Course Outline for Digital Media 32B, page 1
Fall 2007
ChabotCollegeFall 2007
Course Outline for Digital Media 32B
Catalog Description:
32B - Illustrator II1.5 units
Continuation of the content and skills introduced in Digital Media 32A (Illustrator I). Creation of custom brushes and patterns; masking and distorting objects; simulating light and shadow through use of gradients, blends, meshes, and 3D effects; preparing files for commercial printing. Prerequisite: Digital Media 32A (completed with a grade of “C” or higher). 1 hour lecture, 2 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 17.5, laboratory 35]
Prerequisite Skills:
Before entering the course, the student should be able to:
- use basic operating system features, including navigation of the desktop, saving and moving files to various storage media, and adjusting system preferences;
- launch Illustrator, navigate and customize its interface, use the tools available on its toolbars and palettes, and apply commands by means of menus and keyboard shortcuts;
- create and save a document in a file format appropriate to its intended use;
- describe the differences between raster (bitmapped) and vector (object-oriented) images;
- draw Bézier curves with the pen tool, and modify curves by manipulating their anchor points and control handles;
- create paths with a variety of tools such as the pencil tool, rectangle tool, ellipse tool, polygon tool, star tool, line segment tool, arc tool, and spiral tool;
- change the weight and color of strokes and fills;
- join and divide paths by means of the Pathfinder palette and various menu commands;
- add text to a document (including point type, area type, and type on a path), and format that text in various ways;
- change the size and appearance of the artboard, including the use of grids and guides;
- select colors using swatches, the color palette, and the color picker, and apply principles of color theory;
- use and modify gradients, blends, patterns, brushes, and symbols;
- place bitmapped images in a document by means of embedding or linking;
- use the Layers palette to create and customize layers, and to control the visibility and stacking order of objects.
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
- create and modify specialized objects such as blends, compound paths, compound shapes, and mesh objects;
- apply transparency and blending modes;
- hide portions of objects by means of opacity masks and clipping masks;
- apply filters and effects, including use of the 3D effect to create basic 3D objects;
- use the Appearance, Attributes, and Transform palettes to modify objects;
- create custom brushes, patterns, symbols, and graphic styles;
- distort objects by means of warp and mesh envelopes;
- prepare images for spot-color printing and four-color process printing;
- describe how Illustrator fits into a typical print production workflow.
Course Content:
- Creating and modifying specialized objects such as blends, compound paths, compound shapes, and mesh objects
- Applying transparency and blending modes
- Hiding portions of objects by means of opacity masks and clipping masks
- Applying filters and effects, including use of the 3D effect to create basic 3D objects
- Using the Appearance, Attributes, and Transform palettes to modify objects
- Creating custom brushes, patterns, symbols, and graphic styles
- Distorting objects by means of warp and mesh envelopes
- Preparing images for spot-color printing and four-color process printing
- Illustrator's role in a typical print production workflow
Methods of Presentation:
- Computer demonstrations
- Lecture with whiteboard
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1.Typical Assignments
a.Create a drawing file incorporating custom brushes and patterns
b.Create a drawing file that uses gradients, blends, and meshes to simulate the play of light on the surface of an object
c.Create a drawing file that uses masks and effects to capture attention
d.Create a final project using a majority of the drawing tools studied in this course.
2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a.Homework assignments
b.Quizzes and exams, including a final exam
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Adobe Illustrator CS2 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Press, June 17, 2005
Special Student Materials:
Portable file-storage device, such as a USB flash drive