Notice of a Meeting of the


at 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Wednesday 6 October 2010

in Meeting Room 3, Level 2, E11A


Name / Position / Attendance
Professor Judyth Sachs (Chair) / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost) - Chair
Ms Maxine Brodie / Librarian
Associate Professor Steve Cassidy / Learning and Teaching Committee Member
Associate Professor Pamela Coutts / Academic Standards and Quality Committee Member
Dr Julian De Meyrick / Coursework Studies Committee Member / Dean of Students
Professor Julie Fitness / Academic Senate Member
Dr Neil Fraser / Director, Informatics / Apology
Professor Janet Greeley / Executive Dean
Mr Gary Grocott / Professional Staff Member
Mr Colin Hawkins / Academic Registrar
Professor Philomena Leung / Head of Department
Professor Nick Mansfield / Dean, Higher Degree Research
Associate Professor Ian Solomonides / Director, Learning and Teaching Centre
Mr Tim Sprague / Director, Human Resources
Associate Professor Mark Taylor / Academic Senate Learning and Teaching Committee Chair (current) / Apology
Dr Jan Tent / Academic Senate Learning and Teaching Committee Chair (previous)


Ms Bronwyn Kosman, Office of the DVC (Provost)

Professor Jim Piper, DVC (Research) – for agenda item 5

Ms Katarina Poorova, Office of the DVC (Provost) – for agenda item 6


To welcome Associate Professor Mark Taylor to the Group.
To note apologies from Dr Neil Fraser and Associate Professor Mark Taylor.
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 1 September2010. These minutes have previously been circulated and are available at:

Matters Arising
All matters are listed as separate agenda items.
Academic Promotion
To discuss the proposal for assessors to be part of the promotion process for Level E applicants.
To discuss the nomination of referees. / Professor Sachs
Teaching Standards Framework Project - Macquarie
To receive a report on the progress of the Teaching Standards Framework project at Macquarie (Appendix A). /
Dr Tent
Ms Poorova
Teaching Standards Framework – Individual
To receive feedback on the two workshops held during Learning and Teaching Week.
To discuss purpose and implementation strategies. /
Professor Mansfield
Ms Kosman
2010 Meeting Dates
To note that the final scheduled meeting for 2010 will be held on:
17 November
The meeting will be held from 3:00 – 5:00pm in E11A, Meeting Room 3.
Any Other Business


TSF Project- Macquarie University Testing Progress Report

September 2010

  1. Meetings with Faculties, Departments & Library

Had meetings with all Faculty Executive Deans, Associate Deans T&L, and the University Librarian.

Departments for testing sources of evidence were identified: Linguistics, Music Media & Cultural Studies, Biological Science, and Economics.

Associate Deans L&T appointed their L&T Directors to get involved in the project on behalf of their Faculties.

  1. Sources of Evidence collection & Testing

Desktop review finalised: Collected all sources of evidence that are currently in the Framework. Identified pieces of evidence at the Institutional level, as well as some on Faculty and Department level, that can be added.

Targeted audit commenced: Having discussions with Faculties and Departments regarding the relevant sources of evidence.

  1. Testing of the framework
  2. Review of the alignment of the criteria, KPIs, “levels”, and sources of evidence.
  3. Review is based on the questions in the final report template.
  4. Review:
  5. Ensure that KPIs are relevant, linked to the criterion, in hierarchical order, and added if necessary;
  6. Ensure that “levels” are hierarchically consistent & linked to the Criterion, to KPI, the sources of Evidence;
  7. Ensure that Sources of Evidence are in a logical/hierarchical order, clear and self-explanatory.
  1. Updating the Glossary


1.Report Template Question number 4: What are the relevant measures of student learning outcomes?

2. Replacement of the term ‘Levels’ with ‘Steps’?