Job Description:

  • General Classroom Teacher in the Secondary Department & Subject Leader for English with a pastoral responsibility for a Secondary Tutor Group


Your duties and responsibilities will be performed in accordance with Part XII of the current School Teachers Pay and Conditions of Service Document (2017)

Teaching and Pastoral Responsibilities:

In respect of subjects and pupil groups as indicated by the school time table.

As the class teacher you are required to:

provide support and management to pupils within an environment which reflects care, happiness, enjoyment and success and in accordance with school policies and procedures for the safeguarding of children including the Blackpool SafeguardingChildren Board Procedures;

foster positive relationships with parents, carers and be involved in home/school liaison and parental engagement as appropriate;

attend and contribute to any meetings, case conferences as appropriate as may reasonably be directed by the Headteacher;

liaise effectively and work in co-operation with therapists etc;

effectively manage the time and utilise the skills of HLTA’s, SSA's, or other support staff working within your teaching area to the maximum benefit of the pupils;

communicate clearly and involve them in short term planning, or planning for individual needs;

Teaching and Learning:

1.Plan their teaching to achieve good or better pupil progression and with regard to all relevant school policies and schemes of work.

2.Be able to select and use a range of different teaching and learning styles including ICT for different

purposes according to the needs of the pupils.

3.Promote the active use of language across the curriculum.

4.Assess the ability of each pupil in the subject being taught with regard to the school Assessment, Recording and Reporting System (Bsquared & CASPA).

5.Maintain accurate records of pupil progress and achievement in line with the school Assessment,Recording and Reporting System.

6.Use display to stimulate and interest pupils and to recognise achievement.

7. Set IEP's for each pupil and review and revise on a termly basis.

8. Provide materials and resources to assist pupils in achieving subject based IEP's.

9. Work in partnership with other adults in the classroom when appropriate.

10. Consult regularly with the Curriculum Leader (DHT)regarding the subject being taught, as appropriate.

11. Obtain resources for the subject after consultation with the Curriculum Leader (DHT), as appropriate and the Headteacher.

12.Mark and monitor pupil's class and homework.

13.Ensure that pupils and parents are aware of subject targets and their achievements.

14.Ensure that Records of Achievement procedures are adhered to.

15.Provide information for Annual Reviews, Transition Plans, Re-Assessments, etc. as requested by the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.

16.Assist in maintaining acceptable standards of pupil behaviour and maintaining individual pupil logs.

17.Monitor the health, safety and general welfare of all pupils in their care.

18.Ensure implementation of school Marking and Homework Policy.

19.Ensure safekeeping of teaching resources.

20.Any other duties that the Headteacher may reasonably request.

General Classroom Teacher in the Secondary Department & Subject Leader for English with a pastoral responsibility for a Secondary Tutor Group

Curriculum Design and Development

All work relating to curriculum development must support the school’s aims and objectives and be undertaken in liaison with the School Curriculum Leader (Deputy Headteacher).

  • Formulation/updating of a written English Policy
  • Development of a scheme of work throughout the school
  • Ensuring curriculum coverage, continuity and progression
  • Organise the integration of Information and Communication Technology
  • Organise whole school activities to promote the subject area
  • Prioritise, plan and organise a subject area contribution to the School Improvement Plan
  • Contribute to Target Setting in English


  • Support colleagues in their planning and development of the curriculum area of English
  • Encourage commitment and positive attitudes toward the curriculum area of English
  • Communicate with the wider community (e.g. parents, carers, Governors)
  • Liaison with all phases in the school

Assessment and Monitoring

  • Assessment and evaluation of the curriculum area as part of the school system (Bsquared & CASPA)
  • Monitoring the curriculum area for continuity, consistency and progression, through opportunities for observing the teaching of the agreed scheme of work, pupil interviews and scrutiny of work throughout the school
  • Development and monitoring of record keeping system(s) as part of an agreed school system
  • Participation in leveling children’s work in Englishas part of the process of quality assurance
  • Leading in the development of individual pupil and whole school portfolios in Englishusing examples of pupil’s work to indicate progress


  • Evaluating the relevance of existing resources, particularly with regard to differentiated learning, multi cultural issues and equal opportunities
  • Managing the purchase and deployment of resources in liaison with colleagues throughout the school
  • Management of the budget assigned to the subject/curriculum area, ensuring ‘best value’
  • Ensuring resources are used efficiently, effectively and safely throughout the school
  • Maintain inventory of non-expendable stock/resources

Professional Development

  • Attending appropriate in service courses, reporting back and cascading training to staff as appropriate
  • Personal reading to keep up to date with current issues, development and new resources
  • Arranging and organizing school based in service activities as part of the whole school INSET programme
  • Any other duties that the Headteacher may reasonably request

Signed ______Date ______

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