SIOP Component 5: Interaction
(G/O) – Goal / Objective / Key Vocabulary Best Practices (Marzano)Teacher…1. describes word
Student… 2. paraphrases
3. creates visual
4. interacts with word
5. interacts with others
6. plays games
3. Comprehensible Input:
- speech appropriate to learner’s proficiency level
- academic tasks clearly explained
- Variety of techniques (VIPs, modeling, demonstrations, hands-on, gestures)
- Variety of higher order questions
- Scaffolding
- Frequent interaction
- Wait time
- Key concepts clarified in native language
- hands-on materials / manipulatives
- Application of both content and language objectives
- language skills integrated (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
- Content objectives
- Language objectives
- Students engaged at least 90% of time
- Lesson pacing appropriate
- Key vocabulary reviewed
- Content Concepts reviewed
- Feedback
- Assessment conducted throughout lesson
- Lesson Plan
- PowerPoint
- Sample Strategies listed from 99 Ideas and Activities
- Share One, Get One Matrix
1. Lesson Preparation
- Select from variety of activities that promote interaction & incorporate into lesson plans.
- Design grouping patterns that support lesson content/language objectives
- Utilize Interaction strategies to learn content
- Describe strategies to reduce amount of teacher talk in a lesson.
- Identify resources to support student clarification in native language (L1).
(APK) - Access Prior Knowledge
2. Building Background
Connect to students’ lives & prior learning: Pie Graph
Key Vocabulary:
- L1: Native language
(NI) – New Information
F16 - Frequent opportunities for Interaction / Discussion
F17 - Group Configurations
F18 - Wait Time
F19 - Clarify Key Concepts in L1
(APP) – Application
F16 - Frequent opportunities for Interaction / Discussion
- Indicate on the pie graph the percentage of teacher talk vs. student interaction vs. independent work in your classroom
- Show video clip of interactive classroom
- Dinner Party
- Group Response with White Board
- Reader/Writer/Speaker Response Triads
- Inside/Outside Circle
- Find Your Match
- You Are There
F19 - Clarify Key Concepts in L1
(GEN) – Generalization
- Share one, get one
- In the matrix, write three concepts about interaction or strategies to promote interaction
- As you move around the room, obtain six more ideas from your colleagues
(HW) – Homework
- Challenge:
- Gradually decrease the amount of teacher talk in your lessons, and…
- Increase interaction opportunities among your students
Share One, Get One
After reading text, listening to a lecture, viewing a video or a presentation, etc. students create a nine-block matrix. In the matrix, they write three ideas, concepts, etc. in three separate boxes. Then, students are given time to move around the room and talk with their peers. For each person they talk to, they exchange ideas from each other’s matrices. The goal is that they will have nine unique pieces of information they learned earlier in the class period.