Sherry R. Moses, Principal
Amanda E. Dali, Assistant Principal
August, 2014
Dear Ronald McNairFamilies,
The excitement is building as the end of the summer is approaching. We hope that you and your children have enjoyed the summer months and have had an opportunity to rest, relax and recharge for the upcoming school year.
Moving into McNair’s 24th school year, our students will enter a building that has been completely repainted and bathrooms replaced. With the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) new technology initiative, all 3rd and 5th grade students will receive Google Chromebooks for use in school, during the 2014 – 2015 school year. All MCPS students in kindergarten through fifth grade will continue tobenefit from the full implementation of Curriculum 2.0. You can learn more about Curriculum 2.0 on the MCPS website.
This summer, Mrs. Moses had the privilege of meeting more families during individual family chats. We believe that positive family partnerships are key to our student’s success; the more we know about our students and their families the better we can work together to meet their needs. Our goal for this school year is to continue to provide the highest quality educational program for your children. Each family plays a vital role in helping to create the positive atmosphere that supports the success of our school. We encourage you and your children to continue to take risks, explore, and push yourselves toward greatness.
Staff members are listed in your packet by teams. New staff members are highlighted with a star.Look for our new shining stars at McNair.We look forward to introducing them to you.
We promise our support and ask for your support so that together we can work in partnership to enable all students to achieve. Always feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to working with each of you throughout the school year!
Mrs. Sherry MosesMs. Amanda Dali
Please continue reading for information on Ronald McNair ES rules and procedures.
2School Supplies
New Family Welcome
Kindergarten Parent Information Meeting
Open House
3School Hours
Student Attendance and Absences
4First Day Procedures
Important Dates for Marking Period 1
September Calendar Link
5Early Release Days
Cafeteria Information
SNAP/Cafeteria Information Link
6Menu for the First Week of School
Food Sources from Outside of School
7Safe Arrivals and Dismissals Procedures
8Dismissal Plan
9Bus Transportation
Procedure for a Change in the Way a Student Goes Home
10Parents in the School
Messages during the school day
How to Contact Staff
11Delivery of Articles to Students
Student Birthdays
Medication at School
Prescribed Medication Form Link
12Principal and Grade Level Newsletter Information
Behavior Expectations
Cell Phone Permission Form Link
Dress Code
14Staff Roster
Students will not be asked to pay for or provide textbooks, supplementary readers (such as anthologies, atlases, or workbooks), most materials of instruction, audiovisual aids, stationery items not commonly found in the home and required for the student to demonstrate mastery of course objectives, or building or office materials needed to operate schools.
Students may be asked to pay for materials of instruction that primarily fit into three categories as follows:
- Component parts of a product that will become student property (example: sculpting clay).
- Materials of instruction or items of personal use that become the property of the student (example: recorder).
- Items eaten by the student as a part of the course (example: bread baking ingredients).
Students are still expected to bring individual organizational tools and personal supplies from home. In addition, there are student fees which are not course-related but local school decisions made by the principal in collaboration with the school and parent leadership. These may include fees for class snacks, special grade-level assemblies, etc. There also may be fees related to field trips, but these will be shared each time there is a trip and not in advance as a school fee.
We are committed to providing all students, regardless of their economic circumstances, with full access to the instructional program. If you need assistance for any requested expense, or with providing the organizational tools and personal supplies, please contact your child’s teacher, our counselor, our assistant principal, or me.
Parent donations of items that enhance the classroom experience are still welcomed. They are not required donations and no student will be expected to provide these items, but if you care to contribute, it will be appreciated.
Class list and donation requests can be found on the Ronald McNair ES website at
or by visiting
We welcome all new families in grades 1-5 to meet in the cafeteria on Friday, August 22nd at 1:30 p.m. for a tour of the school. Our Kindergarten Parent Information Meeting will also be held Friday, August 22nd from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. in the gym.
We will hold our popular before-school open house where students can meet their teachers and find their classrooms before school begins.
What: Open House
Who: For families and students in Grades K-5
Why: Meet and visit briefly with their new teacher
When: Friday, August 22nd
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00p.m.
This is a great opportunity for your family to meet the staff members of the school and locate your child’s classroom! Open House allows you and your child to become familiar with the staff and meet new friends at Ronald McNair. Parents may find additional parking on the streets or in the Leaman Park parking lot located on Eternity Road. Parents of students who walk to school may want to help them practice the route they will be taking to and from school on this day. As you arrive at McNair, please follow arrival/line up directions. During your visit, cafeteria staff will be on site for you to deposit money into your child's lunch account. Please be sure to stop in the cafeteria before you leave the building. The PTA will have a table setup where you will have an opportunity to join the PTA.
McNcair’s student hours are from 9:05 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each regular school day. Kindergarten sessions are full day and follow the same school hours. The hours for ½ day early release are from 9:05 a.m. to 12:55 p.m. There is no afternoon Pre-Kindergarten on early release days.
If your child is going to be absent or late for school, please call our absence line at 301-353-8266 to notify us.
Parents should keep children at home when illness is suspected, a communicable disease has been diagnosed or lice nits have been found. The child must bring a note from home upon his/her return. After five consecutive days of absence, a physician’s note is required. Parents will receive an attendance call for students who are absent without notice.
Students who arrive at 9:15 a.m. or later are tardy. All students who are tardy must have an ADULT sign them in at the office and receive a pass to enter the classroom. Please do not drop your child off if they are latewithoutwalking him/her into the office.Parents must walk their child into the school to sign their child in at the school office if he/she arrives at 9:15 a.m. PARENTS MUST WALK THEIR CHILD INTO THE SCHOOL AFTER GAINING ACCESS THROUGH OUR SECURITY SYSTEM AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE. Students may not be able to access our security system alone.
Recording attendance:
Attendance in Montgomery County Public Schools is recorded in accordance with the Maryland Student Records System Manual by the Maryland State Department of Education.
- Students will be recorded as AM Absent, if they arrive at school more than two hours late.
- Students will be recorded as P.M. Absent, if they leave school more than two hours early.
- Students will be recorded as either AM Absent or P.M. Absent, if they are absent from school for more than two hours, but less than four hours during the school day.
- Students will be recorded as Full-Day Absent, if they are present for less than two hours of the school day.
- Students will be recorded as Full-Day Present, if they are present for more than four hours of the school day.
Our staff members will be available at open house and on the first day of school to help students find their way. Students should line up outside the school in their designated location on the first day of school. Staff members will be on site to greet students and teachers will have large signs to direct you to your child’s classroom lineup location. All classes line up outside the school starting at 8:55 a.m. daily.
Link to McNair’s September2014 Calendar
August 25First Day of School. It will be a full day of school (9:05-3:30).
September 5PTA Back-to-School Picnic 6:30p.m.
September 9Back-to-School Night Grades K-27:00-8:30p.m.
September 10Back-to-School Night Grades 3-57:00-8:30p.m.
September 12Fall Pictures Taken
PTA Back-to-School Picnic Raindate
September 24Early Release Day (Students dismissed 12:55 p.m.)
September 25Rosh Hashanah – School Closed
October 2Chick-fil-A Night 5:30-8:00p.m.
October 8PTA Meeting/Ice Cream Social 6:00-7:00p.m.
Walk Your Child to School Day
October 13Columbus Day (Observed) McNair Open House 9:30-11:00 a.m. / 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
October 17MSEA & MCAAP Conferences – NO SCHOOL
October 20-24PTA Book Fair
October 22-24Donuts for Dads
October 30Halloween Parade 2:15p.m.
Halloween Parties 2:30p.m. (Pre-arranged parent volunteers only – no siblings)
October 31Professional Day (Report Cards)
No School for students
Listed below are the 2014-2015 Early Release Days:
- Sept.24 – Early ReleaseK-12; Grading/planning
- Nov. 10 – Early Release K-8; Parent Conferences
- Nov. 11 – Early Release K-8; Parent Conferences
- Nov. 26 – Early Release K-12; Day before Thanksgiving
- Feb. 27 – Early Release K-12; Grading/Planning
- June 12 – Early Release; Last Day of School
Link to SNAP form and Cafeteria Information -
Breakfast is served in the McNair cafeteria from 8:45-9:10AM.The cost of breakfast is $1.30.Breakfast is an option that is available to all McNair students and can be utilized on a drop-in basis. Those students who are eligible for free/reduced meals are entitled to a free breakfast.Please see the link above for more information.
The 2014-2015 lunch prices have increased by $0.05.
- The cost of full price lunch will be $2.55
- Milk purchased by itself is 60¢.
To buy lunch, student must have money in their account or cash in hand. We understand that children, at times, forget their lunch money.Children who forget lunch, or are short money, can still receive a school lunch.A student’s account can reach a negative balance up to $10.00. Money deposited to the student’s account will be applied to the negative balance first. Once the student’s account has a negative balance of $10, the cafeteria will provide an American cheese sandwich.Each cold cheese sandwich provided will cost $0.25, which will be added to the balance owed to the school. Parents will receive written communication regarding their children's lunch account when the balance becomes low.
We also ask that parents please notify the school cafeteria regarding any food restrictions.
Free and Reduced Meals
Free/Reduced lunch applications will come home with all families on the first day of school. Please fill out the application and return it to the office to see if your child is eligible for free/reduced meal prices. If your child qualifies for reduced lunch, the cost is 40¢ and also qualifies him/her for free breakfast.
(WG = Whole Grain)
8/26/14 / WEDNESDAY8/27/14 / THURSDAY 8/28/14 / FRIDAY
WG Chicken Patty
On WG Bun
w/ French Fries / WG Personal PizzaCheese or Pepperoni / WG Chicken Nuggets
w/Rosemary Potatoes and WG Dinner Roll / Crunchy Taco (Taco Meat, Corn, Salsa, Cheese, WG Taco Pieces) / WG Pizza Cheese or
WG Pancakes
w/ Yogurt / WG Potato Crisp Fish Fillet on WG Bun / WG Grilled Cheese Sandwich
w/French Fries / Bone-in Chicken Drumstickw/ Seasoned Potatoes and WG Dinner Roll / Spicy WG Chicken Patty+ on a WG Bun
Cheese Pocket / Cheese Pocket / Cheese Pocket / Chese Pocket / Cheese Pocket
(1) MILK / (1) MILK / (1) MILK / (1) MILK / (1) MILK
Food Sources from Outside The School
The Division of Licensure and Regulatory Services of the Montgomery County Health Department are concerned about food prepared in the home and brought to schools to be served. These concerns, in view of increased incidences of salmonella contamination, deal primarily with egg and poultry products, but also focus on food products that are highly susceptible to spoilage, such as meats, fish, rice, potatoes, and food preparations containing eggs, dairy products, mayonnaise, and similar ingredients. In order to address these concerns and be sensitive to the dietary or medical restrictions of the youngsters in our school, all classroom partiesmust consist of store bought items. If you have a question about a food item for a school event, please contact your child’s teacher or the main office.
Safe Arrivals & Dismissals Procedures [SEE ATTACHED MAP]
- Students are not supervised outside prior to 8:55 a.m. and should not arrive before 8:55 a.m. unless they are purchasing breakfast in our cafeteria. If a student is dropped off before 8:55 a.m., you will be called and asked to come and get him/her, as adequate supervision is not available before that time.
- Students buying breakfast may enter the building at 8:45 a.m. or as soon as the bus drop off time and proceed to the cafeteria. All other students will be admitted into the building at 9:05 a.m. when the bell rings.
- Students arriving between 8:55 a.m. and 9:05 a.m. must line up outside with their grade level in the appropriate location (see below).On rainy mornings or days with temperatures below 32 degrees, students will be admitted into the building at 8:55 a.m. for indoor line-up. They will line outside of their classrooms up until the bell rings at 9:05 a.m.
- The first bell rings at 9:05 a.m.and the tardy bell rings at 9:15 a.m.
- It is strongly encouraged that students enter the building at 9:05 a.m. to be in their seats by 9:10 a.m. Instruction begins at 9:15 a.m.
- Students arriving at 9:15 a.m. are considered tardy. If your child is tardy, please do not drop them off. If a student is tardy, they must be accompanied to the main office and signed in by a responsible adult.
Car Rider Arrival:
Students may be dropped off in one of two locations:
1)Front Parking Lot:Enter the front parking lot and drive to the drop-off location in front of the school.
- Please be courteous and pull your car all the way to the end of the sidewalk so the line can move quickly.
- Parents, DO NOT get out of your car.
- Have students prepared to exit the car (backpacks on, lunch bag in hand, any other objects needed in hand) so when you pull next to the sidewalk they are ready to exit the car quickly.
- Students should exit the car on the passenger side. Parents mustfollow the directions of the staff and leave as soon as their children are on the sidewalk.
2)Steeple Road (in front of the pool):Parking is not allowed on the school side of Steeple Road on.Students then cross at the crosswalk with the Crossing Guard and walk to their line.Please do not walk or send your child across any street, including Steeple Road or the bus lanes, unless they are in the crosswalk.
All students who arrive at 9:15 a.m. must have anADULT sign them in at the office and receive a pass to enter the classroom.PARENTS MUST WALK THEIR CHILD INTO THE SCHOOL AFTER GAINING ACCESS THROUGH OUR SECURITY SYSTEM AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE.
Arrival Line-Up Locations:
- Students in kindergarten will line up by the bus loading zone doors.
- Students in grades 1 grade will line up on the sidewalk leading to the flag pole in front of the school.
- Students in grades 2 will line up along the building starting at the front door of the school
- Students in grades 3 will line up along the building starting at the door with the stained glass windows.
- Students in grade 4 and 5 will line up on the side blacktop by the portables.
- The bell for dismissal rings at 3:30 p.m.
- Afternoon dismissal will start at 3:30 p.m.
- Before the first day of school, please let your child’s teacher know how your child will get home from school. Once again, please remember to bring the postcard to Open House, indicating how your child will go home from school.
- If you need to pick up your child early from school, we ask that you do so before 3:15 p.m. Students will not be called to the office for early dismissal after 3:15 p.m., unless there is an emergency.
Car Rider Dismissal:
- Car riders will be dismissed to the blacktop by the portables. Parents of car riders should park in the Leaman Park lot on Eternity Road. Parents should not park in posted NO PARKING areas on Eternity Road.
- Parent pickup is not allowed in our front lot and cars should not enter the front lot between 3:20 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. Parents who pull into our front lot and park along the curb will be asked to move.
- After parking in the Leaman parking lot, parents should walk to the end of the lot to wait for their children, or go to the blacktop to meet them. A staff member will wait with students by the orange pole next to the blacktop, which is visible from the Leaman Park lot.
- If a car rider is not picked up by 3:40 p.m., he or she will be escorted to the main office to call his/her parents.
- All drivers must observe traffic and parking signs, including posted No Parking areas on Eternity Road.
- Walkers in 2nd – 5th grade are dismissed, intermittently, by grade level onto the blacktop by the gym.
- PreK students exit onto the kindergarten playground.
- Kindergarten and First Grade walkers will be dismissed from the gym.
- Older siblings of walkers must exit by their designated door and meet younger siblings at a prearranged spot.
- Students may not cross the McNair parking lot without adult supervision.
- All walkers must cross with the crossing guard at Hopkins Road and Steeple Road or with a staff member at Leaman Park or Eternity Ct. and Eternity Road. We also ask that students who live beyond the Hopkins Road and Father Hurley intersection PLEASE cross with the crossing guard.