Teacher Name : Karen Malt Subject : Health Assistant I Start Date(s): 10/03/16 - 10/07/16 Grade Level (s): 10

Building: HACC



Unit Title: Role & Function; Nurse Aides function as an unlicensed individual in the role of a nurse aide within the legal and ethical standards set forth by the profession of nursing as regulated by the State Board of Nursing for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Essential Questions:
Does the Nurse Aide apply the Principles of Infection Control?
Does the Nurse Aide demonstrate proper handwashing technique?
How does the Nurse Aide apply principles of Standard Precautions/Transmission Based Precautions?
How does the Nurse Aide demonstrate an understanding of basic cleaning and disinfecting?
How does the Nurse Aide demonstrate correct isolation and safety techniques in caring for infectious clients?
Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject)
13. Career Education and Work;
13.1 Career Awareness and Planning; Nontraditional Workplace Roles; Community Based Jobs; Preparation for Careers
1.2 Reading Informational Text Vocabulary Acquisition and Use; CC.1.2.11 Demonstrate Independence in gathering vocabulary
Summative Unit Assessment: Following completion of this unit of study the student will be given a summative assessment in the form of a cumulative test, which will become part of the student’s permanent portfolio.
Summative Assessment Objective / Assessment Method (check all that apply)
Students will-
Demonstrate an understanding of infection control measures. / ____ Rubric __X_ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group
____ Student Self-Assessment _____Performance Assessment
____ Other (explain)
Unit Plan
DT / Objective (s) / DOK Level / Activities / Teaching Strategies / Grouping / Materials / Resources / Assessment of Objective (s)
M1 / Students will- apply the Principles of Infection Control / 1 /
Structured Overview; Power point Presentation; Infection Control. Students will participate in group activity titled “passing germ around the room.” The lesson instructs students on the presence of germs in the environment and how germs are easily spread from person to person. / w / Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care;
Mosby Video; Role & Function / Formative- Observations; Classroom Discussion; Exit out the Door;
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - Assessment- Skills Checklist
T2 / Students will- demonstrate proper handwashing technique / 1 / Structured Overview; Power point; Students will participate in the handwashing technique in the laboratory. Students must perform handwashing with 100% accuracy. / w / Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care;
Mosby Video; Role & Function / Formative-Observations; Classroom Discussion; Exit out the Door;
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - Assessment- Skills Checklist
W3 / Students will-
apply principles of Standard Precautions/Transmission Based Precautions / Structured Overview; Power Point Presentation; Students will perform proper donning and doffing of gloves, gowns, protective eye wear, show covers, head covers. / w / Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care;
Mosby Video; Role & Function / Formative- Observations; Classroom Discussion; Exit out the Door
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - Assessment- Skills Checklist
TH4 / Students will-demonstrate an understanding of basic cleaning and disinfecting. / 2 / Structured Overview; Power Point Presentation; Students will practice basic disinfecting ogequipment, proper clean up of bloody spill. / w / Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care;
Mosby Video; Role & Function / Formative-Obsrvations; Classroom Discussion; Exit out the Door
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - Assessment- Skills Checklist
F5 / Students will-demonstrate correct isolation and safety techniques in caring for infectious clients. / 2, 3 / Structured Overview; Power Point Presentation; students will practice isolation technique, which includes various types of isolation, use of PPE, and proper disposal of PPE. / w / Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care;
Mosby Video; Role & Function / Formative-Observations
Summative- Unit Test
Student Self - Assessment- Skills Checklist