Long Branch High School / Course: Environmental Science
Teacher: Mrs. Sheckler
Teacher’s Contact Information
Room Number / 323Email Address /
Extra Help Hours / SAP tutoring days and after school on any day but Tuesday until 3:15.
General Course Information
Pre-requisites / BiologyCourse Description / Environmental science is the study of the Earth’s systems, energy flow and dynamic processes as well as human impacts to these areas.
Learning Outcomes / Students will achieve 80% or higher on summative assessments.
Required Texts & Materials / Environmental Science- Holt.
Ring Binder Notebook
Internet Access
Course Requirements: / Homework and formative assessments =30%
Lab Reports, Projects and Unit Tests: Summative = 70%
Assignments & Academic Calendar: This course will be divided into units as follows:
HS-Ess1-5,2-12-3,2-5,2-7 HS-PS2-3,5 / Earth’s Systems, Energy and Alternative Energy, Coevolution of Earth’s systems
Unit II:
HS-LS2-1,2,4,6,7,8 / Ecosystems: biodiversity, cycling of matter, succession, inter-relationships of species and pollution.
Unit III:
HS-ESS2-4.6, 3-5 / Climate and Climate Change
Unit IV:
Chapter 9-12 / Human Activity and Sustainability
Insert Exam Date(s), Time(s) / Mid-term Project- January. Final Project June.
Course Policies
Grading (credit) Criteria / Rubrics will be used to assess labs and projects. Unit tests are 70% of grade.Absent / Tardy Policy / Students who reach 10 unexcused Period A tardies will be awarded No Credit (NC) for both Period A classes
Students with 10-12 Period A tardies will be assigned Credit Recovery. This time will be made up on to be determined Saturday’s throughout each marking period. If a student attains 13 unexcused Period A tardies in a marking period, they will receive an automatic grade of 60, and will not be eligible to attend credit recovery
Late to Class Policy / Warning followed by detention.
Special Assignments / Marking period, mid-term and final exam projects.
Student Conduct and Discipline / Outlined in student handbook. All school rules and lab safety rules will be enforced.
Academic Integrity / Copied work/plagiarism and cheating on unit tests will receive a zero.
Incomplete Grades / Must be made up before each unit is completed, prior to unit test.
Late/ Make-up Work Assignments and Tests / All work must be turned in on time to receive full credit. Partial credit can be awarded if made up by unit test or marking period cut off dates.
Parent signature: ______
Student Signature:______