Directions: Evaluate each team member, including you, along six dimensions and include an open-ended comment. Circle the score for each dimension and total the points. Sign each evaluation form. We expect that you will treat this honestly and professionally. Submit forms through the Assignment tab. Note: Only the instructor and mentors see this form.

Name of Team Member Project # Team

Attendance3Attendance pattern contributed to positive team collaboration

2Attendance pattern contributed to slightly less than positive team collaboration

1Attendance pattern contributed to weakened team collaboration

0Attendance pattern contributed to very weak team collaboration

Participation3Spoke up when necessary, encouraged others to speak, considered other points of view, helped bring debate to resolution

2Mostly engaged in the above behaviors, but not always

1Often engaged in one of the following negative behaviors: dominated discussion, discouraged others to speak, discounted points of view, slowed decision making

0Often engaged in two or more of the above negative behaviors

Load3Did more and better work compared to others (If everyone did an equal amount of work of equal quality, assign everyone a “3”. Are you certain about this?)

2Did somewhat less work in either quality or quantity compared to others

1Did somewhat less work in both quality and quantity compared to others

0Did much less work in either quality or quantity compared to others

20 / 100
19 / 97
18 / 94
17 / 91
16 / 87
15 / 84
14 / 81
13 / 77
12 / 74
11 / 71
10 / 67
9 / 64
8 / 61
7 / 57
6 / 54
5 / 51
4 / 47
3 / 44
2 / 41
1 / 37
0 / 34

Dependability3Did all that was promised and on time

2 Did all that was promised, mostly on time

1Did all that was promised, but not on time

0Did less than was promised, on time or not

Accountability3Understands the team protocols and follows them in “letter and spirit”

2Understands the team protocols and mostly follows them

1Rarely follows the team protocols or is confused by them

0Does not follow the team protocols; thinks they’re unnecessary or silly

Overall5Outstanding (justify rating in comments below)

4Excellent (justify rating in comments below)

3Very good (justify rating in comments below)

2Good (justify rating in comments below)

1Disappointing (justify rating in comments below)

0Very disappointing (justify rating in comments below)

Total Points (0-20)

Conversion (Use conversion table to the right)

Comments(Continue on the back if needed)
