1 December 2017

From: Michael P. Smith, Chairman, Budget Review Committee, Fredericksburg

Virginia Patriots,9003 Chancery Ct, Spotsylvania, Va. 22553

To: Ms. Erin Grampp, Chairman, School Board, Spotsylvania County Public

Schools, 8020 River Stone Drive, Fredericksburg, Va. 22407

Dr, Scott Baker, Spotsylvania County Public Schools Superintendent,

8020 River Stone Drive, Fredericksburg, Va. 22407

Mr. Mark B. Taylor, Spotsylvania County Administrator

Members, Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors



Introduction: The Fredericksburg Virginia Patriots (FVP) is a non-partisan, conservative organization whose principles include fiscal responsibility, accountability, and transparency of all governing entities.

In October 2016, Evergreen Solutions was retained by Spotsylvania County Public Schools (SCPS) to conduct a Classification, Compensation and Benefits Study for the Division at a cost of $65,000. The results are referred to as the “Evergreen Study”. The abbreviation “SCPS” and term “Division” are one in the same for this study. The study contains six chapters to include chapter six titled Recommendationswhich will be reviewed and discussed by the FVP in support of improving SCPS. SCPS consists of 3069 individuals spread across 73 departments/schools. SCPS has 2504 full-time employees and 446 part-time employees at the time of the Evergreen study. The study highlighted that employees enjoy living and working in their home town and love the work and people. Family-friendly schedules provide balance between work and family to include holidays and summers with family members which is not possible in higher-demand private sector jobs. SCPS provides a solid benefit package to include health and retirement plans which is a major reason for staying with the Division. Employee’s wish to avoid a commute, have more opportunities to move and advance in the system, and have a love for the children. Overall, employees are proud and possess self-satisfaction knowing they are giving back to the community. FVP reviewed the SCPS Evergreen Study dated 15 May 2017. We believe the Evergreen Study provided good information and presents recommendations to improve SCPS. It is our sincere desire to find common good and agreement in the Evergreen Study with SCPS, the SEA and all other stakeholders which can be implemented in order to improve SCPS and make it the number one public school Division in Virginia.

Chapter 1 titled Introductionprovides an introduction to the study.

Chapter 2 titled Summary of Employee Outreachprovided feedback received from employees and is summarized as follows:

Teacher recruitment and hiring needs improvement. Pg. 2-3 provides discussion and recommendations.

FVP Summary: SCPS needs to successfully hire talent and fill vacancies.

FVP Recommendation: Address weaknesses and implement recommendations immediately in preparation for the FY19 hiring season.

Compensation(Sec 2.2): SCPS has a host of issues not directly related to the amount of pay employees receive and include: compression, step system, starting salaries, substitute pay, service credit, options on how to be paid, pay for added duties, recruitment and retention issues.

FVP Summary: SCPS needs to recognize these shortcomings and offer solutions other than “more pay for all employees”.

FVP Recommendation: Create an implementation plan focused on critical areas of concern and the associated costs.

Classification(Sec 2.3):

FVP Summary: Classification is another major area of concern and needs an immediate review with recommended solutions from SCPS.

Quality benefits (Sec 2.4): “In general employees are happy with their health and retirement benefits” (Pg. 2-8).

FVP Summary: Teaching is a chosen profession and working for SCPS is a lifestyle choice. Individuals are free to choose their professions with the full understanding of the compensation and benefits available. Military members used to say “we joined the military not for the pay, but for the benefits” and “no one ever gets rich in the military”. The same can be said for a majority of SCPS employees. One additional benefit, the option to enroll and employee’s child in SCPS without additional tuition cost is a great benefit for parents who live outside Spotsylvania. SCPS currently has 225 students of employees living outside of Spotsylvania that are attending SCPS this year. Although there is no loss of revenue encumbered by allowing these students to attend SCPS they may add to increased classroom size and school capacity. It appears to be a good employee retention benefit and reduces child care costs of the employee (Pg. 2-9).“Employees believe that the Division continues to be a very good place to work” (Pg. 2-10).

FVP Summary: Weaknesses in compensation and classification are of concern and in need of immediate attention and solutions.

FVP Recommendation: Correct weaknesses in compensation and classification.

Chapter 3 titled Assessment of Current Conditions provides an overall assessment of the compensation system in place at SCPS.

Analysis of salary schedules(Sec 3.1)

FVP Summary: To many salary schedules (17) and schedules containing a total of 229 unduplicated job titles has created confusion and an administrative burden for the administrative staff and the 3069 employee’s serving SCPS. Bus drivers and aides alone contain 378 of the Transportation Divisions 396 employees and the division lists 1811 teachers. A full assessment of current conditions is included in Chapter 3 and provides an overall assessment of the Divisions compensation system.

FVP Recommendation: The lowering of current employee’s salary is not recommended. Use a proposed 2% total pay pool for FY19 to correct inequalities for both full time and part time employees. This may include raising the salary/hourly pay of some full time and part time employees but not all. Lesser amounts mayneed to be applied to others and at least for the FY19 budgetingprocess others may see no increase in pay.

FVP Recommendation: Bring those who are part of the inequality to equity across all employee groups regardless of whether they are full or part time employees.

Grade placement analysis (Sec 3.2)

FVP Recommendation: Bring the 259 employee’s up from grade midpoint and hold the 29 employee’s at grade maximum for FY19. There is not a large clustering of employees at the minimum or maximum of pay grades and that is a good thing.“Overall, the compensation structure in SCPS offers a good foundation on which to improve” (Pg. 3-20).

FVP Recommendation: Recognize and reward experience.

FVP Recommendation: Improve the compensation structure effective FY19.

FVP Summary:Structural weaknesses occur in the current salary schedules. Range spread is inconsistent and not always in line with best practice, which acts to create inequalities in compensation growth across different salary schedules.(Pg. 3-6)

FVP Recommendation: Fix inequalities for FY19.

FVP Summary:Of the 259 employees with salaries at their grade minimum and the 29 employees with a salary at the grade maximum, 2781 (3069 - 288) employees are good at grade midpoint commonly considered to be the salary an individual could reasonably expect for similar work in the market and is further proved do to the fact there is not a large clustering of employees at the minimum or maximum of pay grades. (Pg. 3-11-12). Employees are moved through their pay grades equitably and a positive relationship exists between tenure and pay. “This is a healthy indicator for the Division’s compensation system”. (Pg. 3-15).“Overall, the compensation structure in Spotsylvania County Public Schools offers a good foundation on which to improve”. (Pg. 3-20).

FVP Recommendation: For FY19 improve the compensation for the 259 employee’s at grade minimum.


Six (6) positions are greater than 10.0 percent BELOW market minimums (Please see the Evergreen Study Report: pages 4-8).

How many total employees make up these 6 positions? 104 Employees.

Six (6) positions are greater than 10.0 percent below market minimums:

 Transportation Coordinator - 31.8 percent below market; – 1 position

 Activities/Athletic Director - 23.7 percent below market; – 5 positions

 Instructional Technology Aide - 22.0 percent below market; – 18 positions

 Bus Aide/Attendant - 17.1 percent below market; – 73 positions

 Maintenance Tech VI (Department Head) - 14.9 percent below market; – 3 positions

 Maintenance Tech V (Manager) - 14.0 percent below market. – 4 positions


Seven (7) positions are greater than 10.0 percent below market midpoints (*Evergreen Study: pages 4.8-9).

How many total employees make up these 7 positions? 98 employees.

Seven (7) positions are greater than 10.0 percent below market midpoints:

 Transportation Coordinator - 30.4 percent below market; – 1 position

 Maintenance Tech VI (Department Head) - 23.1 percent below market; – 3 positions

 Maintenance Tech V (Manager) - 21.2 percent below market; – 4 positions

 Information System Analyst I - 20.6 percent below market; - 7 positions

 Bus Aide/Attendant - 16.2 percent below market; and – 73 positions

 Network Analyst II (Field Technician) - 15.6 percent below market; and – 7 positions

 Transportation Dispatcher - 11.1 percent below market. – 3 positions


Twenty-two (22) positions are greater than 10.0 percent AHEAD of market at maximum, indicating highly competitive salary ranges (Evergreen Study: pages 4-10).

How many total employees make up these 22 positions? 664 employees.

Twenty-two (22) positions are greater than 10.0 percent ahead of market at

maximum, indicating highly competitive salary ranges:

 Program Specialist (Human Resources) - 27.7 percent ahead of market; - 1 position

 School Social Worker - 20.6 percent ahead of market; - 15 positions

 ASL Level III Interpreter - 20.4 percent ahead of market; - 9 positions

 School Psychologist - 18.5 percent ahead of market; - 16 positions

 Math Specialist - 17.4 percent ahead of market; – 8 positions

 Para-educator (Special Ed) - 17.4 percent ahead of market; - 177 positions

 School Counselor - 17.4 percent ahead of market; - 55 positions

 Para-educator (General Ed.) - 17.1 percent ahead of market; - 168 positions

 Administrative Assistant - 16.5 percent ahead of market; - 7 positions

 Coordinator (Special Education) – 16.4 percent ahead of market; - 4 positions

 Head Custodian - 15.5 percent ahead of market; - 17 positions

 Cafeteria Manager - 14.1 percent ahead of market; - 16 positions

 Instructional Technology Resource Teacher - 13.6 percent ahead of market; - 20 positions

 Custodian - 13.3 percent ahead of market; - 38 positions

 Teaching and Learning Coaches - 13.0 percent ahead of market; - 4 positions

 Athletic Trainer - 12.9 percent ahead of market; - 5 positions

 Coordinator (General Education/instructional) – 12.6 percent ahead of market; - 15 positions

 Speech-Language Pathologist - 12.1 percent ahead of market; - 24 positions

 Cafeteria Worker - 11.5 percent ahead of market; - 34 positions

 Reading Specialist - 10.5 percent ahead of market; - 29 positions

 Assistant Director - 10.5 percent ahead of market; - 2 positions

 Educational Diagnostician - 10.2 percent ahead of market - 0 positions

Note: A majority of the positions are related to para-educator (Special Ed, General Ed), social worker, school psychologist, school counselor, reading specialist and speech-language pathologist.

Chapter 4 titled Salary Survey Results.Provides salary survey results and includes a market analysis of other school districts in Virginia referred to as select peer organizations. “SCPS is paying entry-level teachers near market averages whereas teacher salaries at the midpoint and maximum levels are above market” (pg. 4-6).

Substitute Rates(sec 4.6)

“As shown, the hourly rates paid by SCPS are higher than peer averages for those same postions” (pg. 4-11).

Conclusion(sec 4.8, pg. 4-13)

“In general, the majority of SCPS benchmark positions shown in Exhibit 4A are at or above market averages at all levels” (pg. 4-13). Exhibit 4A contains a survey of principles, teachers and support personnel. “SCPS is paying entry-level teachers near market averages whereas teacher salaries at the midpoint and maximum levels are above market. (Pg. 4-6).“In general, the majority of SCPS benchmark positions shown in Exhibit 4A are at or above market averages at all levels. (Pg. 4-13)

FVP Comment: Exhibit 4A lists 65 job classifications and includes: Principals, Assistant Principals, Teachers (General education and Special education), Para-educators (General education and Special education) and secretaries. (Pg. 4-3, 4-4). Clearly a majority of the total SCPS employee population. “Employee pay increases in SCPS have been good and need to continue in order to retain employees” (pg. 6-13).

Chapter 5 titled Benefits survey results

FVP Summary:SCPS provides benefits to full and part time employees. These include a number of health plans (medical, dental, vision), life insurance, disability pay, retirement options, leave (vacation/sick), and holidays. In addition employees observe winter and spring breaks. “SCPS was found to be comparable to the market with respect to the benefits portion of total compensation” (pg. 5-15). “The total package appeared to be in alignment with the market” (pg. 5-15). Retirees of the division are compensated through the Virginia Retirement System (VRS). Based on General Assembly requirements, SCPS and its employees contribute to VRS to fund the retirement program. SCPS does contribute to the cost of the health insurance premium for retirees. SCPS has 1,105 retirees who are currently receiving retiree health benefits of which 301 are Pre Medicare Eligible and 804 are Medicare Eligible.

FVP Recommendation: Continue to provide quality benefits.

Chapter 6 titled Recommendations

Evergreen Study Recommendation 1: FVP recommends partial approval of the overall recommendation, specifically items 1-4 listed on page 6-2:

1. Consolidate the existing 17 salary tables into four salary tables based on type of work performed (administrative, professional, support, and teachers). (Pg. 6-2).

2. Provide an adequate number of pay grades to place all included positions in line with external market value. (Pg. 6-2).

3. Provide an adequate number of pay grades to place all included classifications in an internally equitable position. (Pg. 6-2).

4. Have a step-based configuration for teachers, similar to the current tables; have an open-range configuration for the non-instructional tables. (Pg. 6-2).

Evergreen Study Recommendation 2: FPV recommends full approval of the “Bring to Minimum” option for FY19. The strength of the “Bring to Minimum” approach is that it minimizes transition costs. This cost is estimated at $176,430 (Pg. 6-9).

Evergreen Study Recommendation 3: FPV recommends full approval of adopting the Job Assessment Tool and market data-based methodology from Evergreen to consistently evaluate new and updated position titles. (Pg.6-9).

Evergreen Study Recommendation 4: FPV recommends a comprehensive classification and compensation study every four years with the next occurring in 2020 (Pg. 6-10).

FVP Summary: Recommending that the Evergreen study be approved in its entirety discounts the input and recommendations from those stakeholders who are not members of the school board or schools administration. The Spotsylvania County Public Schools (SCPS) and the schools Superintendent need to review the findings of this summary and present their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors and other stakeholders. They should identify those areas that can be immediately improved or fixed over a stated period of time.Before the School Board comes to the county Board of Supervisors and tax payers asking for more money SCPS needs to thoroughly review the Divisions weaknesses presented in the Evergreen Study, identify solutions and provide the costs of implementing those solutions.

FVP Recommendation:Create the FY19 SCPS budget with the same budgeted amount as FY18. Incorporate FVP recommendations and start the budget planning with compensation/salary and classification improvements and solutions. Consider increased employee contributions to benefitcosts in order to improve compensation/salary for FY19. Examine and execute cost cutting measures in all departments and schools in support of a balanced budget.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael P. Smith

Chairman, Budget Review Committee

Fredericksburg Virginia Patriots
