Teaching Committee Minutes, 1pm 13/05/2013
Alex Blaza, George Botterill, Amy Collins, Anne-Marie Frisby, Joanne Elliott, Ian Goley, Dominic Gregory, Rosie Hetherington, Steve Makin, Miriam Miller, Jenny Saul, Rachel Waddoups
1. NSS returns report
DG reported that the department had achieved over 60% on all relevant measures in relation to NSS returns; he thanked all those who completed the NSS and also the department’s staff for their help in achieving a healthy rate of returns.
2. Departmental procedures for handling ‘nonengaged’ students
SM summarised the procedures recently introduced by the department in response to the University’s distinction between ‘engaged’ and ‘nonengaged’ students: an email had been sent around to any student who had either failed to hand in a piece of assessed work or who had missed 1/3 of the lectures and seminars for some module. It was agreed, after discussion of potential pros and cons of the policy, that things would largely stay as is, although it was suggested that an email would be sent around by the Head of 2nd and 3rd Yr Studies at the start of the year explaining the policy to all students.
3. Online module enrolment
A-MF and JE reported that this has gone pretty smoothly this year. The student representatives reported that the emails on caps sent around by the department office had been very helpful.
4. Departmental procedures for handling essay extensions
SM ran through a range of issues raised by the department’s current handling of essay extensions. E.g. what supporting information ought we to be requiring students to provide, given that the current system might seem to be open to abuse? It was agreed, after discussion, that the official specifications provided by the department in relation to essay extensions are basically fine, although the account of the processes involved in essay extensions provided within the student booklets would gain from being reviewed; it was also agreed that it should be ensured the department’s stated policy on extensions and Special Circumstances Forms is being fully implemented.
5. Module questionnaire statistics for 2011 – 12; changes to module questionnaires
The meeting considered the lecture questionnaire statistics for the 2011 – 12 academic year: DG will follow up the one relevant case in which a module mark dropped below 3. The meetingdiscussed some potential changes to module questionnaires: various simplificatory changes were agreed. Student representatives emphasised the usefulness of the questionnaires, but suggested that 15 minutes rather than 10 should be assigned for their completion within lectures. The reasons for the department’s use of paper rather than online questionnaires—an item originally on the student/staff committee agenda—were also discussed.
6. Introduction of Information Literacy Sessions for first-years
DGand AC summarised the nature of the Information Literacy sessions for first-years that are to be introduced in the 2013 – 14 academic year: a short overview of information resources is to be provided within Induction week, followed by a longer lecture in week 5 or 6. All first-year students will be strongly encouraged to attend the sessions. DG thanked AC and Clare Scott for their help in setting up the sessions.
7. Introduction of online marked sample essays for student reference
DG proposed the online provision of sample marked essays, for student reference. The student representatives agreed that this would be very helpful; they also emphasised the need for the essays to cover a suitably representative sample of essay types. DG will send out an email to all students, to ensure that the department has permission to use any essays eventually used for the resource.