August 26, 2014

  1. Todd Peak called the meeting to order. Brenda Chappell read the minutes from the last meeting on 7/22/14. Julie Harlan approved the minutes and Kayann Caselli seconded.

II Old Business

  1. Committee Reports

a 1st VP- MITC (Julie Harlan). We want to go with understated and elegant at MITC this year. Awesome meeting at Golden Corral

b. 1st VP Fundraising (Kristina Willis). We are having a fundraiser at Logans on 9/16/14 from 4-10. The band will get 15-20% of sales.

c. 2nd VP Viking Hall (Open). Leslie Hoffman was nominated and approved by the Executive Board for this position effective immediately.

d. 2nd VP Volunteer Coordinator (Taisa Duncan). Great band camp and great first game.

e. Financial Treasurer (Lynette Thomas). No report..

f. Charms Coordinator (Kena Kappleman). No report.

g. Corresponding Secretary (Brenda Chappell). No report

h. House and Grounds Coordinator (David Vencill). No report.

Reports approved by Kayann Casselli and seconded by Martha Moore

New Business

Viking Hall shifts are on CHARMS through the end of the month ready for volunteer sign up. Taisa suggested splitting the 4 hour shifts. Maybe alumni will want to jump in and help at Viking Hall. We have 6 shifts through the end of September, 2014. Please try to fill these by this week.

Racetrack. Doris Evans said that we were 143% over what we made last year by Thursday night. We sold $47,473 in the 2 outside stands and about $10,000 in the inside stand. We will get 10% of this and make about $5,300 to $5,500 in profit. 726 hours were worked at the race track for an average of $7/hour per person. Todd said thank you to all workers. The cords broke even and we made about $100 on them. We probably wont do cords again. Dave, the cord guy, gave us orange Vol wrist bands to sell. We sold 1,000 cords. We were the first large school to sell the cords and he wants to use us as a referral and give us 25 cents for every cord sold.

Music in the Castle. We are making a volunteer list and have a few coordinator positions left. We are going to personally call all band parents and bands. We need a hamburger vendor. We only have 4 bands registered. A suggestion was made to make smaller worker food shifts so we can channel more workers to that area. We need people to cover 452 hours (not counting coordinators) to fill all shifts. We will be having a weekly MITC meeting. Students should get program sales from Mr. Semones tomorrow to sell.

Fundraisers. We are going with Riversweet as the fruit vendor this year because of the smaller boxes and problems with quality from the old company.

Volunteers. We need 15-16 volunteers on Friday nights to pull pit equipment. Julie Harlan will coordinate pit placement. We always need water. We provide water to the visiting team. Saturday Band Camp we will be feeding the students hamburgers. Taisa said thank you to the local businesses for donations. (Arbys, Food City, Salsaritas, and Olive Garden).

Fees. Reminders are being sent out to parents. Kristina Willis suggested personal calls for better success at collections fees.

We are purchasing ponchos for the band.

Todd suggested Danny Dorsey as a possible band photographer to do formal pictures. Eddie from Tri City Captured would still do pictures as well.

Lori Looney has resigned as our PR person. Does anyone know of anyone who can step up and do this for the band?

Mr. Semones said the band is going to be on WJHL live Friday morning at 6:00 a.m. The students should come in jeans and their band shirts. We will play at the flag pole.

Mr. Semones also said that hopefully by the next meeting we will have information on our spring trip.

Meeting adjourned by President Todd Peak

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Chappell, Secretary