Teacher Standards and Practices Commission
465 Commercial Street NE
Salem OR 97301 / April 28, 2005


Comfort Suites of Salem, Oregon Pacific Room

630 Hawthorne Ave. SE, Salem, OR 97301


Call to Order

On Thursday, April 28, 2005, at 8:00 a.m., the Executive Committee met in the Oregon Pacific Room at Comfort Suites in Salem, Oregon. From 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. the full Commission considered the Preliminary Business. From 8:50 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. the Licensure Committee met in the Board Room and Program Approval Committee met in the Oregon Pacific Room. From 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. both committees reconvened before the full Commission to consider several items under Reports, Presentations, Discussion, and Administrative Rule Adoption. Following lunch, Chair Walborn called the meeting to order in Executive Session to consider disciplinary cases. From 3:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. the full Commission met to consider discipline issues in Public Session. The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.

Commission Members Present
Aurora Cedillo
Carol L. Mack
Charleen Hoiland
Debra Robinson
Francis Charbonnier
Gary Peterson
Greg Bell
Karen Weiseth
Katrina Myers
Leslie Walborn
Marit Pierce
Mary Lou Pickard
Nancy Watt
Pat Evenson-Brady
Susan DeMarsh
Commissioners Absent
Anne Jones
Peter Tromba
Commission Staff Present
Vickie Chamberlain
Pam LaFreniere
Melody Hanson
Kathy Rogers
Elizabeth Denecke (p.m. only)
Susan Nisbet (p.m. only)
Cameron Lane (p.m. only) / Observers
Bill Beck, COSA
Steve Williams, OSPA
Gordon Munck, COSA
Thomas Doyle, Attorney
Sue Thompson, WOU/OACTE
Bob Hamm, University of Phoenix
Jim Mabbott, University of Phoenix
Pat Hardin, University of Phoenix
Tom Greene, University of Portland
Maria Ciriello, University of Portland
Shelly Smolnisky, Pacific University
David Plotkin, Marylhurst University
Mark Ankeny, George Fox University
Meredith Curley, University of Phoenix
Nan Willis, Northwest Christian College
Sharon Chinn, Lewis and Clark College
Brenda Simpson, Umatilla-Morrow ESD
Margaret Mahoney, University of Oregon
Deborah Miller, Portland State University
Janine Allen, Northwest Christian College
Vivian Moen, Northwest Christian College
Stuart Tennant, Northwest Christian College
Heather Stanhope, Eastern Oregon University
Teresa Ferrer, Oregon Education Association
Holly Lekas, Beaverton School District/OSPA
Linda Samek, OACTE and Western Baptist College
Maureen Musser, Middle-Level Consortium and WU
Micki M. Casky, Portland State, Mid-Level Consortium


1.1 Call to Order and Overview of the Day

Leslie Walborn, Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

1.2 Acceptance of Agenda

Chair requests the acceptance of the agenda with flexibility.

MOTION, to accept the agenda.

Moved by Peterson / Seconded by Pierce / Carried

Absent / Evenson-Brady, Robinson, Charbonnier, Jones, Tromba

1.3 Introduction of New Commissioner—Francis Charbonnier

The chair introduced the new Commissioner, Francis Charbonnier.

Francis Charbonnier: Briefly, I was born and grew up in France. I first came to the United States for Graduate School at the University of Washington. I received a PhD. in Physics in 1952 and then returned to France for three years. I came back to McMinnville in 1955 and started at Linfield College. I became the R&D Manager at Hewlett Packard until I retired in 1994. Since then I have been doing consulting and research. Currently, I am on the Board of Directors for Linfield Research Institute. I have been on the school board in McMinnville since 1970 and the OSBA board for six years. I am looking forward to being a Commissioner with TSPC. I appreciate the value of services TSPC provides. It is critical for us to have the best schools, therefore; we must have the best possible teachers. I am inspired by your mission statement but I believe you must be more aggressive. The quality of teachers is the most important factor and maintaining that quality is important. I hope to be able to make a contribution based on my years of experience on the school board. It is important to make sure new teachers are Highly Qualified (HQ) but also that throughout their careers they remain HQ and highly dedicated. I look forward to working with you.

1.4 Introduction and Comments of Agency and Organization Representatives and Guests

(Guest Comments Regarding Non-Agenda Items)

Margaret Mahoney – University of Oregon

Sharon Chinn – Lewis and Clark College

Micki Caskey – Portland State University

Maureen Musser – Willamette University, Middle-Level Consortium

Teresa Ferrer- OEA

Janine Allen – Northwest Christian College

Vivian Moen – Northwest Christian College

Nan Willis – Northwest Christian College

Stuart Tennant – Northwest Christian College

Heather Stanhope – Eastern Oregon University

Gordon Munck - COSA

Bill Beck – COSA

Steve Williams - OSPA

Bob Hamm – University of Phoenix

Maria Ciriello – University of Portland

Shelley Smolnisky – Pacific University

Jim Mabbott – University of Phoenix

David Plotkin – Marylhurst University

Meredith Curley – University of Phoenix

Pat Hardin – University of Phoenix

Brenda Simpson, Umatilla Morrow ESD

Tom Greene – University of Portland

1.5 Approval of Minutes—January 13-14, 2005

MOTION, to accept the minutes as part of the Consent Agenda.

Moved by Myers / Seconded by Watt / Carried

Absent / Charbonnier, Cedillo, Jones, Tromba

1.6 Approval of Minutes—March 10-11, 2005

MOTION, to accept the minutes as part of the Consent Agenda.

Moved by Myers / Seconded by Watt / Carried

Absent / Charbonnier, Cedillo, Jones, Tromba

1.7 Chair Walborn’s Report

The meeting in August is three days; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday [August 3, 4, 5] in Bend. Wednesday we will have a Cultural Competency event. Thursday we will cover several topics of discussion done in café style. The Commission would like to thank OEA for hosting the Alternative Assessment Meeting. Also, thank you to those who testified on our behalf on HB 3172; Linda Samek. Joe Mannion, Karen Hamlin, Tom Greene and Nancy Watt. TSPC is very appreciative of your support.

1.8 Executive Director Chamberlain’s Report

The Executive Director reports that Mark Ankeny has accepted a new position that will take him out of state as of July 1st. He is going to Utah and is looking forward to his new position there. We will miss him; this is a loss to the Oregon education community.

An event at Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has resulted in nearly taking the TSPC computer system down. We are not concerned about licensure data, only individual computers. It will be slightly inefficient until this is resolved.

1.9 Reports from Liaison Appointees:

State Board / Joint Boards of Education - Peter Tromba

No report.

Oregon University System Board - Carol Mack

No report.

Business Education Compact - Keith Menk

No report.

Oregon Fund for Advancement of Teaching Excellence - Anne Jones

No report.

Legislative Committees - Mary Lou Pickard/Charlene Hoiland/Pat Evenson-Brady

Commissioner Pickard stated she was at the Legislative hearing on Monday. The information given to the committee spoke very highly of the work that TSPC does. Nancy Watt spoke to the committee from the heart regarding the wonderful job that TSPC is doing in this state to prepare teachers. It was a wonderful experience and thanks were expressed for everyone’s input.

You can listen to the hearing at the legislative home page: http://www.leg.state.or.us. In the upper right corner, click on Audio-Video, go into Formerly Streamed Committee Meetings under the House Education Committee and pick the date [April 26th, 2005]. Higher ed truly set the tone for the hearings. The Commission was well supported that day and it was very exciting.

1.10 Review of Correspondence and Information of Interest to Commissioners

MOTION, to accept this item as part of the Consent Agenda.

Moved by Myers / Seconded by Watt / Carried

Absent / Cedillo, Charbonnier, Jones, Tromba


2.1 University of Phoenix Proposal for Master of Arts in Teaching Program

The Master of Arts in Teaching program will provide additional opportunities for current or prospective students as they prepare to meet state and national requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers with a Master’s degree or additional content area focus.

The proposal submitted includes information on the mission of the organization, the need for the program, candidate and program assessment processes, institutional support, educational offerings, and faculty vitae.

Bob Hamm and Meredith Curley are from the University of Phoenix. The University of Phoenix has a program before you that has been developed to educate people to become teachers in the State of Oregon. It is an Oregon program; it’s in Oregon and it’s for Oregon.


Questions were asked about:

·  Middle Level authorization

·  Adding authorizations

·  Field experience

o  Student role in acquiring

o  Assessment

·  Work samples

Regarding the student teaching evaluation, it appears that you have taken the Oregon objectives and added them to the University of Phoenix objectives. Do you have plans to streamline them?

University of Phoenix: This is taken right out of Oregon law.

TSPC: What is the criteria for selecting a mentor teacher?

University of Phoenix: That is in the appendix we provided at the meeting in March 2005. We require that they are a Master Teacher in their district. We prefer that they have five years experience and a Master’s degree.

TSPC: We had questions regarding the teacher work sample having a distinction between goals and objectives. It looks like that is in your course numbered 509?

University of Phoenix: The teacher work sample is in a lot of different courses but they formally do a work sample while they are in student teaching seminars two and three. It is done concurrently with their student teaching.

TSPC: It does not look like 509 is in early childhood.

University of Phoenix: There is a similar course but it is not called the same thing. MAT 509 will occur within all the different methods courses.

TSPC: University of Phoenix has training for your style of teaching. You have faculty listed here, have they gone through that training?

University of Phoenix: On the list I have here, they all have gone through it.

TSPC: The contracts with the school districts; are those part of your administrative program?

University of Phoenix: These are from our files. They will be renewed and updated once this program is approved.

TSPC: How important is it to have the authorization levels cleared up? We can approve this and then they get looked at again in one year. So, if the Commission votes to approve this, in one year we can see if they have taken care of this. The rules are set up so new programs don’t have to have all the things that you are looking for. On new programs, you’re rules provide that you can approve them but you will look at the program aspects and the development of those aspects in one year. This may include a site visit. This is a conditional approval. This gives them the capacity to act for one year and then we renew that capacity in one year with a site visit.

MOTION, to accept the printed resolution.

Moved by Walborn on behalf of the Program Approval Committee / Carried

Absent / Jones, Tromba

The printed resolution reads:

RESOLVED, that the Commission approve the University of Phoenix proposal for Master of Arts in Teaching Program based on favorable review of the Program Approval Committee in cooperation with the Commission.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that University of Phoenix is authorized to recommend candidates to the Master of Arts in Teaching after May 2, 2005.

2.2 Northwest Christian College Proposal for Master of Arts in Teaching Program

The Master of Arts in Teaching program and the graduate reading and ESOL endorsement programs will provide additional opportunities for current or prospective students as they prepare to meet state and national requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers with a Master’s or additional content area focus

The proposal submitted includes information on the mission of the organization, the need for the program, candidate and program assessment processes, institutional support, educational offerings, and faculty vitae

Nan Willis - Associate Dean, Teacher Education at Northwest Christian College

Vivian Moen – Professor at Northwest Christian College

Janine Allen - Professor at Northwest Christian College

Nan Willis: Currently at NCC, we offer pre K-12 licensure with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, we also offer the ESOL endorsement at all age authorization levels at the under graduate level. Our current faculty includes five full-time professors, nine adjunct professors, and we serve two campuses; the Eugene campus and a campus at Umpqua Community College.

Vivian Moen: The first thing we had to do when considering this MAT was to find out if the students were interested in a program like this.

NCC purchased a new building that will have faculty offices and some additional classrooms. It has been proposed to the Board that a new academic building come forward in the next few years.

The technology has expanded greatly. All classrooms are wireless now. Faculty approval occurred in December 2004. We have had four consortium meetings this year. The schedule for this program is about 18 months. We’re proposing it would start in September 2005. Students would take two semesters and do some summer work before they begin their student teaching the next September, a full year after beginning the program. The people who want the MAT with the reading or the ESOL endorsement will already have an Initial license.

On page 8 of the Appendix is the sequence of the courses for Early Childhood Education/Elementary (ECE/ELE). Page 20 describes the middle school (ML), high school (HS) licensure. On page 39 it describes how we would embed the Reading Endorsement in a Masters program. On page 55 is the description of the ESOL. Page two of the appendix, [2 through 7] will give you the alignment with the Oregon Initial license standards by courses. The difference between the method courses from ML and HS are reflected there.

Janine Allen: The reading endorsement is designed for teachers that come to the Masters program with an Initial license or a Basic. The reading endorsement is for those who want to add this endorsement to their license and is not offered to people coming to our MAT program seeking an Initial license. It is not being offered in the undergraduate pathway. It has been aligned with Division 065 standards for adding a reading endorsement to an existing license. That alignment in on page 37 of the appendix. It has been aligned with the International Reading Association standards. We have made reading a national goal; it’s a national priority, therefore, we need to begin preparing teachers to speak to that priority. There is a profound achievement gap and it is showing up in reading. Reading is what supports the other content areas. District superintendents and district principals are putting a great deal of emphasis on the area of reading. Let’s prepare our teachers for that.