Teaching Development Fund: Pro forma A – Expression of interest
Proposed Project Title:Project Leader and Deputy Leader Names and Department(s):
Names and department(s) of any other staff associated with the project:
Total Amount of Funding Requested and an approximate breakdown of what the funding will be used for: / £
Short Summary of the Proposed Project (~200 words summary of your idea plus up to 300 words outlining how the proposal meets the TDF criteria 1-6).
Leader Signature:
Date: / Deputy Leader Signature:
Head of Department/School/Service Name:
Date: / Associate Dean Name:
Please email the completed Pro forma A as a single Word document (together with a confirmation email of support from the relevant service, if required) to by the required deadline.
TDF Selection Criteria- The proposed project must demonstrate that it will enhance teaching and the student learning experience.
- A clear rationale for the enhancement (based on, for example, evidence of need, existing good practice at the University or elsewhere, or the learning & teaching literature);
- Cross-departmental collaboration;
- Involvement of students as active partners;
- Potential relevance more widely across the University (through, for example, sharing of lessons learnt from the project or possibility of adoption / adaptation by other departments);
- Sustainability of the project outcomes beyond its funded-lifetime.
- The scale, scope and methodology of the project;
- A description of how the bid aligns with and contributes to the University's Education Strategy and Objectives 2013/14 - 2015/16;
- A description of how the project will enable the exchange of ideas/practice;
- An outline of the benefit (in terms of professional development) to the project leaders and participants;
- A plan for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the project;
- Evidence for prior consultation with relevant professional services, e.g. BUCS, LTEO, the Library;
- Evidence of prior liaison with the University's Legal Officer if an external contractor is to be involved, to ensure that the University is not detrimentally affected by issues concerning copyright.
Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office, December 2015