Health Lesson Plan

Day 2

Teacher’s Name: Miss Melissa Ray Grade Level: Preschool

*Performance Indicator(s) with infused content: 6.2.1-Identify a short-term personal health goal (wash hands after every trip to the bathroom) and take action toward achieving the goal. 1.2.3-Describe ways to prevent communicable diseases (washing hands, using tissues, etc.).

Name of Lesson: How do we Prevent Germs?

I.  Goal: Student will learn the answer to the question: “How are germs prevented?” They will learn that germs are spread through an activity and create a “Sneeze Bag” as a way to prevent germs from spreading and continue using them in the future.

II.  Objectives:

Students will be able to:

  1. Explain in class how germs spread and what they feel like through an activity.

b.  Create their own “Sneeze Bag”

I.  Adaptations for Diverse Learners: There are no specific diversity for this lesson plan. Student will get help creating their bags by either myself or the teacher’s assistant.

III.  Materials:

  1. Spray bottle
  2. Gallon size Ziploc bags
  3. Yarn
  4. Crayons
  5. Hole punch
  6. Coloring Page
  7. Elizabeth Verdick’s book Germs are Not for Sharing

IV.  Procedure:

a.  Set/Hook: I would start by spraying the water in the air and ask the children what they feel. (Wait for answers).

b.  Transition: I would tell the students that this is what a sneeze feels like when it is sent out in the air. People can pick up germs in the air when we sneeze so it is very important to cover our coughs and sneeze. Ask children ways they can cover their coughs and sneezes.

c.  Main Lesson: Hopefully, one child would give the answer of tissues and this would lead me in to explain the “Sneeze Bag.” Each child will get a coloring sheet that they can color with their name on it. We will have each child put 6 tissues in their bag and attach the bag to yarn so they can wear it around their necks that day in case they need to cover a sneeze or cough. (Students will have access to this bag the rest of the year when they aren’t feeling well). We will then sit on our circle and take about places the germs like to live. Students will give answers and the places they live. (Toys, pets, door knobs, tables, food).

d.  Transition: I will re-read the book by Elizabeth Verdick and have the children talk about ways they share germs with each other.

e.  Conclusion: I will give the children an idea of what we are doing tomorrow by telling them some hints that they have to remember. The first hint is that it makes bubble, it can be cold or hot and we use a towel at the end. (hand washing).

V.  Assessment: The assessment again will be discussion at circle time while listening to their ideas and conversations.

VI.  Assignment: None