C216 – Specific Checklist: FCC Technical Assessment Evaluation / Document Revised:
March 6, 2018
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Instruction to the Laboratory: This checklist must be completed by the assessor(s) during the on-site assessment and signed by the authorized representative of the laboratory (see page 13 of this checklist for signature line) authorizing A2LA to release a copy of the completed checklist to the FCC. Completion of this checklist is required by the FCC to determine the technical competence of the specific tests required by the FCC, and to meet the APEC TEL MRA obligations.
Instructions to the Assessor: This checklist addresses specific criteria relating to accreditation of a laboratory to determine the capability and competence of that laboratory to perform tests to show compliance of equipment subject to the FCC Regulations. It is intended for use during the assessment phase of the accreditation process to evaluate the capability of the prospective laboratory facility and to determine the competency of the laboratory personnel for performing the required measurements. Please review all items you observed and verified at the laboratory during the assessment and ensure these findings match those completed by the laboratory. If not, please make the appropriate corrections by circling the letter "Y", representing "yes" to show conformance with the criteria, or by circling the letter "N", representing "No", to show a deficiency. If the item is “Not Applicable”, circle “N/A”. Record an explanation for any comment and a reference to eachdeficiency on the comment sheet provided on page 12 of this checklist. All deficiencies must be identified and explained in the assessor deficiency report.
Assessor Attestation: I hereby attest that at the time of assessment, the laboratory’s technical capabilities met the aforementioned requirements subject to effective corrective action for any deficiencies noted in the A2LA Assessor Deficiency Report.
Master Code: / Assessment ID:Assessor: / Assessor Signature & Date:
I.SCOPEOFASSESSMENT(ThelaboratoryshallpossessordemonstrateaccesstoappropriateFCC Rules,standards,andmeasurementmethods,consistentwiththeirscopeofaccreditation.Hasthetest laboratorybeenassessedandfoundtobecapableandcompetenttoperformtestingtothestandardslisted below?)
Y / N / N/A / 1. ANSIC63.4-2014,AmericanNational StandardforMethodsofMeasurementofRadio-NoiseEmissions fromLow-VoltageElectricalandElectronic EquipmentintheRangeof9kHzto40GHz.
Y / N / N/A / 2. ANSIC63.10-2013,AmericanNationalStandardforTestingUnlicensedWirelessDevices.
Y / N / N/A / 3. IsthetestinglaboratoryfamiliarwithKDB Publications789033and905462,andcapableoftestingdevicessubjecttoallUnlicensedNationalInformationInfrastructurerequirements?
Y / N / N/A / 4. ANSIC63.17-2013,AmericanNationalStandardMethodsofMeasurementoftheElectromagnetic andOperationalCompatibilityofUnlicensed PersonalCommunicationsServices(UPCS) Devices.
Y / N / N/A / 5. ANSIC63.19-2007,AmericanNationalStandardforMethodsofMeasurementofCompatibility BetweenWirelessCommunicationDevicesand HearingAids.
Y / N / N/A / 6. ANSIC63.19-2011,AmericanNationalStandard forMethodsofMeasurementofCompatibility BetweenWirelessCommunicationDevicesand HearingAids.
Y / N / N/A / 7.IsthetestinglaboratoryfamiliarwithKDBPublication285076andcapableoftestingdevices subjecttoHearingAidCompatibility(HAC) requirementsformobilehandsets?
Y / N / N/A / 8.ANSI/TIA-603-D-2010,LandMobileFMorPMCommunicationsEquipment Measurementand PerformanceStandards.
Y / N / N/A / 9.ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016,LandMobileFM or PM CommunicationsEquipment Measurementand PerformanceStandards.
Y / N / N/A / 10. TIA-102.CAAA-D, Digital C4FM/CQPSK Transceiver Measurement Methods, 2013
Y / N / N/A / 11. TIA-102.CAAA-D, Digital C4FM/CQPSK Transceiver Measurement Methods, 2016
Y / N / N/A / 12. ANSI C63.26-2015 American National Standard for Compliance Testing of Transmitters Used in Licensed Radio Services
Y / N / N/A / 13.IsthetestinglaboratoryfamiliarwithKDBPublication971168andcapableoftestingwidebanddevicesoperatinginCommercial Mobile(Radio)Services?
Y / N / N/A / 14.RF exposure KDB publications, inConjunction withthe fundamental SARconcepts in IEEE Std 1528-2013, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques. KDB publication requirements take precedence over any variations in IEEE Std 1528-2013.
Y / N / N/A / 15.IsthetestinglaboratoryfamiliarwithKDB Publications447498and865664andcapableoftestingdevicessubjecttogeneralRFexposure guidanceandSAR measurementguidance, respectively?
Y / N / N/A / 16.FCCMP-5-1986:Methodsofmeasurementof radionoiseemissionsfromIndustrial,Scientific andMedical(ISM)equipment.
Y / N / N/A / 17.Doesthetestinglaboratorypossessorcan demonstrateaccesstoall FCCRulesand Regulations(47CFR)andstandardsforthescope oftheassessment?
Y / N / N/A / 18.Arethemeasurementantennasproperlycalibrated inaccordancewithANSIC63.5-2006?
Y / N / N/A / 19.Arethemeasurementantennasproperlycalibrated inaccordancewithANSIC63.5-2017?
Y / N / N/A / 20.Isanymeasurementsoftwareusedby thetesting laboratorydocumentedinthetestreport?
Y / N / N/A / 21.ForeachtypeandsizeofEUTtobe measured,does eachradiatedemissiontestfacilitycomplywiththe conditionsandrequirementsoftheappropriatetest procedure?
Y / N / N/A / 22.AreLISN(s),filters,andisolationtransformers,if used,properlyinstalled?IstheLISNbondedtothe groundreferenceplane?
Y / N / N/A / 23.Doestheradiatedemissiontestsite(s)meetthesite validationrequirementsof5.4ofANSIC63.4-2014 forthefrequencyrangeof30MHzto1GHz?
Y / N / N/A / 24.Doestheradiatedemissiontestsite(s)meetthesite validationrequirementsof5.5ofANSIC63.4-2014 forthefrequencyrangeof1GHz to 40GHz?
Y / N / N/A / 25.Doestheradiatedemissiontestsite(s)meetthesite validationrequirementsofCISPR16-1-4:2010-04 forthefrequencyrangeof1GHz to 40GHz?
Y / N / N/A / 26.Wasthetestsitevalidationforperformingradiated emissionsmeasurementscompletedinthelastthree years?
Y / N / N/A / 27.DoestheEMIreceiverorspectrumanalyzercover therequiredfrequencyrangeperthescopeof accreditationforthemeasurementstobeperformed by thetestinglaboratory?(47CFR§ 15.33)
Y / N / N/A / 28.Doesthetestlaboratoryhaveanuptodate descriptionofmeasurementfacilitiesasrequiredby47CFR§ 2.948?
Y / N / N/A / 29. Is the testing laboratory familiar with KDB Publication 935210 and capable of testing devices subject to signal booster requirements?
Y / N / N/A / 30.AretheACpower-lineconductedemissiontests performedinaccordancewiththeapplicableparts ofANSIC63.4-2014and47CFR§§ 15.31-15.35 and15.107?
Y / N / N/A / 31.AretheguidelinesinANSIC63.4-2014andFCCMP-5 followedforlargeEUTs,includingin-situ measurements,ifappropriate?
Y / N / N/A / 32.Istheconductedemissiontestsetupinaccordance withANSIC63.4-2014withtherequiredseparation betweentheEUTandanyconductingsurfaces maintained?
Y / N / N/A / 33.IstheEUTconnectedtooneLISNandallthe peripheralsconnectedtooneor moreLISNsora powerstriptooneLISN;i.e.,perANSIC63.4-2014?
Y / N / N/A / 34.ForeachtypeofEUT,aremeasurementsmadeover thecorrectfrequencyrangesandthecorrect detectors andbandwidthasrequiredby 47CFR§§ 15.33,15.35,and18.309?
Y / N / N/A / 35.Aretheradiatedemissiontestsperformedin accordancewiththeproperstandard?
Y / N / N/A / 36.Wereradiatedemissiontestsobserved,andisthe radiatedemissiontestsetupinaccordancewith properstandard?
Y / N / N/A / 37.Areunintentionalradiators,otherthanITE,tested inaccordancewiththerequirementsin47CFR§15.31andtheproceduresintheappropriate standard?
Y / N / N/A / 38.Areintentionalradiatorstestedinaccordancewith therequirementsin47CFR§15.31andthe proceduresintheappropriatestandard?
Y / N / N/A / 39.Doestheradiatedemissionmeasurementrepresent themaximizedcableconfigurationandworstcase modeofEUToperation?
Y / N / N/A / 40.ForeachtypeofEUT,arethecorrectfrequency rangesinvestigatedandthecorrectmeasurement detectorsandbandwidthusedper47CFR§§15.33 and15.35?
Y / N / N/A / 41.IfthelaboratoryhasaTEMwaveguide,arethe requirementsfollowedinmakingradiatedemission measurementsusingTEMwaveguides?(ANSIC63.4-2014,KDBPublication414788)
III.TESTREPORTS(Assessorshouldrequesttoreviewseveral sampletestreportsforvarioustypesofproducts.)
Y / N / N/A / 42.Haveseveralsampletestreportsforvarioustypes ofproductsbeenreviewedforaccuracy?
Y / N / N/A / 43.Doeseachofthetestreportscontainalltherequired information,anddoesthelaboratoryfollowthe reportdispositionprocedure?
Y / N / N/A / 44.Doesthetestreportreferencethestandardusedand specifyanydeviations?
Y / N / N/A / 45.IstherationaleforselectingandarrangingtheEUT clearlystated,andarethecomponentsoftheEUT systemclearlyidentified?
Y / N / N/A / 46.Doesthetestreportincludephotographsordetailed sketchesoftheEUTconfiguration?
Y / N / N/A / 47.Doesthe measurementreportincludeasample calculationwithallconversionandcorrection factorsused?
Y / N / N/A / 48.Doesthetestinglaboratoryuseexternal resources/subcontractorstoperformtesting,andif sodotheyhaveproceduresinplacetoensurethat theexternalresourcesareproperlyaccreditedand FCCrecognized?
Y / N / N/A / 49.Ifexternalresources/subcontractorsareusedto performtesting,dothetestreportsclearlyidentify theworkperformedby theexternal resources/subcontractorsandtheresultsofthe testing?
IV.PERSONNELCOMPETENCY(Thefollowingisalistofgeneralorlead-inquestions,whichare intendedtobeusedasaguidetoassesscompetencyoflaboratorypersonnel.Additionalspecific questionsshouldbeusedtodeterminethetechnicalcompetencyofthepersonnelperformingthe measurement.)
Y / N / N/A / 50.ArelaboratorypersonnelabletofindrecentFCC RulesandappropriateKDBguidance?
Y / N / N/A / 51.Haseachlaboratorypersonnelresponsiblefor testingbeenabletodemonstrateperformingameasurementofanapplicabledevice?
Y / N / N/A / 52.Dothetestpersonnelknowhowtodetermineifan emissionisfromtheEUTorisanambientsignal? Dothetestpersonnelknowhowtohandlean emissionthatiscloseto,orcoincidentwith,an ambientsignal?
Y / N / N/A / 53.CanthetestpersonnelexplaintheFCCrequirementsfortestingaproductinaccordancewiththe requirementsin15.31to15.35?Arethe testpersonnelknowledgeableoftheFCCtesting conditionsfordifferenttypesofproducts?
Y / N / N/A / 54.Arrangeforoneofthelaboratorypersonnel,ateach typeofsite,to replicateatleastthreefrequencypoints onthehorizontalsiteattenuation,andatleastthree frequencypointsontheverticalsiteattenuation.Is thetestperformedcorrectly,andisthesite attenuationdataatthesefrequenciesconsistentwith thepreviouslyrecordeddata?
havebothlowandhighdeviationsfromthe NSA.
Y / N / N/A / 55.ForequipmentrequiringRFexposureevaluation (SARandMPE),arethetestpersonnel knowledgeableofthetestreduction,testexclusion, andmeasurement,orifapplicable,numerical simulationproceduresandrequirementsinKDB Publications?
Y / N / N/A / 56.FormeasurementsofequipmentrequiringHearing AidCompatibility(HAC)testing,arethetest personnelknowledgeableofthetestsetupand procedures?
For Assessors during on-site assessment: Site Attenuation
NOTE: When the procedures in ANSI C63.4-2014 or ANSI C63.10-2013 are used for radiated emission measurements, the test site used shall meet the following site validation requirements:
- As of the effective date of the rules (July 13, 2016), test facilities used to make radiated emission measurements from 30 MHz to 1 GHz are required to meet the site validation requirements in ANSI C63.4-2014.
- For radiated emissions in 1 GHz to 40 GHz, a test facility can use either of the two site validation options in 5.5 of ANSI C63.4-2014. After the transition date of July 13, 2018, each test facility is required to comply with the site validation requirements in CISPR 16-1-4:2010-4.
NSA measurement performed at the following location:
Site Type:
Transmit antenna height:
Test distance:
Frequency (MHz) / Old Value (dB) / New Value (dB) / Polarization / PositionVertical
Transmit antenna height:
Test distance:
Frequency (MHz) / Old Value (dB) / New Value (dB) / Polarization / PositionHorizontal
Pursuant to Section 8 of the FCC’s “Accredited Testing Laboratory Program Roles and Responsibilities” document: “Validation of the (NSA) acceptability criterion shall be confirmed no less than once every three years”. Please provide the dates of the laboratory’s two (2) most recent full NSA validations:
1.) ______2.) ______
Instructions to the Assessor: Use this sheet to document deficiencies and comments. For each, identify the appropriate item number from the checklist. If additional space is needed make copies of this page (or use additional blank sheets).
Item No. / CommentsThe FCC has developed the questions contained in this checklist to be used by the Accreditation Body (AB) to assist in the assessment of EMC testing laboratories.The FCC also requires A2LA to provide them with a copy of the completed checklist revealing the technical competence of the laboratory for the specific tests required by the FCC, and to meet APEC TEL MRA obligations. Please be advised that all information provided to the FCC will be made publicly available, as directed by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), unless a confidentiality request is submitted to the FCC with the recognition request pursuant to 47 CFR 0.457 and 0.459. Please note that failure to authorize A2LA to submit this document to the FCC may result in the FCC not recognizing your laboratory as an “Accredited” testing laboratory.
I hereby grant permission for A2LA to release a copy of this completed C216 checklist to the FCC.
Laboratory Authorized Representative Signature: ______
Document Revision History
Date / Description03/06/2018 / Removed “contained in 47 CFR Parts 2, 15, and 18” from Instructions to Assessor
Removed Questions 1, 2, and 4
Added Questions 9, 10, 11, 12, 19
Updated References to “ANSI C63.4” with “ANSI C63.4-2014”
Updated KDB Reference in Question 41 from 823311
2018 by A2LA
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of A2LA.
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