NCLBA Monitoring Interview/Presentation Guide
1. Provide us with the demographics of the LEA including school buildings and economic factors that impact your district planning for student services. What resources/grants are available beyond the locally approved budget and NCLB grants to support student programming and services?
2. Describe how the district coordinates district programs and the NCLBA programs to facilitate increased student achievement?
3. Describe how the district is progressing on meeting the five NCLBA goals.
a) All students meeting proficiency or better: What evidence does the district have to demonstrate progress toward closing the achievement gap between the highest and lowest achieving students? How is NCLBA helping to increase the achievement of the targeted Title I populations for AYP purposes i.e. LEP, economically disadvantaged, ethnicity, etc.? How is the district addressing Monitor or CIPS status, if applicable?
b) LEP students meeting proficiency or better: What data do you have to demonstrate that LEP students are meeting the required annual measurable objectives for English acquisition?
c) Highly Qualified Teachers: What is the status of your local annual measurable objective for highly qualified teachers & paraprofessionals? How have you supported staff to meet these requirements?
d) Safe & Drug Free and Effective Learning Environment: What initiatives are in place to facilitate a Safe & Drug Free and Effective Learning Environment?
e) Graduation Rate: What is the district’s Graduation Rate and what initiatives are in place: 1) to ensure students are graduating in a timely manner and 2) to support at-risk students in middle school and high school? How do you coordinate the oversight of the dropout prevention and identification of at-risk student plans to assist students in staying in school and graduating?
4. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of your programs.
(a) What strengths have you identified in your programs and what data do you have that supports these strengths? How have you enhanced your programs or initiatives based on the identified strengths?
(b) What challenges have you identified in your programs and what data do you have you that supports these challenges? How have you changed your programs based on the identified challenges?
Wpdocs/reviews/forms/Draft Overview Questions