To those of you who are here for the first time, I hope you are happy here and that you find a message that can help you. To those of you who were here last week, welcome again. We decided last week that we were going to adopt a very unusual procedure in reading the Bible. We were going to see Jesus not as a human form. We were going to see Jesus as Light. We were going to see Jesus as the fourth dimension. So that every time the name Jesus came to our attention, we would see not a form but light. Not a three dimensional man but something of a fourth dimensional nature. So that the fourth dimension would be moving through three-dimensional man to teach us! Strangely enough last Sunday, our theme was that life is without beginning and without end—that life if eternal. And it was just two days later that the world mourned the death of a man. It was on Tuesday I think that Bobby Kennedy was shot. And it was all day yesterday that the world, billions, lined up in processions and on to eve, there was a mourning--an acceptance of death. Perhaps not in the few who had come into the understanding that life is truly eternal.
Now, if you remember, it was about November of 1963 that Jack Kennedy received the same bullet. And when it happened the world was probably in more shock than today for this man was already the president of the United States. What was learned from that was very little and the repetition of it again would indicate that we are going to learn just as little now unless we are able to stand foursquare and face this immediate situation of assassination through the Truth taught to us by the Master. Today we want to do that. We want to face what the world calls death and to see why it has no existence and then to go a step further and to find out why one individual knowing the truth about life could accept death and what principle is in that acceptance of death which brings you into the realization of life.
Now Bobby is not dead. Bobby Kennedy could not die anymore than Jesus could die. However, you will notice that even Abe Lincoln with a little book in his pocket all the time was assassinated. You will notice that Martin Luther King who taught the Bible was assassinated. And that Jack and Bobby both very devout Catholics were assassinated. And you must say that somewhere along the line where is God in the picture?
Now there is a passage in Proverbs 29:18, here and it says this: Where there is no vision, the people parish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. We parish where there is no vision, we are happy when we keep the law. Now we have thought that men like Lincoln, Kennedy’s', King were men of vision, men who kept the law. But it says here that you don’t parish when you keep the law. And so we have a contradiction of our won beliefs. Now it would appear that we do not know what keeping the law means. And it would also appear that the Master who taught eternal life never reached the inner ear of our present civilization.
Now we have the face of a man in front of us on a cross and we see some men come up with a sword and pierce him and the water and the blood spurts out. We have merely passed that by without thinking of it in terms of our piercing the Christ in the same way. We have not thought that our civilization is piercing the Christ. But be sure that the symbology of the on the cross, very aptly expresses our own ignorance. And in today’s paper you will find this funeral cortege and all the great names of our present civilization in the United States present, certain famous mill-lustrous men pall-bearing. And suddenly we have a situation, which brings to life a perfect headline, which Jesus himself wrote for this event. He said let the dead bury the dead and they are doing it. He meant it, he meant it to cover those us who are unaware that death does not exist in our Father’ house. And He used strong language to do it. Language that brought many an explanation from the Pharisees around him! Let the dead bury the dead. You see what comes home to the present civilization was well He couldn’t have been speaking about us. Are we are here to face the fact that He was speaking about us. He was not only speaking about us but everything He did was for the purpose of awakening us from a sleep. A sleep that is going on today with the same vigor and unawareness that has maintained this sleep in mankind since the Garden of Eden days. And this sleep must be faced. We must awaken from it. We must trace the steps to the Master without flinching from the Truth.
We have a man who said there is no death but did something no other man had done. He said I am going to prove it. Now suppose on TV instead of watching a funeral you had watched the crucifixion. Supposed you had watched the crucifixion and three days later you had seen the same man appear. Do you think you get the point? Don’t put it back there. Put it right here and now. Do you think Bobby is going to walk back in three days? What would happen if he did? What would you think or feel? And yet the point is that the spirit is capable of doing just that. The spirit is capable of walking back in just three days in the same form.
Let’s bring our teaching back to date. And let’s see that no man is doing it for a very simple reason that we are not aware of what the Master taught us. We are very much unaware and because of our unawareness, it is not only the truth of eternal life that we are missing but we are missing the abundance, the health, the harmony, the beauty, the truth, the perfection of that life. We are missing the peace of that life. In these times of election the words are banded about that this one will bring us peace and this one will bring us peace. This one will bring us economic security and this one will save our face so that we can retrench. Each one is extolling his own virtues. I have haven’t heard once anyone say that God knows the way. I haven’t heard anyone say that there is a way and it isn’t the way of mankind or the will of man or the mind of man. There is a total and complete absence of belief that there is a Living God. We are going to vote for this man or that man, this party or that party.
Even when Bobby hadn’t passed on what was the big worry in the mind’s of men in politics? Who would get the votes if he weren’t around? And if he was around and did recover would the votes stay with him? That is about all that was on the mind of politicians. There weren’t concerned about Bobby. Suddenly he’s a gentle lion, idealist, and a great humanitarian. McCabe said, he wanted the presidency so much his teeth hurt. We change over night and the papers change over night. The papers are selling papers and that is all they are selling. They are not selling truth. And the politicians are not selling truth. There maybe an exception in this case, there may be one who is an exception but is for you to judge. The point to be made is this, we must translate the world scene into a spiritual universe or we are walking in the same funeral preparing our own place in the coffin. There is too much of futility in the world today where there should be hope. Too much pessimism and fear where there should be Comforters!
Now make no mistake about it when the Master decided to teach us the meaning of life and give up His own to do it, this was a willing demonstration in which He personally accepted the challenge to move through death into life to show the non-existence of death. And it is very important that you know this and that you know it on biblical authority. That you carefully trace each step he took so we must do that. We must establish beyond your doubt that He accepted crucifixion. That He wanted crucifixion and He wanted it in obedience to an inner command that said this is the way it must be done.
Now I will tell you why you must come to that conclusion. Because the only way that He could accept it is the only way that you can find the same confidence that He found. Unless you know His secret, you cannot walk the path of eternal life. And so you must find His secret. You must know why a man could say I go but I will return. I go to My Father’s house and to your Father’s house. But fear not little flock I send the Comforter to you. My peace, my peace I give unto you. My joy I give unto you. He is walking to His crucifixion and telling them I give you My peace and my joy. And then He says to the Father thank you Father now glorify Me. I do this not only for these, my disciples, but also for those who follow later who will also accept Thy Word that they may know there is no death in Truth. What was His secret? Why could He do that? Let’s see how He says it. He tells us all the way. Now we are going to detail this very carefully. We are probably going to stay in the book of John more than the other gospels because John of the four was the one who understood the Spirit of Jesus. The others were more like Thomas who believed what they saw—the physical man who also believed that here was the Messiah. And even when He had risen, they had a risen messiah, they had a new Lord God but they didn’t have his message. They were worshipping the man even after He had risen and He knew they misunderstood what He had done. They thought now the Messiah has come back, He is going to lead us out of servitude but it wasn’t His intention to do that. It was His intention to lead mankind out of the servitude of ignorance. The message was the point not the man. I of mine own self can do nothing. But still don’t have the message because we still worship the man. In moments of fear and anxiety we still say well Jesus come to me or we turn to God. But we haven’t turned to The God that He taught us to turn to. Because that was His secret, that was His discovery. He knew where God was and who God is. And now great leader today hasn’t the slightest idea of who God is and where God is. And until we know that we too must perish! Literally we must perish to return again to search again for that which has already been revealed but ignored.
Now let’s take His words and not our own opinions. He says: now is the judgment of this world. And He is speaking here about His judgment of the world. He is moving toward crucifixion. And he says now is the judgment of the world. That is the judgment of the world when you get crucified you are dead. And He is going to test the judgment of the world. He doesn’t have a human enemy. He is not out to show up the Pharisees. He is not out to make Pilate look like a fool. He is not even out to defeat the Roman Empire. He is out to do something far greater and this has been His major mission. He is out to show the judgment of the world about death is incorrect. And He says so.
Now shall the prince of this world be cast out. We have never really understood who that prince was. The prince of this world shall now be cast out. He is going to expose the fallacy of that prince called death. I am going to expose that there is no death. I shall cast out the prince of this world. Why prince? Because death rules this world that is the prince. It rules this world by instilling in us fear, anxiety and insecurity. We live under the shadow of it. It is therefore the ruler of man, the God of man. Death itself the very devil but now I am going to expose this He says. The prince of this world shall be cast out. Now here are some other points He makes very clear to us. We are in John 12: 49-50 now.
For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.
Now He has been told what to do. He makes that statement. He doesn’t say a single word except the words that he has been told to speak. In other words, He is under direct orders. Did you see him receive any telegrams or letters? Did somebody come to Him with a wireless or a cable? How did He receive his orders? That is His Secret isn’t it? Did He come to teach secrets or to give you secrets? He is telling us the Word of God, where does it come from? The kingdom of God was within Him—God is spirit. The kingdom of God, the kingdom of Spirit is within Him. And within Him he receives the Word of God. Is it important to us? Oh yes, because He turns right around and says the kingdom of God is within you just the way I am receiving guidance from God so can you. But my kind of guidance is so incredible to the world that even though it tells me to out and get crucified I believe it. That is how much I believe in this communication from God to me. That I am following it to the letter! And will I be vindicated or not? Because if I fail, if this isn’t God’s communication to me to go and do what I am doing, I will fail. And if I can’t walk back out of this circumstance, if I fail, well three years have been wasted and nobody will believe my message. So you see I am not only expressing total faith in the fact that God communicates to man from within and I am telling you that He does with you too, but I am going to prove it. He has told me that I will walk back again and I am going to do it in total faith. And on that proof I will rest my message. That would make a pretty good trial lawyer. One who could rest his message on that proof that I can walk out of this scene against the judgment of the world that that is death and then walk back and even convince doubting Thomas that it is the same me. On that I will rest my case that all that I taught is true. And then if you see that is true, then all that I have taught should be of importance to you including that the kingdom of spirit is within you and as I receive communication from God from within you too.
And then go a step further. If you don’t receive communication from God from within, you are dead. Because that communication from within is called the Word! And unless that Word is made into your flesh you are dead or assassinated. You must live by the Word of God and it comes from within. It spins itself out like a spider and becomes your flesh. Take a seed put it out here on the table, just a seed. What happens to it? Nothing, nothing whatsoever. It could stay there for one hundred years and will not grow. Why? Because it must be put into the earth and then from inside the earth it will draw that which it needs. It is dead until it is put in its natural element until it is connected up to that earth. And then life within it, which is in it all the time, begins to come forth as a tree, as a bush or as a fruit. Man is a seed and unless that seed is connected to life that seed cannot grow. Unless that seed is connected to the Word of God, which is life, that seed cannot grow. It is cut off—it is a branch cut off. Now that seed, this Hindu mystic that Joel told us about said to his disciples bring in a fruit and they did. He said cut it open and they did. What do you find? And they said a seed. Good, cut the seed open and they did. What do you find there? Well nothing, nothing! Ah, he said that is the point. What is there is life and you can’t see it. Without it you can’t go anywhere.
That which you cannot see in the center of the seed is the life of the seed. And it is going to make the tree. It is going to grow that seed. This little infant is a seed, too. And the life in the center of that seed is going to grow that seed and that life in the center of the seed is called the Word. It can lie there just like a seed on this table and that seed won’t grow. If that word lies in that seed unnoticed you are looking at the living dead. You are looking at a living dead human race if that seed is unnoticed. If that word is not accepted in consciousness you do not see life you see imitation and that imitation is devoid of the harmony, the peace, the abundance, the fullness of God because there has been no connection between the outer man and the Living Word of God in the Seed of that man.