Technologický seminář ČR- Dolní Rakousko - Vídeň

Technologieseminar CZ – NÖ - Wien

18. 10.2011, Tschechische Botschaft, Wien

B2B Partner Search

Povrchové technologie/Oberflächentechnologie XLifescience
1. Company Profile
Name and Address of the Company
Name: / EUREX MEDICA, spol. s r.o.
Street: / Vystavni 604/111
Postal Code: / 70300
City: / Ostrava - Vitkovice
Country: / Czech Rep.
Internet: /
E-Mail: /
Contact Person
Title / Dipl. Ing, CSc.
First Name / Karel
Family Name: / Spirko
Position in the Company: / Sales Director
Telephone: / +420-599526510 (secretariat), 532 (direct)
Fax: / +420-596614 507
Personal E-Mail: /
Year established: / 1992
Turnover/year (in €):
less than2 Mio. €X2 - 10 Mio. €
10 - 50 Mio. € more than 50 Mio. €
Number of Employees:
1-9X 10-49
50-249 more than 250

Contact: , tel.: 0043189958167Page 1/3

, tel.: 0043 274285116400

X EnglishX Czech German
Certification, Quality standard:
NoneX ISO9000
Company’s current Products / Services/ Activities:
EUREX MEDICA provides distribution and technical service of a) in vitro diagnostics (IVD), b)technical equipment (automated analyzers, incubators, centrifuges, readers, other equipment related to distributed IVD) and c) medical devices at the area of human and veterinary medicine on the market of Czech and SlovakRepublic and some other countries of CEE.
EUREX MEDICA is focusing on the area of hematology, immunohematology, blood transfusion, blood banking, clinical biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology and genetics and others.
Already engaged in international cooperation?X yesno
2. Description of the cooperation sought
we offer / we request
- Product / X
-Research and Development
-Joint Venture
-Project partnership / X
-Others: Distribution and service co-operation on the market of Austria and Czech & SlovakRepublic, eventually others. / X / X
Full description (Specification of co-operation requested/offered)
EUREX MEDICA is interested a) in further extension and diversification of the products and partners (producers) portfolio and b) in finding distribution partner(s) operating at the area of IVD and medical devices on the market of Austria for distribution co-operation.
Description of the main advantages your company could offer to a potential partner.
EUREX MEDICA can offer:
a) 19 years experience as distributor of IVD and medical devices on the market of CEE,
b) Own facilities, warehouses, logistics, technical service department, sales and administration staff,
c) Very interesting portfolio of clients from the area of hematology, immunohematology, blood transfusion, blood banking, clinical biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology and genetics and others,
d) Interest in extension of portfolio of projects, assortment and partners,
e) Interesting projects and assortment to be distributed on the market of Austria and other markets.
3. Description of the required characteristics of a potential partner
Type of partner /Xcompany
Xothers:a) Producers, b) Distributors
Field of activitiesXproduction
research and development
Xtrade (buying/selling)
Trans-national co-operation experience of the potential partner:
no preferences preferredX required
Expected Input/Characteristics of the Partner
a)Producer of the assortment to be distributed and serviced on the market of CEE.
b)Distributor(s) of IVD to distribute and service the project(s) of EUREX MEDICA on the market of Austria.
Other requirements
Any database and/or recommendations of IVD producers and/or distributors operating in Austriaare welcomed.
Date: Sept. 13, 2011

Contact: , tel.: 0043189958167Page 1/3

, tel.: 0043 274285116400