Team Letter
When I was at school, as a pupil, a long time ago now, I remember learning a poem by William Henry Davies, it began . . .
“What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare. . .
As a child I enjoyed this poem and its imagery of “streams full of stars, like skies at night” but didn’t really understand this concept of not having enough time to look at things!
I was reminded of this poem several times in the last few days as people I have had occasion to meet made comments about their lack of time. Of how time was rushing by, of how busy they were, and of having no time for themselves, as they were always rushing about! Something most of us can identify with!
We just don’t seem to be able to make time to stand and stare! When did you last take the time to really enjoy a sunset, or a rainbow, or a drop of water on a leaf? And what about the intricacies of all the wonderful snowdrops in our gardens, and on banks in many of the churchyards throughout the team?
Same thing goes for our relationships! We need to spend time, what is known nowadays as “quality time”, with our families and with our friends; they deserve more than just to be fitted in! We need to make time to be with one another, to listen to one another, to eat and drink together, to enjoy being together.
And we need to have some time for ourselves, to be quiet, to stand and stare, to take time for reflection and for those who have a religious faith to take time for prayer; to make a priority of stopping in this busy world, just for a few minutes, to listen and to look, to smell, to use all our senses.
The Psalmist wrote: “Be still and know that I am God”. Perhaps he realised that frantic activity is the enemy of knowing God, and of peaceful living. As we move through Lent to Easter, let’s take this opportunity to slow down, to stand and stare, and then to be amazed at the resurrection to new life on Easter morning!
Your Church In March
Name and Date / Time and Service /Sidesmen
/ Reader / Flowers / Cleaners6th March
Mothering Sunday / 11.00am Mothering Sunday Service / Carolyn
Chris / Bill W
Hannah / No Flowers / SPRING
at 10am on Saturday 5th
13th March
Lent 5 / 11.00am Village Communion / Amanda / Eileen
Amanda / No Flowers
19th March
Saturday / 2.30pm for Jeni Shaw / Yes
20th March
Palm Sunday / 10.30 Procession for 11am Morning Worship / Amanda
Mary / Mary-Vere
Mary / Bill and Ann
25th March
Good Friday / 2pm
Final Hour / David
Carolyn / tba / No Flowers
26th March
Easter Eve / 8pm Vigil (1 hour) / At Tidcombe
27th March
EASTER DAY / 9.30am
Communion / Chris
Vikki / Carolyn
John B
It’s a busy month!
Annual Meeting
We were delighted that so many parishioners stayed on for this in the church after Evensong last month. A copy of the Annual Report and the Accounts are on the notice board in the church, and will remain there until Easter.
Singing for Good Friday, 6pm at Collingbourne Kingston:
Rehearsals at 5pm on 27th February, 13th & 20th March
All those who would like to sing on Good Friday are invited to the three 45 minute rehearsals of ‘Jerusalem Joy’ to be held at St Mary’s, Collingbourne Kingston.
Children are specially included in the invitation to sing, and it should be fun!
Spring Cleaning and Posie Making –
Saturday 5th March from 10am.
- Spring Clean – do join us -the more the merrier!
- Posie-making in the church – we’ll provide the flowers for the children to make their Mothering Sunday posies.
Palm Sunday - 20th March
From 9-10.30 there will be a special Palm Sunday Sunday Club in the Village Hall. At 10.30 the children and parents, and anyone else who would like to join them, will process from there to the church to join the congregation for the service at 11am.
Easter Flowers
If you would like to make a donation for the memorial vase then please contact Susie Daly (730 356) or deliver your donation to her.
Good Friday
The Final Hour service at 2pm will be hymns, readings and reflections on the last hour of Jesus’ life.
Afterwards David and Mary Brown have invited the congregation for hot cross buns and tea at Quince Cottage
Easter Sunday – Please note that the clocks go forward today!
The service will be at the unusual time of 9.30am and there will be an Easter Egg hunt in the churchyard for the children during the sermon.
Pews for Sale
We hope to have permission soon to re-order the back of the church and release the three dark pews as previously mentioned.
9 parishioners have so far indicated interest in them. We invite sealed bids, with a reserve of £30 for each pew, to arrive at Providence Cottage, Chute Cadley, by 13th March. The money raised from this auction will go to the charity ITDG which is used by the big Christian charities for practical help and training for local people to find solutions to hunger, famine and drought. Specifically in Sudan they work in Northern Darfur to help tackle the immense poverty caused through no fault of the people who live there.
Are You Computer Literate?
Would you be able to help develop the Savernake Team website? Alan Deboo (850683) would love to hear from anyone who could join a small working party to develop a more ‘people-oriented’ website.
Concert in Chute Church - 8pm - 29th April!
Ed Lambert is kindly bringing the Newbury Baroque Singers to St Nicolas’ with a lovely programme of Italian music by Rossini, Mozart, Albinoni and others.
Tickets cost £10 to include a glass of wine (children £2) and are on sale in Chute only until 1st April from the Browns in Upper Chute at Quince Cottage (730236), the Aldersons in 1 Chute Cadley (730388), and the Hardimans in Chute Forest at Cedar Lodge (730848). From 1st April this concert will be widely advertised elsewhere – so do get your tickets soon!
Chute Parish Council
There are 4 applications to record
Lantern Cottage, Upper Chute: Amendment to Chimney Stack
- Meerkat Burrows, Upper Chute: Erection of conservatory
- Grove House Cottage, Chute Cadley: Tree work
- West Limmer Barn, Mt Cowdown : Outline Permission to replace barn with stables and cabin
There are 2 application outcomes to record:-
- New Barn, Upper Chute: Barn Conversion: Granted by KDC
- Hatchett Inn: Replace bottle & dry goods store: Granted by KDC
Electrical Work – New Building Regulations
Kennet advise that new regulations came into force on 1st January which are intended to increase the safety of households. Under these, a wide range of indoor and outdoor electrical work will need to comply with new Building Regulations; this includes installing garden lights, pond pumps and lighting to sheds. The Government has approved a number of schemes under which, if registered, a competent person can certify their own work. If a person is not registered, the work will need a Building Regulations application.
For advice about whether the work you are planning requires building control approval, contact the Building Control Team on 01380 734777 or visit the website on
New Kennet Green Waste Recycling Initiative
Kennet District Council is launching an initiative in April to increase the amount of green waste that is recycled as compost, rather than being sent to landfill. Full details of the new service are available from the number shown below but the gist is as follows.
Under this service, garden waste can be collected fortnightly from 180 ltr wheelie bins for an annual charge of £20. Since the initiative is on trial, there is a finite limit to the number of bins they will provide and collect from; so if you want to take advantage of this new service, you must ring Kennet’s Contact Centre on 01380 734665 and ‘bid’ for one. They will also be happy to provide detailed advice.
I understand that your bid will only be accepted if the collection can be dovetailed in with others to make up an economical run for the collection vehicle. For a rural area like ours, the scheme will probably not happen unless we have a reasonable take-up. Come on Chute-ites – go for it! I’ve got my bid in, anyone else out there?
I gather that you can have more than one bin if you want (at £20 each) – alternatively, there is no objection to a bin being shared with a neighbour provided the bin is attributed and billed to one person.
Next Meeting of Parish Council
7.30pm on Thursday 17th March 2005. Venue: Village Hall. As always, members of the public are welcome. The agendas will be displayed at the four Notice Boards around the Parish and the minutes of the previous meetings will be displayed on the council notice board at the Village Hall.
If you miss a meeting, you can inspect the minutes as soon as practicable by arrangement with me – the minutes are however ‘draft subject to confirmation and signature’ at the following meeting.
David Clark, Chute Parish Clerk
Noise Nuisance
Chute Parish Council has received reports of inconsiderate behaviour in Upper Chute. This has taken the form of excessive usage of electric power tools and dogs barking when left outside for long periods. One of the prime attractions of the village is its tranquillity – let’s try and keep it! Thank you
Bill Shaw, Chairman Chute PC
Chute Forest Parish Council
Date of next meeting:
Thursday 17th March 2005 at 7.30 p.m. Chute Village Hall
Listed Building Consent sought for internal alterations and alterations to fenestration – Chute Forest Cottage
Full Planning Permission for single and two-storey extension with detached triple garage at Hazel Grove
Easter Refuse collection
Friday 25th March (Good Friday) – no change
Friday 1st April will be on Saturday 2nd April.
Parish Council Minutes
A draft copy of the Minutes of Parish Council meetings will be posted on the notice Board at the Bus shelter in Chute Forest prior to the next meeting. Copies are available from me should you require them.
Sally Tweed,
Clerk to Chute Forest Parish Council
Village Diary
Friday 11th / Village Hall / Conservative Club AGMSunday 13th / 11.00am / Village Hall / Treasure Hunt
Tuesday 15th / 8.00pm / Gardening Club
Wednesday 16th / 7.00pm / Village Hall / Wednesday Club AGM
Thursday 17th / 7.30pm / Village Hall / Chute Parish Council
Thursday 17th / 7.30pm / Village Hall / Chute Forest Parish Council
Friday 18th / Village Hall / Barn Dance
Saturday 19th / Village Hall / Jeni Shaw Commemoration
Sunday 20th / 10.00am / Village Hall / Sunday Club
Sunday 20th / pm / Village Hall / Private function
Monday / 7.30pm / Village Hall / Line Dancing
Tuesday / 8.00pm / Hatchet Pub / Quiz night
Wednesday / 10.00am / Village Hall / Mothers & Toddlers
Thursday / - / Hatchet Pub / Curry Night
Chronicle Subscription
The PCC have decided to leave the subscription at £3.00 for this year – excellent value for all the news and views of Chute. Our stalwart delivery team will therefore be asking for your subscription shortly.
The Editorial committee would like to apologize for not having included this announcement in the previous edition.
Jeni Shaw 1945 - 2005
Following the sad and unexpected death of my wife on 1st February, I have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown to me by so many people in the village. Everyone has been most considerate and I hope that those who wrote letters and cards will accept this public note of thanks and appreciation; I do not feel able to respond individually at this time.
Jeni adored living in the village and I am making plans to celebrate her life on Saturday 19th March. There will be a Memorial Service at St Nicolas Church at 2.30pm that will close with the interment of her ashes in the churchyard. No flowers please. Tea/Coffee will be then served in the Village Hall until 5.30 p.m. From 7.30p.m there will be a relaxed party (with a fork buffet) in casual attire at the Village Hall to end the day in style. All our friends and neighbours are most welcome to any/all of these events. To help plan the catering, could I ask those who intend to come to the evening party to please contact me by phone (or preferably by e-mail )
In more permanent memory, there are plans for a wooden bench on Cadley Green overlooking the pond - the home for Jeni's ornamental ducks for several years. If you would like to contribute to this or to the Endometriosis SHE Trust (it was this painful disease, undiagnosed for over a decade, which prevented Jeni from having children and, in her mind, blighted her life) the church collection on 19th March will provide an opportunity.
Bill Shaw (730328)
Chute Wednesday Club
Our new season begins with the Club’s Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 16th March 2005 at 7.00pm in the Chute Village Hall.
It is hoped that as many members as possible attend this meeting to support your Chairman and Committee. It is the opportunity for members to express their views and any grievances and to elect the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee for the new season. New members will be very welcome.
It has been decided by the Committee to keep the Annual Subscription at £2.00 per head.
The new list of proposed outings has been drawn up and a copy will be available on payment of the subscription. It should prove to be a very interesting and enjoyable year ahead.
After the business proceedings have been completed, free refreshments will be provided and there will be a raffle, for which prizes would be most welcome. The evening will conclude with a few games of the ever-popular Bingo.
John Burden
Window Cleaning Services
K Harman
01264 772853
Carpet - FREE to first caller
‘Jacobean’ style, navy blue background – approx. 5 x 2.7m
Dorothy Stock, 730613
Chute Gardening Club
The next talk arranged by the gardening club is:
Water and Wildlife Gardening
Richard Cripps.
15th March. 8.00 p.m. at the Village hall
Annual membership subscription, a bargain at £4.
The Plant Sale - 22nd May 2005
It may seem early to be talking of an event in May but the success of the plant sale is largely due to the effort put in by all our gardeners at this time of year. The Garden Raiders sessions will be carried out in March and the Gardening Club will be very grateful to anyone volunteering their garden or just their plants for one of these. Alternatively if you are lifting and splitting perennials or taking out unwanted plants please do think about the plant sale – donated plants are very welcome.
Potato Competition - 9th July 2005
Seed potatoes are now available for the Potato Competition. As usual there are three classes:
a)The heaviest total weight of potatoes,
b)The heaviest individual potato and
c)The greatest number of potatoes retained on the sieve.
All to be grown in a pot not to exceed 12” diameter. These will be available at the next meeting of the Gardening Club or, if you want to get a head start, from David Close - cost: 50p.
Flower Show - 16th July 2005
A provisional copy of the schedule for the Flower show is available now, so that planting for competition entries is possible! Over the last couple of years the Gardening Club has been aware that entries for the Fruit and Vegetable classes have diminished. I suspect this is because home grown fruit and vegetables are so delicious that the produce never makes it up to the Village Hall before it is eaten! However we would like to see more entries in these classes if only so that Wally’s famous plate of berries has some competition!
Trip to Stowe - Friday June 10th
The Gardening Club is organising a trip to Stowe in Buckinghamshire, famous for its Landscaping by Capability Brown and the many monuments in its 750 Acres of Parkland. This trip is available to anyone who would like to go (Club Members and Non Members). The property is National Trust and therefore entry will be free to NT members. A guided tour will be organised (so that we don’t miss anything!). At this stage I cannot confirm the cost but I estimate it will be in the region of £16 per person, excluding entry fee. Please do phone me if you are interested in this trip.
Sally Tweed, Secretary Chute Gardening Club, 730365
Movies at the Millennium Hall, Vernham Dean
Are you a keen filmgoer, or just enjoy a good night out, but don’t like the time wasting journey to Basingstoke or Salisbury?
Vernham Dean, with the co-operation of the Chutes, Hurstbourne Tarrant and a specialist film company, are going to show handpicked current films during March and April in the comfort of the Millennium Hall, Vernham Dean, all for the price of £4.00. (Refreshments will be available.)
If these evenings prove to be popular, a programme will be set up for the rest of the year.
- Thursday 3rd MarchDe-Lovely (PG)
Cole Porter story, with all that great music. Stars Kevin Kline. - Thursday 14th AprilBeing Julia (12A)
From a novella by Somerset Maughan. Stars Annette Bening & Jeremy Irons
Doors open at 7.00pm, performances start promptly at 7.30pm.