Team Application Reference: for ______

(To be completed by another non-relative adult who is familiar with the applicant)

The person submitting this application is requesting to be part of a team to lead a TEC weekend. The weekend is based on solid and up to date theological and psychological principles. The testimony and witness this person will be giving will greatly influence the teens and adults who are participating in the weekend. The applicant must be willing to share maturely, personally and compassionately to present the gospel and the message of the Paschal Mystery. Your input is valuable to the TEC Board and the leaders of the weekend who will be reviewing this application. Please be as honest and candid as possible. All information will be held in strict confidence by the TEC leadership. Thank you.

Please circle the most appropriate answer(s).

  1. My acquaintance with this applicant is:2. Maturity of Applicant:

Distant Very Immature

Average Immature

Very Close Average

Friend Quite Mature



3. Applicant’s attitude toward the Catholic Faith:4. Applicant’s participation in Parish activities:

Unknown Don’t Know

Indifferent None

Average Average

Positive Active

Enthusiastic Very Active

  1. How does this person relate in a group?





Don’t Know

  1. Please add any additional comments which you think might be helpful:

Your Name: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______Parish: ______

How long have you known the applicant? ______Relationship to Applicant: ______

CONTACT INFORMATION: Mail application to: TEC of Springfield, PO Box 32, Hillsboro, IL 62049. Information can also be obtained from: or from the TEC website:

Application For: Wheat Director ______Team Member ______Wheat Member ____ Resource ______

Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Address:______City: ______Zip:______

Phone: Day ______Evening ______Parish: ______


Pastor: ______ Pastor’s Phone: ______

Preferred Month(s)______Patron Saint:______

Previous TEC weekends or previous Retreat experience: ______


Present Parish Involvement: ______


Sources of Spiritual Growth:______


Reason(s) for submitting this application: ______



For this position, what would be your strengths/weaknesses? ______


Date/Place of Protecting God’s Children Workshop (REQUIRED FOR ALL ADULT TEAM MEMBERS):


I agree to abide by the policies set down by TEC of Springfield for this position. As a team member I agree to attend required planning meetings as outlined by the Lay or Wheat Director and conduct myself in a manner which will reflect positively upon the TEC community. I agree: to attend required workshops/training sessions; to follow the TEC manual(s); conduct planning meetings; participate in TEC follow-up activities; to conduct myself in a manner which will reflect positively on the TEC Community. I understand that it is my responsibility to convey the message of the Paschal Mystery to all those attending the TEC weekend. I understand that all the information submitted on this application will be held in strict confidence by the TEC leadership and/or TEC Lay Directors.

Signature: ______

**NO adult will be allowed to participate on a TEC team without submitting

an application to the TEC BOARD. There will be NO exceptions.