** Sample **

/ Storm ______
Surrey Storm ‘Rep’ Fastpitch Association

Team Support and Goals for Storm ______

Teamwork for ______is not limited to the events on the field. All successful teams have a strong infrastructure behind them, coordinating events, dealing with logistics and general administrative controls. Over the coming season, everyone’s participation with the team responsibilities and player support is required.

Team Coaches:

Your coaches this season are ______. We may be looking for additional assistance for practices and pre-game drills etc. once we get out on the field in the spring. If you are interested in assisting us, please let us know.

Team Manager:

We are looking for a Team Manager…. (Or) ______has stepped up to be Team Manager, responsible for team emails and communications (reminders, team votes etc.) and the coordination of team projects (such as the purchase of team wear, arranging team party(ies) and other similar duties as required. In addition, the manager will be the second signature on the bank account and will work closely with the Treasurer and coaches, consulting about team purchases and payments. Team Manager must be familiar with and act in accordance with the Team Manager Responsibilities document on the Storm website.


We are looking for a Team Treasurer…. (Or) ______has stepped up to be Team Treasurer. The treasurer’s role will include managing the team budget for the upcoming season, which is expected to be $______. The treasurer will be responsible for coordinating the finances which will include establishing a bank account. The treasurer will work closely with the manager, consulting about team purchases, administering tournament fees and the payment of bills. The treasurer will provide regular financial reports to the coaches and complete a year-end financial report to be submitted to the Storm association at the end of the season.

Fundraising and Sponsorship Coordinator:

This is a very important position. The fundraising and sponsorship coordinator will oversee the planning of all fundraising events and the collection of sponsorships, in consultation with the coaches and the team manager. Sponsorships are an integral part of the team fundraising and our success in this area will dictate how much fundraising will have to come from other team activities. Once determined, the coordinator will then oversee the fundraising activities.

This person is NOT the only one expected to come up with ideas and may have a limited role in any given event if someone else wants to administer a fundraising activity. Rather, the fundraising coordinator will look to establish committees for the different events, each of which will administer the individual event. The coordinator will oversee the timing and planning of these events to ensure we are not doing too many things at one time, or not doing enough things to sustain the team’s financial needs.

This position is vacant, and we are looking for a volunteer. This could be 2 people working jointly. …. (Or) ______has stepped up to be our Fundraising Coordinator.

Field Preparation:

Field preparation will fall to the parents of the ‘home team’ throughout our league play. As such, we will be assigning field prep duties to parents whenever we are the home team in a league game.

A schedule for the set-up and take down of the fields will be distributed at the start of the season. There will be two parents scheduled for each game, on a rotational basis. If you are unable to meet your obligation on an assigned date, we will leave it to you to arrange with another parent to swap assignments or otherwise cover it off.

It is critical that parents assist with these duties as your coaches will be administering warm-ups and drills before every game. If the coaches are taken away from this and have to line fields and lay bases, it will be done at the expense of the player’s preparation.

* Take down of the field includes raking to fill holes, particularly at pitching and batter’s box. This is important so that rain does not sit in the holes, making it very difficult to prep the fields for the next games.

Scorekeeping duties:

If you are an experienced scorekeeper and want to be the primary person in this role, please let us know. Otherwise, a schedule for scorekeepers will be set-up at the start of the season. We need a scorekeeper for every game, including tournaments and the coaches cannot fill this role at any time. If you are new to scorekeeping, we will teach you how to do it and will work with you to make sure you feel comfortable scorekeeping. If you are experienced, we will show you what we are specifically looking for, to assist us with our coaching needs.

If someone steps up to fill the primary role of ‘Scorekeeper’, they will not be expected to fulfill field preparation duties.

Association Volunteer Hours:

Every family in Storm is expected to complete four hours of volunteer time to avoid having their volunteer cheque cashed. Sign-up sheets will be available in February to start signing up for either concession or field duty. There will be an online sign-up available too, check with Storm’s Volunteer Coordinator on the process.

Volunteer time can be completed in the concession at Sullivan, field prep for tournaments or other volunteer opportunities that may come up.

Tournament Meal Planner(s):

The best tournament experiences occur when team meals at weekend-long tournaments are coordinated for all the players. These positions (we would suggest there would be 2 – 3 of them) would coordinate meals for every tournament held in Metro-Vancouver and look after the purchase and preparation of food (sandwich platters, veggie & fruit platters etc.). Or, decide whether to have all families participate by signing up to bring stuff off of a check list.

These positions are vacant, and we are looking for volunteers.

Team photographer / photo collector (Digital):

We would like to have a collection of the team’s best photos on a cd / dvd at the end of the season. Our team photographer would be responsible for taking photos throughout the season, ensuring that all players are included in a variety of different shots (game play, at practices, between games, at parties etc.). We would also like to have some parent photos included. You could coordinate this with a few parents to collect photos they have taken through the season as well. * We are not expecting ‘professional’ photos.

This position is vacant, and we are looking for a volunteer.

/ Storm ______
Surrey Storm ‘Rep’ Fastpitch Association

Goals for Players

  • To have fun while making new friends
  • To work on knowledge and understanding of the game
  • To improve skills and techniques in the field and at bat
  • To support other team members in a positive manner on the bench and in the field as well as treat other players and officials with respect and sportsmanship
  • To develop as athletes through various strength and conditioning activities

Coach’s Goals

  • To understand the strengths and weaknesses of each player
  • To develop a training strategy to help all players achieve their full potential as a player
  • To keep playing / sitting time fair through league play
  • To create a positive environment for players to excel
  • To treat other team’s players and coaches as well as game officials with respect
  • To treat our parents with respect and keep an open line of communication

Goals for parents

  • To have players arrive on time to all games, practices and tournaments
  • To provide only positive feedback and encouragement to their daughters
  • To treat other team’s players and coaches as well as game officials with respect
  • To treat your coaches with respect and keep an open line of communication
  • To refrain from ‘coaching’ from the sidelines

General Information

  • Full participation is expected from all players at practices, games and tournaments
  • Practices will be every ______, ___pm – ___pm from ______– ______at ______School
  • Pitching clinic for the Fall will start in ______at ______. Catching clinic will start ______at ______.
  • Our home park will be ______your Storm Association volunteer commitment will be 4 hours, either in the concession at Sullivan or fields at either Sullivan or CAP or other opportunities that may arise.
  • Arrive at games 1 hour prior to game time.
  • There will be a rotating schedule / duty list for field set up / take down for home games and scorekeeping for all games.
  • We expect registration fees to remain at approx $350. We are also requesting $______up front from each player to assist with practice gym rental / clinics, misc. equipment, early tournaments etc. You can pay it all up front or submit the team fee of $______now and split the registration fee over October, November & December… or team fee now and full registration in January. * Registration may be higher, if so we will need to adjust. Volunteer and uniform cheques will also be collected, but these will only be cashed if obligation is not fulfilled.
  • Tournaments – expect a minimum of 4 – 5 tournaments, possibly 1 or 2 in the USA so make sure everyone has an updated passport! Plus Districts / Provincials if applicable.

Budget for this year - $5000 (approx.) - See the attached for a more detailed listing

  • Registration (not from fundraising and not included in the budget)
  • Team Wear
  • Equipment
  • Tournaments
  • Tournament meals
  • US Tournaments – fees & travel / accommodation costs
  • Team Building / Meals / Wrap up party
  • Gym Rental / Clinics
  • Yearend gifts for players / Coaches
  • Fundraising expenses

Fundraising Ideas:

* All fundraisers must be supervised.

  1. Pub Night or Poker Night?
  2. Bottle drive / Bottle Depot account – ask your friends and neighbors to save their bottles for you. Do we also want to do a bottle drive? If so when?
  3. Shake the can – contact liquor store to set up. 2 girls and parent per shift for Friday 6pm – 8pm and Saturday 4pm – 8pm – Great fundraiser, high $/effort. Each store is different, check around.
  4. Sponsorships – does anyone have their own business that would like to sponsor the team… or know someone who would be interested?
  5. Wine Raffle before Christmas?
  6. Movie night at the Clova?
  7. Hockey Pool

If you have a good fundraiser idea, please share it with our Fundraising Coordinator.

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