MARCH 16, 2011
10:30 a.m.Convene in Regular Session
Matters Initiated by the General Public
USE PERMITAMENDMENT #2008-006, Allen Family Trust (Invenergy Wind Development LLC), to allow the continued operation, for an additional three years, of a temporary 196.85’ meteorological tower. The project site is zoned U-C-2 (Upland Conservation/Resource Management District). Placement of said tower was allowed for up to three years by Board of Supervisors’ Resolution No. 08-023, adopted on May 13, 2008. The project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15306 of the Guidelines and is located on the north side of Horse Lake Mountain, approximately 3.3 miles southwest of Horse Lake, 4 miles northeast of the intersection of Highway 139 and Horse Lake Road and approximately 20 miles north of Susanville. A.P.N.: 079-070-06. Staff Contact: Gaylon Norwood, Senior Planner.
PARCEL MAP #2011-008, Shirley Nagel Lee, to divide a 170 acre parcel into one “homesite” parcel of 40 acres with a remainder of 130 acres, pursuant to County Code Section 18.108.250 “Segregation of Homesites in Agricultural Zones.” The subject parcel is zoned E-A (Exclusive Agricultural District). The project is exempt form CEQApursuant to Section 15300.4 of the Guidelines. The parcel is located at 703-570 Wingfield Road (Co. Rd. 205), 2.5 miles west of the intersection of Wingfield Road and Bass Hill Road, 3 miles west of the intersection of Bass Hill Road and Highway 395. Described as Resultant Parcel B as shown in LLA #2010-071 recorded at Instrument Number 2011-00320. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE #2010-078, Gary M. Gere and Martha A. Mejia.The Lassen County Surveyor has determined that the subject parcel is eligible for a Conditional Certificate of Compliance. Therefore, the Technical Advisory Committee is being asked to determine the conditions required for a Conditional Certificate of Compliance for the subject property. The current parcel was first described and transferred by Joint Tenancy Grant Deed, recorded at Volume 424, Page 594 on September 21, 1983. The current owners acquired title to the property on July 26, 2006, by deed recorded at Document #2006-06665. Lassen County Ordinance 475 defined requirements for subdivisions at the time the current owners acquired title to the subject property. The project site is located approximately in the NW ¼ and NE ¼ of Section 30, Township 29 North, Range 10 East. The parcel is located 6.25 miles northeast of Westwood. A.P.N.: 115-120-07. Staff Contact: Thomas Maioli, Associate Planner.
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TAC Agenda 03/16/11