District Technology Planning Committee Meeting
March 14, 2012
Attendees: Sarah Dudas, Brenda Longman, Mike Johnson, Gordy Carroll, Rich Fugate, Francine Ekstam, Larry Smith, Barb Haynes, Michael Olson, Robb Wiedrich,
Joyce Dammer, La Shawn Ray
Technology Chair: Sarah Dudas
Welcome new DTPC member Rich Fugate, Workstation Management Unit, Mayo Clinic
I. Reports from each Subcommittee
a. Each Subcommittee brought back to the group what they discussed in their individual meetings, and any additions to the Lease Levy 4 square plan.
i. Journey to the Cloud Subcommittee – Francine Ekstam
Discussed identifying needs, establishing clear and measurable goals, and recommended adding Staff Development as foundation piece to the 4 square plan.
ii. Portable Technology Subcommittee – Barb Haynes
Need more staff development as we are implementing new devices. How do they access them at home? Need to work closely and incorporate the Curriculum and Instruction Department. No longer have Techmaster Program.
iii. Smarter Buildings (Go-green) Subcommittee – Robb Wiedrich
Need to purchase the IBM Software piece. Need to look at additional hardware, expanding intelligent devices. Recommend that district have a staff member dedicated specifically for energy management so that someone is focused on this. This will be completed in phases as it won’t all happen at once, initial scope discussed was 6 buildings.
II. Updates to the 4 Square Plan
a. Committees broke into their individual groups to prioritize:
i. Yellow Must Haves
ii. Blue Hope to Attain
iii. Pink Nice to Have
b. Committees got back together and discussed their priorities with large group.
i. Priorities from each subcommittee overlapped, reinforcing top priorities.
ii. Sarah with TSS supervisors will develop spreadsheet of costs associated with each priority item to create a proposed budget. This will be reviewed with Larry Smith, Executive Director of Finance in April.
Next step….
III. Develop narrative that tells our story
a. Before the DPTC gets together in May, please get with your Subcommittee to discuss your narrative.
b. For background, sample narrative provided of the Board item from the last technology replacement in 2010
c. Narrative needs to include what is needed to fund and implement the 2013-15 District Technology plan approved last year by the Board and MDE.
April – Develop Lease Levy budget based on DTPC priorities and review with Executive Director of Finance
May – Finalize budget and narrative with DTPC and then schedule review with Cabinet
June – present to School Board for approval
Next Meeting
May 9, 2012
4:00pm (TSSC)