email every 30 minutes.
Customer Care Center
- A Customer Care Center (CCC) technician will be assigned “ownership” and will maintain end-to-end responsibility for every work order submitted. Ownership will ensure proper attention, resources and visibility for each work order.
- The CCC continuously monitors locations of all field technicians. In the event that a work order requires urgent attention, the Service Coordinator or designee will contact the field technician who will then be dispatched to the emergency location.
- When a new work order is submitted from a location where a technician is currently onsite, the Service Coordinator or designee will advise the onsite technician of the new work order. The technician will perform this new work order before leaving that site.
Field Dispatch
- The Service Coordinator or designee is empowered to dispatch field technicians to work locations.
- The Service Coordinator or designee continuously analyzes open work orders during the day based on multiple criteria (criticality, age, geographical proximity, customer impact, etc.) to develop dispatch orders.
- The dispatching of technicians for work orders can be modified at any time by the Service Coordinator or designee.
Work Orders
- Each work order should contain only one customer problem/issue. When a customer reports multiple problems in a work order, the CCC will create one work order for each individual problem.
- Work orders are to be closed or updated immediately after the work is performed. Field technicians are to utilize their district provided netbook or a PC where the work order was closed. Do not wait until the end of day to update/close work orders.
- Use the external comments feature in Parature to keep the customers informed of the status of their work orders.
- Work orders are to be updated at least every 72 hours to reflect the current status, action taken, and planned actions.
- CCC technicians are to select themselves as “owner” for the purpose to ensure ‘end to end’ ownership and visibility.
- When at all possible, confirmation of resolution must be received from the customer before a work order is closed. After reasonable attempts to contact the customer without response, the work order may be closed. Include a comment in the work order that the customer did not respond to quest for confirmation.
- Work orders are not to be put on “On Hold.”
Technology Equipment Movement
- Each time district equipment is transferred between district locations,technicians must have a completed equipment transfer form. The form is to clearly identify the reason for the transfer and signed by an authorized administrator, department manager, or facility manager. The IT department administrative assistant must be provided yellow copy of completed form.
- District equipment may be transported by personnel vehicle to another district location. Equipment is not to be taken home or left in an automobile overnight. At all times, equipment left in an automobile should not be visible.
- Any district property in your possession without a completed equipment transfer form must be returned to the District immediately.
- Technicians should never accept equipment without an equipment transfer form.
Technician Equipment and Tools
- Technicians are not to use personal (non-District issued) external storage devices, wireless devices, or tools. All district data must remain on district-based systems (servers, PCs, etc). When technical reasons require data to be temporally backed up to a district issued external storage device, the storage device is not to be taken from district premises. The purpose of this is to eliminate the possibility of an external storage device, containing district data, being stolen while in a technician’s possession.
- A 320 GB external drive is provided to all Field Technicians by the Information Technology department. Non-district data or images are to be stored on this drive. When re-imaging is necessary, the most current images are to be retrieved from district’s image server.
Onsite Conduct and Professionalism
- When entering and exiting a facility, sign in/out thelog book maintained by the school/site front office personnel. Be sure to record sign in/out times.
- Do not enter a classroom or meeting room when in session, unless the teacher or administrator has specifically given you approval.
- Communicate with students only when needed to carry out your job function. Bring student conduct issues to the attention of the teacher or school administrator. Do not attempt to discipline a student or exercise classroom management of any kind.
- Be respectful of all district personnel. Address personnel by either their title unless they have asked you to use their first name.
- Always be mindful of the information you share and the negative affect it could have on our reputation. Do not propagate rumors/gossip.
- Ensure that equipment is not left in a usable state unless you have notified the customer that you will return to it promptly the next business day.
- All unplanned absences must be reported to the Technology Customer Service (TCS)Coordinator and the Administrative Assistant via email within 30 minutes of normal daily start time.
- Upon return to work an absence report must be completed and submitted to the Administrative Assistant. If absence for three (3) or more days, a written doctor’s excuse is required.
- During the fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th) each employee has three (3) personal business days. Sick time is to be used for sickness only.
- When personal situations require you to leave work during the normal work day, you are to clock out and notify both the TCS Coordinator and the Administrative Assistant.
- Planned absences require that a completed Alternative Work – Leave – Overtime Request form be completed in advance of the absence. The completed form must be given to the Administrative Assistant. The TCS Coordinator will review the request to determine that staffing levels will not be impacted and either approve or disapprove the request.
Clocking In / Out
- Each technician is responsible for clocking in at their start of day and clocking out at departure for the day. If you do not have access to the location’s KRONOS clock or you do not have your ID card in your possession, immediately email the Administrative Assistant with the time and location. This should be the exception, not the rule.
- Technicians are to adhere to their authorized daily work schedule (start time and end time).
- If you have a doctor’s appointment during your work day, you must clock out when leaving and clock in when returning to work.
- Lunch is mandatory in accordance with the Employee Handbook. Technicians are to take their lunch break between 11 am and 3 pm.
- If there is an approved deviation from your normal work schedule (8.5 hours) for a reduced lunch break, you must clock out when you start your lunch break and clock in when you resume your work.
- While not mandatory, technicians may take a morning and afternoon personal break not to exceed 15 minutes.
- No overtime is to be performed unless it is authorized in advance by the Executive Director of IT. Overtime is defined as working greater than 40 hours in a work week.
- When you are authorized to work overtime, a supplemental time sheet must be completed and submitted to the Administrative Assistant.
Alternative Work Schedule
- When a special situation requires that a technician’s work schedule be extended past the normal work day, and it is approval by a coordinator or the Executive Director of IT, the employee will arrange an alternative work schedule. The compensation time must be taken in the same work week of the extended day (Saturday to Friday).
- Under no circumstance is a technician to work over 40 hours during a work week with prior approval.
On Call
- Supplemental time sheets must be submitted to the Administrative Assistant the Monday following after you are on call.
Technology Customer Service
Standard Operation Procedures
I have received a copy of the Technology Customer ServiceStandard Operation Procedures. I understand the information and comply with it.
Employee Printed Name Date
Employee Signature
TCS Standard Operation Procedure 2/22/2011Page 1