Technical Endurance Test

This is designed to test your physical endurance while performing technical exercises with the soccer ball. The time standards for this test are based on a field 120 x 75 yds. A passing score is as follows:

Field players 28:00

Goalkeepers 30:00

1.  Roll the ball with sole of foot along endline, dribble with both feet down the touchline. Complete two laps around the field.

2.  40 Crunches

3.  Head juggle to midfield and back. (5 push-ups each time it hits the ground) Goalkeepers will replace head juggling with collapsed dives.

4.  40 jumps over ball side to side

5.  Side to side shuttles to 18 and back 10 times

6.  40 V – Sit ups

7.  Kick ball to midfield and retrieve it 3 times. Max of five attempts but must go at least 50 yards.

8.  20 burpies

9.  Foot and thigh juggle down to other endline and back. (5 push-ups each time it drops)

Goalkeepers will replace foot and thigh juggling with boxing.

10.  30 jumps over the ball forward and back

11.  Dribble ball to 18 and back, midfield and back, other endline and back.

12.  40 sit-ups

13.  60 toe touches

14.  Chip ball in air over 18 and retrieve it 3 times. If ball does not make it you must do it again until you get 3.

15.  Sprint to other end and back twice.(4 x 120 yds)

10X120 Endurance Test

This is designed to test your physical endurance and capacity to recover quickly. The test will run for 10 continuous minutes. Players will start on one end line and will have 20 – 21 seconds to reach the other end line. Players will then have 39 – 40 seconds to return to the start before the next repetition begins. Failure to reach an end line in the given time will result in a failed test.

300 Yard Shuttle Test

This is a fitness test designed to test your physical endurance and ability to recover quickly.

Cones will be spread out along a line 25 yards from the end line. Players will start on the end line and will run to the cones and back to the end line 6 times to make 300 yards. Players will have 66 seconds to complete the first test. A 2 minute recovery is given between test 1 and 2. After the 2 minute recovery, players will perform the test a second time and will have 70 seconds to complete the 300 yards.

Beep Test

This test involves continuous running between two lines 20m apart in time to recorded beeps. For this reason the test if also often called the 'beep' or 'bleep' test. The test subjects stand behind one of the lines facing the second line, and begin running when instructed by the cd or tape. The speed at the start is quite slow. The subject continues running between the two lines, turning when signaled by the recorded beeps. After about one minute, a sound indicates an increase in speed, and the beeps will be closer together. This continues each minute (level). If the line is not reached in time for each beep, the subject must run to the line turn and try to catch up with the pace within 2 more ‘beeps’. Also, if the line is reached before the beep sounds, the subject must wait until the beep sounds. The test is stopped if the subject fails to reach the line for two consecutive ends.