Teaching session 1 inShanghai 18 October – 17 November 2005
The first teaching session consists of six parts:
1. Introduction to Nordic Centre
2. Course introduction
3. Aspects of Modernity: (modernising processes in Europe, with the enlightenment era as potential starting point). This segment forms the theoretical introduction to the course. (1 a in the course plan)
4. The Making of Modern Nordic Societies: Tutorial introduction to the first course segment: economic, political, welfare state, cultural and human rights development. (1b in the course plan)
5. The Making of Modern Nordic Societies – subject specific. The student group is divided into disciplinary groups (economy, law, literature, politics, and sociology). (1c in the course plan)
6. Introduction to the sub-course that runs in the spring semester 2006: (Sub course 2 in the course plan)
18/10 Tuesday
09.00-16.00 Symposium: “On Scandinavian Tracks” (see separate program).
20/10 Thursday
14.00-17.00 Presentation of Nordic Centre and viewing the Swedish film House of Angels
(Gry-Irene Skorstad)
Aspects of Modernity - An Introduction (1a)
24/10 Monday
14.00-14.45 Introduction to sub-course 1 and 2 (Kjell Nilsson)
15.00-17.00 Aspects of Modernity (Anders Linde-Laursen and Kjell Nilsson)
The Making of Modern Nordic Societies - general part (1b)
24/10 Monday
18.00-20.00 Welfare State Development in the Nordic Countries (Kjell Nilsson)
25/10 Tuesday
18:00-20:00 From Agriculture to the Information Society. (Jonas Ljungberg)
26/10 Wednesday
14.00-16.00 The Modern Project in the Nordic Countries (Jan Olof Nilsson)
16.00-18.00 National Identities in the Nordic Countries (Anders Linde-Laursen)
27/10 Thursday
18.00-20.00 Lecture: Are the Nordic Countries Special in Europe? (Anders Linde Laursen)
03/11 Thursday
15:30-17:00 Public Lecture, "Fair Trial in Criminal Procedure - a Swedish Perspective on the implementation of the European Convention of Human Rights". (Bo Klasen, Lawyers Without Borders) (No. 6 TeachingBuilding, Room 6414)
04/11 Friday
14:00-15:00:The Nature of the International Legal System
15:00-16:00:The Concerns of International Law(Dennis Driscoll)
13:30-15:00: The Role of International Lawyers
17:30-19:00:Do States Really Observe Rules of International Law?(Dennis Driscoll).
16/11 Wednesday
14.00-16.00 Scandinavia Past and Present: State and NationBuilding (Torstein Hjellum)
The Making of Modern Nordic Societies – subject specific part (1c)
27/10 Thursday
14.00-17.00 Subject specific teaching – students in economy and culture (Jonas Ljungberg, Anders Linde Laursen, Jan-Olof Nilsson)
28/10 Friday
14.00-17.00 Subject specific – students in economy and culture and sociology (Jonas Ljungberg, Anders Linde Laursen, Jan Olof Nilsson)
14/11 Monday
14:00-1700 Dealing with International Terrorism(Dennis Driscoll).
15/11 Tuesday
18.00-20.00 Public Lecture: Corporate Social Responsibility in China (Dennis Driscoll)
17/11 Thursday
14.00 – 17.00 Subject specific teaching – students in political science (Torstein Hjellum)
Subject specific teaching for students in political science – individual supervision will be arranged by Torstein Hjellum
Sometime December (to be announced later)
Film: The Match Factory Girl
Teaching session 2 inShanghai, week 15 April 2006 (sub-course 2)
Final seminar for essays (Jan Olof Nilsson and Kjell Nilsson)
Other important dates:
2 December: Deadline for assignment 1a-b
20 January : Deadline for assignment 1c
31 March : Deadline for essays at sub-course 2
Week 15 in April: Seminars for discussion of essays on sub-course 2 – end of course.