Meeting: / Special Education Advisory Meeting / Key Roles:Date: / January 8, 2015
StartTime: / 6:00 PM / End Time: / 8:00 PM / Facilitator: / Vickie Cleveland
Location: / Atlanta Public Schools- CLL Building / Process Monitor:
Participants: / Vicki Cleveland, Tammie Workman, Monica Blasingame, Michelle Constantinides, Sharron Paige, Troy Keller, Jodi Lovett, Cassandra Holifield, Lisa Hill, Tameka Gilliam, Troy Keller, Jodi Lovett, Cassandra Holifield, Dwight Hutson, Susan Moody, Don Doran / Timekeeper:
Meeting Purpose: / Monthlymeeting / Notes/Recorder: / Monica Blasingame
Time / Topic / Purpose / DiscussionLeader / Notes
6: 05 / Welcome / Vickie Cleveland
6:08 / District/ Department Updates / Tammie Workman /
- Minutes from the December 8th meeting were read and accepted.
- The district is working on getting approval on several initiatives. Great work is being done on behalf of the Discipline/Budget committees which should greatly impact student supports. All of the initiative target student achievement and positive behavior supports.
- Special Ed Audit are almost complete. Of the 29 original recommendations from the GADOE, we have completed the satisfied all action items that the district committing to completing.
- Ms. Cleveland has been asked to go to DC to meet with the Counsel of Great City Schools and the Assistant Secretary (legislation) to talk about big issues in SPED. Kudos to Ms. Cleveland and the Department of Special Education.
- In the near future, the committees will begin to work in smaller collaborative groups that will involve tasks of problems of practice and allow for an opportunity for groups to work through those problems.
6:12 / Unfinished Business and General Orders / Tammie Workman /
- No Updates
6:14 / Approval of Advisory Bylaws / Tammy Workman /
- Ms. Workman called the committee to review recommended revisions to the Bylaws that were made at the December 8, 2014 meeting.
- Vote was held for adopting Bylaws. All were in favor. No one opposed. Bylaws were approved.
6:15 / New Business / Introduction of Presenters / Vickie Cleveland
6:16 / Assistive Technology Presentation / Tosha Mobley /
- 2 years ago there were 2 AT specialist. Now there are 5 AT specialist.
- The goal is for students to use AT to promote self-efficacy.
- AT is designed to provide access to the Curriculum for SWDs. The “look fors “are gaps in achievement and how AT may be implemented to close the gap.
- Referrals may come from the teacher/ team – the referral process was discussed. Referrals are filled as they come. Referral assignments may be filled based on area of specialty or based on the person that may be able to provide support the quickest. There are no regional assignments. Referrals are assigned within 7 days
- Evaluations and Consultations are completed and reports are provided to the SELT
- Ms. Mobley shared some of the many devices that support SWDs. Some of those that she highlighted were:
- Pencil grip
- Timer (various types)
- Digital writers (word processing/ keyboarding skills)
- Center button communication augmentative device
- Ms. Mobley discussed AT Initiatives which include
- Symphony Math- covers a host of math skills (online based/ interactive digital software applications) monitored skill levels. Has a function that automatically alerts the teacher when the student is not successful. This is triggered after student is unsuccessful after several attempts. The question was posed how schools may access. It was noted that these programs are currently being piloted so they may not be available to everyone. A teacher/ member shared personal experience in working with Symphony Math in her class and shared the successes that the students have had. The question was posed regarding the selection process for the pilot programs. The response was data drives the selection. A number of variables are 5considered when selecting pilots.
- Teachtown Application- social skills curriculum and applied behavior. The pilot has been rolled out in the AU units.
- Lexia Reading CORE5- addresses the five areas of reading
- Parent asked if these AT tools discussed were to replace the assessments that gen ed participation or is the supplemental. These interventions discussed are aligned with common core.
- Unique Learning- an adaptive curriculum that has been implemented in the regional classes. It includes pacing… teachers the core… track progress online… national common core aligned curriculum
- Ms. Mobley shared additional resources GPAT and PBS
6:45 / GNETS / Cassandra Holifield/ Jodie Lovett /
- 24 programs in the state of Georgia
- Continuum of services for IEP
- May be able to offer placement or may be able to give suggestions for implementation in current placement
- Explained process (data documented, interventions documented, come out to team meeting, observations)
- GNETs is the most restrictive environment in the school setting
- For students that have been supported in the North Metro….When students meet exit criteria, there are supports in place when they return to the school environment
- Ms. Cleveland stated that results from an audit of North and South Metro contributed to the decision to close one unit and provide additional support in the Outpost setting.
- The team discussed characteristics of students that would meet criteria for services at North Metro
- The team discussed packet criteria required to make academic and behavior programming decisions.
- Question was posed regarding how supportive are the parents. It was stated that response doesn’t differ much from the gen ed. However, Ms. Lovett stated that they have really good feedback partly due to the school social workers working hard to include the family/ parent….etc.
- Question posed about transitions out… but what are preventative measures to place someone in. If not enough data they come out to provide training at school level. It was noted that the training is usually done through district level CPI training... etc. Interim supports were discussed such as behavior supports from the BIS prior to getting to GNETs
- Request for actions usually include recommendations outlining areas of
- It was stated that Conduct disorders/ Maladjusted students do not generally respond to therapeutic supports and interventions
- Welcomed visitors over to their facility
- .GNETs will be training at SELT meeting and Principals meeting
7:37 / Closing / Vickie Cleveland /
- February Meeting will include:
- Special Education Audit Presentation
- Transition Services,
- Autism Presentation
7:39 / Meeting Adjourned
ActionItems: / PersonResponsible / DateDue
Previous ActionItems (Review for accountability) / PersonResponsible / DateDue
Bylaw Revisions (task has been completed) / Team / January 12, 2015