Teacher perspectives on pedagogical modelling and
explaining in Design & Technology: a Q Methodology
Matt McLain
Liverpool John Moores University
David Barlex
Educational Consultant
Dawne Bell
Edge Hill University
Alison Hardy
Nottingham Trent University
The demonstration has been a long-standing signature pedagogy and teaching style in design and technology, its
precursors and practical education as a whole. However, the body of literature outlining the theory and practice of
teacher modelling and explanation within the 'field' is somewhat limited. As a practical and creative subject, with a
complex epistemology, engaging learning objectives from within the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains, the
modelling of designing and making tools encompasses the interaction between thought and action. Therefore, the
authors assert that, the 'demonstration' in D&T is multifaceted and effective teachers adopt and adapt a range of skills
and values to scaffold learning. The aim of this study is to investigate the subjective values of practicing teachers towards
the demonstration of design and technology knowledge and skills. Q Methodology is used to compare and analyse the
responses of the participating teachers, to investigate shared ad contrasting values. A Q Set of statements, developed
and refined with D&T teacher educators, relating to modelling and explaining, representing the concourse of opinions
and perspectives. The sample is purposive, comprised of practicing teachers who are engaged with mentoring D&T Initial
Teacher Education (ITE) trainees. The findings will represent a snapshot of subjective values of practicing teachers, as part
of a wider, and developing, discourse on signature pedagogies in design and technology education.
"When education… fails to recognize that primary or initial subject matter always exists as
matter of an active doing, involving the use of the body and the handling of material, the
subject matter of instruction is isolated from the needs and purposes of the learner...
Recognition of the natural course of development, on the contrary, always sets out with
situations which involve learning byd'oint." (Dewey, 1916, p. 178)
We take from this that the demonstration is an essential first step in learning by doing. As a
practical and creative subject, the demonstration has been a staple of the design and technology
teachers’ repertoire for the past two to three decades since the introduction of the subject within the
National Curriculum for England in the 1990s (DFE, 2013; QCA, 2007; QCA, 2004; DfEE, 1999; DFE,
1995; NCC, 1990). This paper is an initial exploration of the pedagogy of demonstrations in design and
technology, as what the authors view as an under investigated area. The aim was to facilitate a dialogue
on effective pedagogy within the design and technology educator community, and as a pilot study in
which to begin to develop a framework for teaching and learning.
The demonstration is seen as important in science (Milne and Otieno, 2007) and physical
education (Mosston and Ashworth, 2002) building on the traditions of apprenticeship and craft education
of “demonstration, observation and constant practice” (Mason and Houghton in Sayer et al, 2002, p. 44).
And Petrina comments on the significance of demonstrations for technology education: “Demonstrations
are the single most effective method for technology teachers” (Petrina, 2007, p. 1).
Literature review
The demonstration: signature pedagogy for design & technology?
With this in mind, it is an anomaly to find a virtual absence written about the praxis (theory and
practice) of demonstrating in the subject. One might speculate that this may be because it is considered
to be such an elementary skill or it is considered such a tacit skill learnt in initial teacher training;
working alongside and mimicking experienced teachers in schools, colleges and universities in a diffuse
community of practice (Wenger in Illieris, 2009; Duguid, 2008; McLain, 2012; Lave and Wenger, 1991).
However, it may be that the act of demonstrating is a multifaceted skill, comprised of layers of
explanation, modelling and other established pedagogical techniques and from this perspective has
received little specific attention in literature. If true, the act of demonstration needs to be analysed to
reveal the complexity within the tacit skill view. If design and technology pedagogy is to stand distinct
from context-based, situated cognition, and identify theoretical, practical and portable, endogenous skills
shared and understood by the wider community of teachers, then conceptual frameworks and typologies
need to be discussed and debated (Sennett, 2009; Kimbell and Stables, 2007; Petrina, 2000).
Before we look at the elements the make an effective demonstration, it is appropriate to define
what we mean by ‘demonstration’. We begin with an assumption that a demonstration includes a
combination of teacher modelling, explanation and other pedagogical skills such as questioning, each of
which do not define demonstration, in themselves, but are pedagogical strategies that a teacher of design
and technology employs when demonstrating. The National Strategies Pedagogy and Practice, an
initiative to develop the teaching workforce within state schools in England in the mid-2000s, gave the
following definitions:
“Modelling is an active process, not merely the provision of an example. It involves the
teacher as the ‘expert’, demonstrating how to do something and making explicit the
thinking involved.” (DfES, 2004a, p. 3)
“Whether helping learners to acquire basic skills or a better understanding to solve
problems, or to engage in higher-order thinking such as evaluation, questions are crucial.”
(DfES, 2004b, p. 2)
“The purpose of explaining a process or procedure is to help pupils understand how things
happen or work. The emphasis is on sequence and connectives such as first, next, then and
finally are important. (DfES, 2004c, p. 3)
It is also important to note that the skills demonstrated in design and technology cover a wide
range of domains, from the manipulation of physical tools and materials (making), to virtual tools
(software, including computer-aided manufacture) and cognitive tools (design thinking and problem
solving). Each of these skill domains has similar features as well as distinctive differences relating to the
learner, context, equipment and materials.
The planning of effective demonstrations
If the demonstration is, as we have suggested, a complex activity involving a range of skills, some
of which are conscious and deliberate, other that are subconscious, intuitive and automatic (Wood, Rust
and Horne, 2009; Race, 2007, pp. 17-20; McCormack, 1997; Luft, 1982), then it is essential that in the
design and technology education community we understand and name our practice. It is important, in
particular for training, newly and recently qualified teachers, to plan each demonstration, visualising and
rehearsing the key steps and processes. Where the pedagogical and practical skills are tacit and the
teacher is able to focus on learners and learning - somewhat analogous to driving a car – but to reflect on
practice and make and evidence-based improvements a degree of consciousness of practice is necessary
(Banks et al, 2004; Jay and Johnson, 2002).
The precise format and structure of each demonstration will differ according to the content and the
learners, as there is no one “universal sequence” but there are several common components (Figure 1;
Petrina, 2007, p. 14) where health and safety and safe working practices are embedded throughout the
process. These could also be synthesised into four elements, or 4Cs: coverage, context, content, and
conclusion (McLain, Bell and Pratt, 2013).
Figure 1. Common components of a demonstration (Petrina, 2007, p. 14)
1. Introduction (What will be demonstrated?)
2. Relevance (Why demonstrate this?) (Use Questions, Story, Description, etc.)
3. Use of application, instrument, machine, process, or tool (How to effectively and safely
do or use this?) (Actual execution of proposed process)
4. Conclusion (Recap-Summarize, What was covered-Where to go next?)
Visual communication in demonstrations
“First and foremost, the goal of a demonstration is to communicate and model how to do
something and how to talk about the task or technology at hand... The demonstrator must
demystify the tool or process, explaining what is to be accomplished, what knowledge is
applied and the roles of certain skills and senses.” (Petrina, 2007, p. 14)
It is commonly accepted that a significant proportion of human communication is non-verbal, and
for millennia mankind, and our hominid ancestors, have used symbols, signs and actions to
communicate (Engeström, 2009; Vygotsky, 1934/1986, 1978, cited in Tappan, 1997; Wertsch, 1985,
1991, cited in Tappan, 1997).
Visual processing, and interpretation, is sophisticated with the mind constructing and
reconstructing what we see into something that we can understand. That being said, individuals perceive
and understand in different ways from differing perspectives (physical and cognitive), so the effective
demonstrator should consider the important aspects of the activity that the observers need to see. To
quote Barlex and Carré (1985), “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are” (p.4). A
maxim for effective visual communication might be: make sure that the learners can see what you can
see, where at all possible. There are several ways in which this can be achieved through arranging the
learning environment to using technology, such as the use of a video camera and screen. The complexity
and intricacy of the skills being demonstrated; as well as the novelty or familiarity of the activity to the
learners affect pedagogical choices. A simple approach to overcome an issue of visibility may be to
gather learners around as close as possible to the demonstration station as practicable. Two factors to
consider in opposition to this are: (a) the potential disruption of learners being in close quarters and (b)
the configuration of the teaching environment, including resources and equipment.
Verbal communication in demonstrations
“The necessity of a demonstration derives from the inadequacy of words [alone] to depict
technological processes.” (Petrina, 2007, p. 14; addition/emphasis ours)
With our adaption of Petrina’s statement to “… the inadequacy of words [alone]…” and the
demonstration treated as a complex and holistic interaction between the teacher and the learner, the use
of verbal communication can make or break a demonstration. When explaining a process, it is important
that the critical stages or steps are identified and presented effectively using age-appropriate as well as
technical language. Pedagogical choices, made by the teacher, fall along an expansive-restrictive
continuum (Fuller and Unwin, 2003), when planning and differentiating explanations and questioning
strategies. In other words, the skillful teacher will tailor depth of knowledge and skill being demonstrated
to suit the learner, adjusting the balance and detail of modelling, explanation and questioning. In some
circumstances, for example with younger learners or with new concepts, the choice might be to adopt a
more restrictive and teacher led approach, with questions being used to gauge recall and understanding.
On the other hand, as learners become more independent and extend their knowledge and
understanding or when revisiting concepts, a more expansive approach might be adopted. For example,
questions may be used to prompt recall, probe understanding during the demonstration or encourage
speculation. As the learners become more skilful, the teacher may chose to use learner demonstrations or
narrations, or microteaching (Hattie, 2009, pp. 112-113). These approaches to the scaffolding of learning
involve the teacher making decisions to support and facilitate learners as they mentally construct an
understanding of the skills being demonstrated. Illustrating the complexity of choices that are
underpinned by the pedagogical knowledge and skill of the teacher, involving interplay between subject
and pedagogical knowledge.
Research method
The research question for this study was: What do teachers of design and technology believe to be
effective pedagogy when demonstrating skills and knowledge?
The overarching philosophical and conceptual framework for this investigation is pragmatic and
constructionist in the traditions of Dewey, Pierce and James (Watts and Stenner, 2012: 24-46). The
research paradigm is ontologically relativist, recognising the subjective nature of realities for individuals,
which are multiple (Guba, 1990, pp. 17-27; Guba, 1981, p. 77). As a Q Methodology study (Watts and
Stenner, 2012), the focus is on subjectivity (“mind-stuff”) and the individual in relation to the objectivity
of teaching and learning practice (“world-stuff”) (p. 29). In this aspect the intentions of the Q Method are
interpretive and qualitative, using Peirce’s “abduction”, where observation of facts are used “in pursuit of
an explanation and new insight” (p. 39).
Working within a social constructivist framework, the epistemological position adopted in this
paper is subjectivist, recognising the role of the researchers as a co-constructers of theory and knowledge
with the participants, or actors, in the study. However, the research perspective adopted is that human
beings’ perceptions of reality are socially and culturally constructed, but that this does not necessarily
mean that concepts such as truth and reality do not exist. Thus taking a pragmatic approach that does not
deny objective truth or reality, but acknowledges that we perceive and share conceptual constructs. As a
speculative ontology there are similarities with the critical realist ontological positions of post-positivist
or critical theory (Guba, 1990, p 20-25), although the pragmatic and working ontological position to
adopted in this study is that of relativism, in that the concern is with perception and experience or
realities (Guba, 1981, p. 77).
Figure 2. Q Sort distribution
Q Methodology originates from psychology research and “focuses on subjective or first person
viewpoints” (Watts and Stenner, 2012, p. 4). As such it does not purport to generate or confirm
generalizable concepts and principles. With its roots in pragmatism, it draws on inductive and abductive
reasoning with the support of mathematical modelling (factor analysis) to explore qualitative data
through quantitative methods. In Q Methodology the comparison focuses on the similarities and
differences between the participants, rather than their responses as is common within tradition factor
analysis. A series of statements, or Q Set, that represents the broad range of opinion or belief (concourse)
potentially held by the population that the sample is being drawn from. The participants then undertake a
Q Sort activity. This is typically a two stage process involving a pre-sort into three categories (essential,
desirable and optional, in this study), followed by the main sort where the Q Set statements are sorted into a
forced-choice frequency distribution (Figure 2; p.16-17) ranging from most agree to most disagree (note: the
statements in this study were not designed to generate disagreement, so the ‘most disagree is relative).
The initial Q Set was developed through a focus group of six design and technology mentors,
working with initial teacher education trainees in the North West of England, and refined by the authors
through a teacher educator email discussion group. The list was divided into 10 categories to aid the
presentation and interpretation of the 62 statements (Appendix).
Seven teachers from a range of backgrounds and design and technology disciplines, and not part
of the focus group (above), completed the online Q Set. The stated design and technology specialisms of
each of the participants ranged from electronics and control (n=1), engineering (n=1), graphic design
(n=2), product design (n=2) and textiles and fashion (n=1); each having links with the initial teacher
education (ITE) institutions represented by the research team, as an ex-trainee and/or mentor for trainee
teachers. Five of the participants are currently involved with initial teacher training (ITT) with
management responsibilities that involve working both within and outside of their place of employment;
Participant 4 and 7 being Recently Qualified Teachers (RQTs).
The Q Sort for this study was conducted using an online questionnaire tool, QSortWare
(Pruneddu, 2014), to enable wider participation across institutions. The population for the study was
experienced teachers of design and technology engaged with the mentoring of ITE trainees and with links
to members of the institutions that the research team represent; with the sample being purposive (Guba,
1981). The factor analysis for data analysis was conducted using the PQMethod (Schmolck, 2014) software.
Findings and interpretation
As a study in the subjective beliefs, values and practice the small sample size does not pose a
problem (Watts and Stenner, 2012, p. 73), as the findings are not being used to infer generalizable
theoretical principles. Rather to explore existing practice with the view to refine the Q Set of 62
statements (Appendix) relating to modelling and explaining within the subject. Use with a larger sample
would then be appropriate and perhaps be able to be used to establish a recognised orthodoxy with
regard to demonstrations in design and technology.
Figure 3. Correlation matrix between Q Sorts (n=7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 100 44 25 20 -3 16 16
2 100 21 17 -1 11 42
3 100 17 0 12 24
4 100 6 8 28
5 100 -2 9
6 100 -3
7 100
The initial correlations between Q Sorts (Figure 3) from the PQMethod software (Schmolck, 2014)
indicate a superficial correlation between the participants ranging from 44 (Participants 1 and 2) to -1
(Participants 1 and 5), with Participant 5 showing the lowest correlation to the overall. This reinforces the
perception that the nature of teaching and learning is complex, with no ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Figure 4. Factor Matrix with X indicating defining sort (n=7)
Factor Loadings
Q Sorts Factor 1
Participant 1 0.65 X
Participant 2 0.58 X
Participant 3 0.40 X
Participant 4 0.38 X
Participant 5 0.03
Participant 6 0.16
Participant 7 0.64 X
Eigenvalues 1.51
Variance 21%
PQMethod was used to extract factors (Figure 4) and reduce the data, with the Eigenvalues (EV), or
Kaiser-Guttmann criterion, above 1.00 used to indicate the statistical strength (Watts and Stenner, 2012,
p. 105). Watts and Stenner advise that Q Methodology researcher try to extract one factor for every 6 to 8
participants (p. 107). In this study, with only seven participants, two factors were extracted, but only the
EV for Factor 1 (1.51) indicating potential explanatory power (i.e. >1.00) and the presence of a single
common factor in the study – i.e. Factor 2 was discounted as insignificant.
The factors are the rankings of items (Q Set statements) in comparison to the participants, with the
items being treated as the sample rather than the participants. These factors are the building blocks of the