Our mission is to collectively work as a team to complete all assignments and objectives of Business Policy 470 successfully, thereby gaining valuable knowledge.
To be the top team in Business Policy class as measured by mini quizzes, midterm examination and case studies. Utilizing the knowledge and experience of working as a team to separate ourselves from other peers, as we move forward in our individual career paths.
To achieve quality work and success through the devoted effort of all team members. As part of this success, to also help other classmates achieve their team and individual goals.
Both our instructor and each individual team member will evaluate us, and also by how each team member grasped and implemented the course material.
Group formed for Spring Semester 1999/Business Policy 470
Membership is contingent upon the following conditions:
- Each member agrees to be prepared for all discussions and assignments set forth in syllabus, prior to group meetings.
- Each member agrees to listen to all viewpoints and work toward forming a consensus opinion. In this process constructive criticism shall be treated with respect for each individual person and their ideas
- Each member recognizes the likelihood of group meetings outside of normal class times. Each week a scheduled meeting will occur after our Wednesday evening class. Other additional meetings may be broken into smaller groups, each member agrees to make every effort to attend.
- Each member agrees to notify at least one other team member if they are unable to attend a scheduled meeting. Every effort should be made to fax, e-mail or deliver material for that meeting to another team member.
- Each member will actively participate in a study group session. More than likely it will occur during the weekly team meeting.
- Each member recognizes that these cases are a team effort. All decisions will be made on a majority basis. Each team member must fulfill his or her portion of the case study or assignment.
We the undersigned feel our success will be measured by our ability to work as a team, we agree that the signatures below represent a binding agreement throughout the semester. Therefore, we will not eject any member from the group. We agree to deal with each other as mature professionals. All problems will be resolved as a group.
Our signatures below represent the agreement to all of the terms outlined above, and each team member agrees to pursue our team mission, vision and objectives.
For the purpose of analyzing and presenting cases we have formed the group named Case Explorers".
To work successfully as a team to obtain knowledge and gain the experience necessary to pursue future careers in the business world.
- Each member of the team must be willing to attend meetings on a regular basis and actively participate in discussions and analyses of cases.
- Each member of the team must make an equal effort to participate in all activities and assignments.
- Each member agrees to listen to all viewpoints. If a conflict should arise, majority rules.
- Any member of the team who is unable to attend a scheduled meeting agrees to accept the decisions of the rest of the team and must willingly accept his/her assignment.
Each member of the team will be rated on the basis of attendance, participation, effort and the amount oh his/her contribution to the assignment. The scheduled peer evaluations will give us the opportunity to formally evaluate each member of the team.
- Any member who is unable to attend a scheduled meeting will contact ______at home, at work, or on his cell phone.
- If a member misses more than 20% of the scheduled meetings, the remaining members may decide to remove that member from the team. We will consider the underlying circumstances related to the absence, before deciding upon dismissal.
We have agreed to revise this team contract on an as needed basis. The signatures below bind this contract.