To be completed fully and signed by the person having parental responsibility or personally by a cadet over 18 years of age

Event: Date: to


Cadet's Surname: / Forenames:
Rank: / Male/Female: / Detachment:
Date of Birth: / Religion:
Next of Kin/
Person to Contact: / Relationship:
Home Address:
Post Code: / Telephone No:
Contact address and telephone no during activity period (if different from above):
Post Code:
Medical condition/past injuries for which I do not take medication but may affect my performance during the activity/event. / Name, address and telephone number of the doctor I am registered with.

I understand that I should arrive on the activity weekend well prepared, physically fit and sufficiently fit to undergo strenuous activity. I have declared all medical matters that may affect my participation in the course activities and I will inform the course commander of any additional medical matter that occurs after the date of signing this form.

Cadet below the age of 18 / Cadet over the age of 18
I give full consent to the above named cadet to attend the activity. I understand that he/she will be subject to Army Cadets care and discipline and must conform to appearance standards required. Permission is given to participate in full adventure training activities. I give permission to the Course Commander or his/her appointed representative to act as the person in loco parentis should he/she have to undergo medical treatment including any emergency operation to which I am unable physically to give consent. / I understand that I will be subject to ACF care and discipline and must conform to appearance standards required. I wish to participate in full adventure training activities.
The information contained in this document is classified as sensitive personal information and is subject to the provisions of the Data protection Act 1998. It is necessary for such information to be retained for legal reasons. Only such data as is relevant to the cadet's attendance at the camp will be used/retained. Signing below indicates your consent for us to use and retain such data. You have the right under the Data Protection Act 1998 to request access to any personal information we hold about the cadet.
Date: Signed:
Name in BLOCK capitals
(Person having parental responsibility) / Date: Signed:
Name in BLOCK capitals
(Cadet over the age of 18)



1. This form is to be completed by the Parent/Guardian for any Cadet taking medicine from home that needs to be administered by a Cadet Force Adult Volunteer during a training weekend. If the cadet is not on any medication please enter NONE in the MEDICINE section of part 3 and return the form.

(If this form in not completed yet a note from the parents is received, then attach the note to this form and complete the administration details on this form as a true record.)

2. Medicines are to be in their original pharmacy containers(s) with any accompanying notes secured in a suitable bag or container. For ease of identification the cadet’s name and date of Birth is to be placed on the suitable bag or container.

3. Cadet Name: ……………………………………………………………………………...

is required to have the following medication administered during the weekend training:

MEDICINE: .…………………………………………………………………………..

(Enter NONE if no medication currently being taken)

The quantity of ……………..………….. is required to be administered as follows:



Any side effects the medicine courses …………………………………………………......


Any special instructions (before, after meals, method of delivery with required items):


4. QUANTITY DELIVERED TO Cadet Force Adult Volunteer (CFAV):


5. I/We consent for a responsible Cadet Force Adult Volunteer to retain and administer this medication on behalf of my/our son/daughter/ward.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ……………………………………… Date: ………………………

6. This is to certify that the medication shown above have been received and will be administered as indicated by the parent/guardian.

Name: …………………………………......

CFAV Signature: …………………………………………... Date: …………………….

6. The issue of all medication is to be recorded on the attached form and any medication returned is also to be recorded.

At the end of training this form is to be submitted to the TSA with the medical risk assessment for the weekend’s training and kept for three years.