Curriculum Plan – Summer 2015
Teachers: Mrs Bates, Ms Henry and Mrs Matthews Year Group: 4
The following topics will be covered by the majority of the children during the Summerterm. We have provided this information to help you support your child at home should you wish to do so.
Literacy /- Dilemmas: in this unit the children will read stories containing dilemmas. They will discuss possible outcomes and reasons for making choices. The children will then go on to their own autobiographical story containing dilemma and the consequences of their choices.
- Take One Poet – poetry appreciation: in this unit the children will research a poet. We will discuss personal responses to the poetry and learn one of their poems by heart.
- Beowulf plays: children will read the story of Beowulf and write and perform a play based on this story.
- Explanation: in this unit the children will create a flowchart to explain how the Digestive System works (linked to Science topic). They will use notes to write an explanation in an impersonal style.
- Take One Book: Beowulf, version by Michael Morpurgo.
- Grammar: we are building on grammar rules taught last year, and focusing on inverted commas for speech, apostrophes for plural possession, Standard English, noun and preposition phrases, fronted adverbials, pronouns and paragraphing.
Numeracy /
- Number and Place Value: Children will be taught to read, write and order numbers with four digits; recognise and interpret negative numbers on a number line; use the < and > signs; predict numbers that will occur in a sequence; round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
- Addition and Subtraction: Children will be taught to add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of column addition and subtraction where appropriate; estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation and solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in context.
- Multiplication and Division: Children will be taught to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12; recognise and use factor pairs in mental calculations; multiply two and three digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout and solve problems involving multiplying and dividing.
- Fractions (including decimals):Children will be taught to recognise common equivalent fractions; understand hundredths; solve problems involving fractions of quantities; recognise and write decimal equivalents of fractions such as a half and a quarter. They will also divide one and two digit numbers by 10 and 100, round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number and solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals.
- Measurement:Children will be taught to convert between different units of measurement (e.g. kilometre to metre, hour to minute); Estimate, compare and calculate different measures including money in pounds and pence; revision of time and time intervals, timetables, calendars.
- Geometry (properties of shapes and position and direction):Children will be taught to identify acute and obtuse angles, compare and order angles up to two right angles by size. Identify and draw lines of symmetry in 2D shapes presented in different orientations. They will learn to use coordinates in the first quadrant and describe movements between positions as translations to left/right and up/down.
- Statistics:Children will be taught to interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphs and charts and solve problems using information presented in bar graphs, tables and pictograms.
Science /
- Electricity: Children will be taught to identify common appliances that are run on electricity; construct a simple series circuit identifying basic parts; identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit; recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit; recognise some common conductors and insulates; associate metals with being good conductors.
- Animals including humans: children will be taught to describe the simple functions of the basic parts of a human digestive system; identify the different types of teeth in humans and their functions; construct and interpret a variety of food chains; identify producers, predators and prey.
R.E. /
- Mission of the Church. In this topic the children will learn about the mission entrusted by Jesus to his followers to tell everyone the good news. The children will focus on Peter who was chosen by Jesus to be leader of the disciples, the first Pope. They will also learn about Stephen, the first Christian martyr and St. Paul. The children will learn about Pentecost and reflect on the importance of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
- The Church. In this topic the children will learn what it means to belong to the Church community. They will explore the nature of community, the importance of identity and commitment, and relate this to the Sacrament of Baptism and the Creed.
History /
- AngloSaxons and Scots. Children will be taught about the Roman withdrawal from Britain; the fall of the western Roman Empire; invasions from Ireland to North Britain (now Scotland); Anglo Saxons invasions, settlements and kingdoms; place names and village life; Anglo Saxon art and culture; Christian conversion – Canterbury, Iona and Lindisfarne.
Design Technology /
- Circuit boxes with moving and lighting up parts.
Art Design /
- Through my Window watercolour painting
- Anglo Saxon jewellery using clay.
- Illuminated letters.
Music /
- Delivered by Mrs Griffiths
P.E. /
- Weekly swimming on a Thursday.
- Delivered by Mr. Moss –cricket and rounders.
I.C.T. /
- Keeping informed. The children will understand the difference between data and information. They will be using dataloggers to gather data from the environment and downloading it to the shared area to analyse. They will learn about the differences in structure between branching databases and flat-file databases and understand how to derive information from these sources.
French /
- Unit 11 ~ ‘Carnival of the Animals’ by Saint-Saëns.
- Unit 12 ~ Aesop’s fable Le Vent et le Soleil (The Wind and the Sun)
- At home: Children may use, practise and play on the ‘Babelzone’ website units from 1~12.