When Faith Lives On: 8– 14 January

This week we are celebrating and thanking Godfor the lives of those who have left a life-giving giftin their will to Tearfund. Father, we are deeplygrateful and praise you for the individual andcommunity transformations that have beenenabled by such generosity.

Sunday 8 January

Described by one of his grandchildren as a trueexample of this call to servant-hearted evangelism,Dennis Pierce was from his youth committed tosharing the gospel of Christ Jesus. Thank Godtoday for believers like Dennis Pierce who makeknown to others the eternal message of hope ofthe Gospel.

Monday 9 January

A young midwife in the 1940s, Kathleen Allen's'radiant Christian faith was demonstrated in hercompassion for those in need. During harshwinters (and using her nurse's wage) she wouldbuy and take bags of coal to families in need,ensuring they stayed warm.' Pray that Christ'scompassion would fill your heart today.

Tuesday 10 January

'Audrey Kerry was a loving mother, grandmother,Sunday school teacher and babysitter,' daughterLinda remembers. 'She supported Tearfund formany years and we are very pleased to know thather legacy gift will help Tearfund transform thelives of families most in need.' Thank God forpeople like Audrey who showed steadfast careand generosity.

Wednesday 11 January

'Jack Gamble's trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lordwas the foundation of all he was and did,'remembers Jack's good friend, Edmund. Enduringgreat difficulty in his last years as he coped withmultiple myeloma, Jack was 'patient during thetreatment - he never complained.' Ask that theLord would draw near to those facing long-termsickness.

Thursday 12 January

'Serving for many years in the merchant navy,Peter Whittington introduced many people to theimportance of external power anchored by theHoly Spirit and was firm in his belief that we needto anchor ourselves in the Saviour's love,' says hisfriend, Brian. Pray that you may grasp how wideand long and high and deep is the love of Christ.

Friday 13 January

John fondly remembers his mum Eunice Jones,who was 103 years old when the Lord called herhome. 'She was a long-term supporter of Tearfundboth in prayer and giving.' Thank God for peoplelike Eunice whose lifetime support of prayer andgiving continues through their legacy.

Saturday 14 January

Lord, we praise and thank you for all of the liveshighlighted this week and for many others whohave left life-giving legacies to Tearfund. Thankyou for their inspirational stories. We ask that youwould pour out your love over their families andfriends and bless the work being done as a resultof their generous gifts.If you would like to know more about including agift to Tearfund in your will visit:, contact: or call Kirsty or Asha on:+44 (0) 208 943 7729.

Instability in Niger: 15 – 21 January

Tearfund has been working in Niger for more thantwo decades. Our partner Jeunesse En MissionEntraide et Developpement (JEMED) operates inthe Abalak region helping Tuareg pastoralists toaccess clean water supplies and improve theirfarming, through literacy training and primaryeducation. Fellow partner Union of EvangelicalProtestant Churches Niger (UEEPN) works in theDosso region, helping to end hunger by teachingpeople about market gardening, setting up grainbanks and tackling soil erosion.

Sunday 15 January

The Church and Community Mobilisation Process(CCMP) in Agadez, Niger has seen tremendoustransformation in the community and in the lives ofindividuals. The desire among church leaders andcongregations to participate in CCMP hasincreased as they see the transformation happenin neighbouring communities. Pray that the trainedfacilitators will work effectively with churches andcommunities.

Monday 16 January

Niger has faced huge challenges in recent years,particularly Boko Haram insurgents fromnorth-east Nigeria who attack the south of Niger -leaving thousands of families internally displaced.Pray that God will comfort families affected bythese attacks and for God's protection and securityin the future.

Tuesday 17 January

Niger's President Mahamadou Issoufou won asecond term with 92.5 per cent of the vote in arun-off election in March this year that theopposition coalition chose to boycott. Pray for astable government to emerge that will serve all ofthe people of Niger.

Wednesday 18 January

'May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us;establish the work of our hands for us - yes,establish the work of our hands.' Psalm 90:17Pray for Tearfund staff in Niger, that God's favourwould be with them and their work as they makefuture plans for the vital work of Tearfund in Niger.

Thursday 19 January

Remember Tearfund's partners JEMED andUEEPN working and supporting communities inprayer, as they bring hope to the most vulnerablein a difficult, insecure environment. Pray that theywill be protected and sustained by God's love, andsee the fruit of their work through the lastingimpact on individuals and communities.

Friday 20 January

Pray for the six Tearfund staff that work and live inNiger, supporting the local Christian partners. Askfor good health, that they would work well as ateam, and for protection, courage and wisdom asthey work with partners to address the multipleneeds of communities in Niger.

Saturday 21 January

Lord, you have been our dwelling-place throughoutall generations. Before the mountains were born oryou brought forth the whole world, from everlastingto everlasting you are God. Psalm 90:1-2

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are ourdwelling place, even when your people live inplaces of conflict and uncertainty like Niger. Helpthe Tearfund staff and partners in Niger to catchyour eternal perspective, and may that comfortthem when they face difficult times. Amen.

Powerful tongues: 22 – 28 January

Join with us as we pray for Tearfund speakers,both staff members and our team of 150 faithfulvolunteers. Tearfund speakers visit churches andlocal communities to share stories of our work andtalk about God's heart for people living in poverty.Keep them in your prayers as they speak life andhope to local churches, and share insights intosome of the world's most desperate situations.

Sunday 22 January

Our speakers are skilled communicators whoengage the interest of an audience, leaving theminformed and inspired. They are accredited andspeak to services of 40 people or more, equippingcongregations to respond through prayer, givingand action. Give thanks for them as they volunteertheir time to speak at Sunday services throughoutthe UK.

Monday 23 January

Pray that people will be moved after hearing fromour speakers. Pray that the presentation, films andphotos will be impactful, insightful, and stir agenerous response in the hearts of many. AskGod for people to respond with open hearts andbe encouraged to support our work.

Tuesday 24 January

Pray for future engagements—particularly throughthe forthcoming busy Spring period—and that wewill see great fruit. Pray especially for newsupporters to partner with Tearfund, to giveregularly so that they can have the joy of hearinghow their support is making a positive,life-changing impact.

Wednesday 25 January

'I know that the Lord secures justice for the poorand upholds the cause of the needy.' Psalm 140:12

Pray for our beneficiaries whose stories ourspeakers have the great privilege of sharing. Givethanks for stories of hope that tell of God'severlasting love and goodness. Praise God that inspite of great need, there is always great hope.

Thursday 26 January

Pray for strength and guidance for our speakers asthey seek to communicate God's love for those inneed. Ask God to inspire and equip them with theright words as they spend many hours preparingBible-based talks and deciding which resources touse to illustrate Tearfund's work.

Friday 27 January

Lift up our staff teams as they support speakers byarranging engagements, developing resources,training, logistics, travel and more. Help them workwith stamina, sensitivity and inspiration. Pray fornew speakers to join the team, and for parts of theUK where Tearfund is short of speakers.

Saturday 28 January

'Speak up for those who cannot speak forthemselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of thepoor and needy.' Proverbs 31:8-9Dear Lord, we lift up our Tearfund speakers asthey serve you and go out into the world to sharestories of your love and grace. May they beencouraged to continue to do your will—we prayfor strength, passion and renewed vision. In Jesus'name, Amen.If you would like to know more about inviting aTearfund speaker to your church or becoming aspeaker visit: contact:r call: +44 (0)20 8943 7972.

Development despite danger: 29 January – 4 February

Afghanistan is a land of contrasts: fragile yetresilient, beautiful but rugged, and home to apeople who are poor yet generous beyondmeasure. Marred by years of instability,Afghanistan remains one of the poorest nations inthe world.

Sunday 29 January

Limited arable land and severe weather conditionsgreatly challenge crop productivity in Afghanistan.Asmat's community had struggled to grow enoughto eat, but after Tearfund partner InternationalAssistance Mission (IAM) taught him how to boostagricultural productivity, he hopes to grow lentilsand peas this year. Pray that the forthcomingsowing season will reap a plentiful harvest.

Monday 30 January

Some 72 per cent of Afghanistan's population donot have access to toilets. Tearfund partners workwith remote communities to improve access toclean water, and offer hygiene training. TearfundCountry Representative Bruce Clark says,'Installing a piped water supply saved villagerswalking 34 miles to the nearest spring.' Pray thatprogress like this will continue to improve quality oflife in rural Afghanistan.

Tuesday 31 January

Living in the mountains, Taza struggled to surviveuntil he received a goat through Tearfund partnerServe's animal husbandry programme. When hisgoat produced offspring, he was able to give theseto another poor family in his community. PraiseGod for this testimony and ask that more familieswould be blessed through the generosity of peoplelike Taza.

Wednesday 1 February

Violent incidents are a frequent occurrence inAfghanistan, a bitter aftertaste from years ofconflict. The United Nations Assistance inAfghanistan reports 1,601 civilian deaths in thefirst six months of 2016. Tragically, children makeup a third of these deaths. Anti-governmentsforces are largely responsible for these lost lives.Pray for lasting peace in Afghanistan.

Thursday 2 February

Afghanistan's maternal mortality rate is one of thehighest in the world. IAM is tackling this throughhosting maternal and child-health courses withilliterate people in rural communities. Pray that,through these courses, fewer and fewer womenwill experience life-threatening pregnancies.

Friday 3 February

In a tense socio-economic climate, working inAfghanistan presents huge security challenges forTearfund's partners. Pray for the safety andwell-being of our staff, and give thanks for thededicated and courageous people serving inAfghanistan.

Saturday 4 February

'May the Lord of peace himself give you peace atall times, and in every way.' 2 Thessalonians 3:16

'The people of Afghanistan are very warm andhospitable. It's humbling what people will give toyou when they have so little themselves,' saysBruce Clark. Give thanks to God for the people ofAfghanistan, and pray that the country would bepeaceful this year. Amen.Some names have been changed this week toprotect people's identities.

Tearfund Prayer Diary January 2017 –