Learning Intentions
Children will be taught:
1a) to talk and write about their opinions, and explain their views, on issues that affect
themselves and society;
1b) to recognise their worth as individuals, by identifying positive things about themselves
and their achievements, seeing their mistakes, making amends and setting personal goals;
2e) to reflect on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues, using imagination to understand
other people’s experiences;
4a) that their actions affect themselves and others, to care about other people’s feelings
and to try to see things from their points of view;
4c) to be aware of different types of relationships, including marriage, and those between friends and families, and to develop the skills to be effective in relationships.
2 / Learning Success Criteria
Knowing myself
I know about myself and how I learn.
I can extend my learning.
I can tell you the things I am good at.
I can recognise when I find something difficult anddo something about it or cope with how that makes me feel.
Understanding my feelings
I can tell you what feeling surprised is like.
I can tell you whether I like surprises or I like things to stay the same.
I can explain what hopeful and disappointed mean.
I understand why we sometimes fight or run away
when we feel threatened.
I know why it is sometimes important to stop and
think when we feel angry or stressed.
Managing my feelings
I can think about my worries and decide what I
might do about them.
I can tell when I should share a worry.
I know that most people have worries.
I can stop and think before I act.
I can recognise when I am beginning to get upset
or angry and have some ways to calm down.
I can use strategies to help me cope with feelings
of disappointment and feelings of hopelessness.
I can choose when to show my feelings and when
to hide them.
I can tell if I have hidden my feelings.
I can tell when it is good to relax.
I can relax when I want to.
Standing up for myself
I can choose to act assertively.
I know how to be assertive.
I can express myself assertively in a variety of
ways. / Assessment Opportunities
Cross Curricular links
Speaking and listening
Year 4: T2, 43. To use time, resources and group Plan your time well, making sure that everyone is
members efficiently by distributing tasks, checking doing something sensible towards the project. progress and making backup plans Have someone to check the progress everyone
is making.
Think and talk about what you can do if things go
Drama: L2 Making: Explore problems in an imagined world,
Performing: Use their voices and bodies to create characters and atmospheres
Responding: make simple connections between the dramas they experience and their own lives / Learning environment suggestions / Previous learning
Have learned how to get on with others, work with a team and to set goals and overcome barriers to learning.
Word Bank
Surprised, worried, anxious, angry
Disappointed, relax, routine
threat, threatened, hopeful, hopeless, novelty
assertive, aggressive, passive, risk
3 / Enrichment
SEAL cd-rom
Assembly story
Yellow yr3/4 God to be me booklet
Teacher’s pool/curriculum/blank planning
HIAS Healthy schools website Good to be me – James Hill, Sun Hill Junior 1