Unit Title: Democracy and Citizenship Week: # 3

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: Third Date: From _______to ______20____

Desired Result /
Durable Comprehension (Key Understanding)
Example: Students will understand that ... Famous historical figures have fought hard for their strong belief in equality and rights that they adhered to, even if at the time it was considered wrong. /
Assessment Evaluation /
Summative evaluation
(unit projects, exams, etc.) Quiz ( Conjunctions), Flow chart of how US Government Works, /
Learning Plan /
Suggested Learning Activities: /
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Standards / Language / Language / Language / Language / Writing
Expectations / 3.LA.1h / 3.LA.1h / 3.LA.1f / 3.LA.1f / 3.W.4, 3.W.3
Academic Strategy / ___ E ___ C ___ A
___ PBL ___ Coop. Learning.
____Literacy ___ Others ______/ ___ E ___ C ___ A
___ PBL ___Coop. Learning.
_____Literacy ___ Others ______/ ___ E ___ C ___ A
___ PBL ___ Coop. Learning.
___Literacy ___Others ______/ ___ E ___ C ___ A
___ PBL ___ Coop. Learning.
____Literacy ___Others ______/ ___ E ___ C ___ A
___ PBL ___ Coop. Learning.
____Literacy ___Others ______
Objective / Students will leave the class knowing how to use conjunctions to combine sentences. / Students will use conjunctions to combine sentences. / Students will learn the present tense of regular verb. / Students will learn the past tense of regular verbs. / Students will use the writing process and transitional words to complete a flow chart.
Initial Activities / The teacher will present the conjunctions, and, or, but and explain their uses. / The teacher will review last class. / The teacher explained the spelling rules for present tense of regular verbs. / The teacher explained the spelling rules for the past tense of regular verbs. / The teacher present “How US Government Works”
Development Activities / Students will identify conjunctions on a group of sentences.
Use conjunction to combine sentences. / Students will do a worksheet with a group of sentences to combine using conjunctions. / Students will identify verbs in a group of sentences. Then they will complete sentences using the present tense of verbs. / Students will identify past tense verbs in a group of sentences. Then complete sentences using the past tense of verbs. / Students will have a class discussion about how US Government Work and compare it with PR and other countries.
Closing Activities / Review and summarize the class / Take a quiz using conjunctions to complete a group of sentences. / Discuss and summarize class / Discuss and summarize class / Develop the Flow Chart
Formative Assessment – Other evidence / Quiz / Flow Chart
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP’
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection