Team Fundraising Policy
To ensure that players, team managers, coaches, parents, and other CRSA Members have an opportunity to raise funds to offset fees/expenses so we can ensure the accessibility of youth soccer to all.
CRSA is a non-profit organization that is supported by Coon Rapids Soccer Association members, local businesses and donors. It is vital that we as volunteers protect and promote the wholesome reputation of CRSA.
We recognize the importance of supporting the Community that supports CRSA: A focus/preference will be given to supporting local businesses/entities as these are the organizations that we rely on for support and funds on an ongoing basis and that many of our members are employed by.
Usage of Funds:
All fundraising activities must be approved by the Fundraising committee or board of CRSA. Funds that are raised by team fundraising in the name of CRSA need to be used for the following:
- CRSA fees
- Uniform fees(must be approved CRSA uniforms)
- Team equipment needs
- Team tournament fees
- Team coach/trainer development expenses
- Team facility rental/maintenance/development
- Other team fees
Fundraising activities can be general activities to support the activities above or specific projects that may be initiated and conducted by individual teams for specific needs of an individual team, upon approval of CRSA Fundraising Committee.
Parents are encouraged to volunteer to assist in the facilitation of various club fundraisers.
In general, fundraising activities should be short in duration, with solicitations of donations, as well as disbursement of funds received, being limited to the current designated soccer season unless approved by the board of directors as an “on-going” fundraising event (e.g. for a large out of state/international tournament).
More complex and time consuming events may be considered by the board. These events may require additional requirements and processes depending on the complexity and risk to the club.
- Prior to Fundraising
- All Fundraising activities must be approved by CRSAFundraising Committee. The CRSAFundraising Committee strongly encourages teams and individuals to provide adequate notice (4 weeks) to them; however expedited approval of the Board President plus two (2) other Board members will be adequate.
- To get approved the team must submit the fundraising application to the Fundraising committee (attachment A). All activities must be for a specific purpose and have a goal of how much money you expect to raise.
- The Fundraising committee will review the application and return the decision back to the team manager.
- Choosing an activity
- CRSA has a list of fundraising activities that we recommend using. See attachment B for list and contacts of getting started. These activities also must be approved by the committee.
- If there are other activities not included on the list, submit as much detail with your application and the committee will review with the application.
- During the Fundraiser
- You are representing your team as well as all of CRSA while doing the fundraising. Treat everyone with respect and act in a fashion that best represents the team and CRSA.
- Wear CRSA branded clothing. Let people know who you are doing the activity for.
- After the fundraiser
- Within 10 days after the event submit to the CRSA treasurer the fundraising summary form (attachment C). The form should contain a summary of the event and funds raised. The funds must be submitted to the CRSA treasurer with the report.
- When the funds are needed to be disbursed for the activity, the team must submit a request for funds form (attachment D). The treasurer will send a check to the manager within 5 business days.
- CRSA does not require but we suggest proper thank you letters should be sent to main donors. Encourage your team players to write letters also. If possible, a list of names, addresses and amount of item(s) donated should be sent to the CRSA.
- All team fundraisers will be for the team (unless specified differently by the club)and will remain with the team. In the event a team is dissolved, the CRSA Competitive Committee and the CRSA Board of Directors will make the determination of where the funds will be placed for future use.
- All Fundraisers must include the whole team. One individual cannot be earned for or excluded in any given fundraiser.
Updated 12/15/14