Ice Floe Race
Team Captain’s Check List
Read and understand all documentation relating to the Ice Floe Race.
Ensure that your team’s 2 registered volunteers are at start line at 9:45 AM sharp for the Volunteers Meeting.
Ensure you and your racers will be at the Starting Line Registration desk on Race Day at 11:00 AM.
Ensure you have Team Information
Ensure your Team Information includes the following: a copy of the
Official OUC Ice Floe Race Safety Procedures & Rules, Ice Floe Race Volunteer Station Roles and Responsibilities and Ice Floe Race Affirmation, Liability and Consent form, a list of Prizes and Sponsors, embroidered Event Crests and for each racer.
Ensure you know your team’s starting order and obligations.
Ensure you are at the Team Captains Meeting at 11:00 AM.
Ensure that all their racers are certified divers. Check their C-cards if required.
Pay for any divers in excess of those already paid for at pre-registration - $30 per racer or $45 if you are a non-OUC member.
Ensure that you and your team members have read and understand the Official OUC Ice Floe Race Safety Procedures & Rules.
Ensure that you and your racers comply with all the Official OUC Ice Floe Race Safety Procedures & Rules.
Display the Official Starting Position Tag at the Starting Line so that the Starting Line Timekeepers can see and confirm the team number.
Ensure the Official Starting Position Tag is visible from the roadway or on the LEFT side of the floe as your team pushes down the racecourse.
--- Once you have crossed the finish line, push your floe out of the way of the on coming floes
Ensure that all your team’s racers exit the water. Captain is to be the last one off the floe at the finish line. Use the
“Warming Tent” if needed.
Verbally confirm with the Finish Line Shore Safety & Rescue team that all their racers have exited the water.
The second last team to exit the water is obliged to help remove one Safety Boat from the water and onto a trailer.
The last team to exit the water is obliged to help remove the last Safety Boat from the water and onto a trailer.
Ensure you know your team’s starting order and obligations.
Get changed as quickly as possible after the race is over.
Help consume all the prepared hot drinks.
Ensure your staging, parking and ice floe areas are completely cleaned up after the event is over.
KingstonDataTraveler8GbTeamCapt’s Checklist Dec-27-13