Biology syllabus
Teacher:Ms. Whitney BaileyRoom:217email:
Swift Website:
1. The Dynamics of Life
2. Matter of Life
3. Traits and Fates
4. The Blueprints of Infection
5. What on Earth?
Materials Needed
1. Lab Notebook (bring $1 to class)
2. 11/2 – 2 inch 3 ring binder for Biology
3. Notebook paper (for 3 ring binder)
Course description
General Biology is designed to provide each student with a strong science education and develop the skills necessary for mastery of the Washington State Biology Standards (see attached list of Biology Standards). Students will study a variety of issues including the structure and function of living organisms, cellular reproduction, genetic inheritance, the change in a population overtime and the components that make up an ecosystem as well as the factors that cause changes in an ecosystem.
Course Preview
1. Scientific Method, Lab Procedures and Characteristics of Life
2. Molecular and Cellular Biology
4. Genetics
5. Classification and Mechanisms of Evolution
6. Ecology
Classroom Expectations
I only have one major expectation,Be Respectful! All other rules fall under the “Be Respectful” rule. As a class we will discuss what “Be Respectful” means to all of us. Our ideas from the discussion will be posted in the classroom for all see and be held accountable to.
Other Expectations
Food and Beverages: Eating and drinking of any kind is not allowed at the lab counters. You may eat at the student desks, but you must pick up after yourself.
Conversations: During appropriate occasions, you may have conversations with your fellow classmates; however, conversations need to be suitable for all. There will be no put downs, swearing, sexual harassment, bigoted comments or bar talk. Additionally, this is a drug-free classroom. Use or discussion of drugs and alcohol will not be tolerated.
Electronic Devices: Electronic devices of any kind (cell phones, iPods, etc.) are NOT allowed without permission. Only at times of TEACHER permission may you use such devices. If your electronic device is out BEFORE teacher permission it will be taken from you. We will discuss and create a list of appropriate uses for electronic devices.
Tardies: The bell system is easy to follow! There are NO excuses for tardiness. Walking in the door as the bell is ringing counts as a tardy. Give yourself enough time to get to class, get your materials AND sit down in your seat.
Students who choose not follow the expectations will have to face the consequences. As a general rule during regular classroom time, this is the guideline that I follow for disruptions:
First Time:Verbal warning.
Second Time:Teacher/Student discussion outside the classroom during class time.
Third Time:After school/lunch detention and parents called.
Additional Tardies:Referral sent to the office for further student discipline.
Severe Disruption:Student sent immediately to the office for disciplinary action.
Grading Policy
- Student progress and achievement will be evaluated in relation to WashingtonState standards.
- Students will be given opportunities to practice standards before being assessed.
- I will provide makeup opportunities for students who miss anassessment or need to retake to improve their achievement of the standards.
Grading Categories
Evidence of Learning (90% of grade): This category includes assessments that are given to students. They are connected to standards and can vary in type. The assessments will include quizzes, tests, lab reports, individual projects, performance assessments, or personal communication.
In-Class Practice (10%): This category includes pre- or practice quizzes, class activities, group projects, warm-up questions, homework, or student self-reflections that occur throughout the learning process. These assignments will be collected in your 3 ring binder occasionally throughout the semester.
Grading Scale
This grading scale is typical of other classes. To earn a passing grade, you must make sure all assignments are turned in and you retake any assessments with low scores.
Late Assignments
Place all missing or late assignments in the in-box. Please keep in mind just because you turn something in late, it does not mean I will grade it right away.
Quiz and test Retakes
Students are allowed to retake or redo assessments.
- All redone work is at teacher discretion. Redoing work is not to be taken for granted. Students must show evidence of initial effort in order to retake assessments or redo work.
- Students must complete the following before they can retake:
- Write a letter outlining the plan for preparing the retake: (1) how will you relearn the standard and (2) when do you plan on retaking the test/quiz.
- Show evidence that reviewing of material has occurred.
- Schedule with Ms. Bailey to retake before or after school.
- Don’t wait to the last minute on assessment retakes! Ms. Bailey will only accept late work up until 2 weeks before the end of the semester.
- Retakes and late work will NOT be accepted after this date: 1st Semester: January 9, 2014
2nd Semester: June 4, 2014
Laboratory Work
- Laboratory work is a group activity, but the assignment of completing the laboratory report is an individual activity. The only thing that can be shared in the laboratory report is data. Everything else must be completed by you and only you. Discussing and analyzing the data is acceptable and encouraged, but the report must be written in your own words.
- Do not be absent for a lab. Due to the use of borrowed equipment and extensive setups, some labs will not be able to be made-up. If you know you will be absent, please see Ms. Bailey ahead of time to make arrangements. You may use your lab partners’ DATA if you are unable to make up a lab.
Copying or cheating on assignments or assessments will not be tolerated. Papers will be filed in a discipline file and you will receive a zero for the assignment and your parents may be contacted. Multiple cheating offenses will lead to a zero for the semester.
Goals for Success
Students often think that memorizing vocabulary or listing
main ideas shows that they fully understand the material.
While being able to remember information is a beginning
step in learning, students need to understand and apply
concepts so that they are able to analyze, evaluate and
create ideas.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn.”
Or, in Ms. Bailey’s words
“If I only try to memorize, I will eventuallyforget. If I
sometimespay attention and do some of the practice
assignments, I will understandsome of the material,
but not all. However, if I actively take part in my own
education, ask questionswhen needed and discuss
my ideas with others, I can be a successful leader
of my own learning, no matter what I am studying.”
Biology Power Standards
Below are the student expectations for the six power standards in Biology. The semester in which the power standard will be assessed has been noted. Since Structure/Function Living Systems is large, the power standard has been further subdivided and organized for easier understanding and use. If you have any questions about these power standards, please do not hesitate to ask.
Systems (Semester 1 and 2){SYSB} Represent the system with a diagram specifying components, boundaries, flows, and feedbacks.
{SYSC} Create a simplified model of a complex system.
{SYSD} Analyze whether or not a system is changing or in equilibrium.
Inquiry (Semester 1 and 2)
{INQA} Create and critique scientific questions.
{INQB} Plan and conduct a scientific investigation.
{INQD} Write a detailed lab report that includes: the question, a hypothesis, a description of what was done, a summary of data, and a conclusion based on evidence.
{INQG} Participate in a scientific discussion.
Application (Semester 1 and 2)
{APPB} Work collaboratively with other students to solve a problem.
{APPC} Choose the best solution for a problem, create a model or drawing of the final design, and devise a way to test it.
{APPD} Use the tools of mathematics to solve problems.
{APPE} Analyze a societal issue that may be addressed through science and/or technology to make educated public decisions.
Structure/Function Living Systems (Semester 1 and 2)
Cell Processes – Semester 1
{LS1A} Explain the importance of photosynthesis and how plants use it to produce food.
{LS1F} Explain metabolic pathways and cellular respiration.
{LS1F} Explain the role of enzymes in metabolic pathways.
Cell Structure/Function – Semester 1
{LS1C} Draw, label, and describe the functions of essential cell structures.
Reproduction – Semester 1 & 2
{LS1H} Describe and model the process of mitosis.
Genetics – Semester 2
{LS1E} Describe the structure of DNA.
{LS1E} Illustrate and explain the process of protein synthesis.
{LS1I} Describe and model the process of meiosis and fertilization.
{LS1I} Predict the outcome of genetic crosses with two characteristics leading to variation.
Ecosystems (Semester 2)
{LS2A} Explain how matter and energy flows in an ecosystem.
{LS2B} Evaluate conditions needed for population growth and explain factors that limit population growth.
{LS2E} Compare the biodiversity of different ecosystems.
Evolution (Semester 2)
{LS3A} Explain biological evolution in terms of natural selection and predict the effect of changing a factor.
{LS3B} Define genetic mutation and explain the effect on evolution of a species.
{LS3D} Formulate a logical argument for biological evolution based on evidence.
{LS3E} Classify organisms using physical and functional characteristics.
Student Contract
AuburnSenior High School
Biology 2013
I have read and understand the class syllabus and agree to follow all expectations and grading policies outlined within it. I take responsibility for my own learning, cooperation and attendance in this class. I understand the consequences of not abiding by these expectations and agree to accept and receive such consequences.
I understand that I may contact Ms. Bailey and discuss with her any concerns I have about my learning, progress, or achievement outside of class time. I understand that it is my responsibility to voice my concerns to her if I so desire.
Student’s Name (Print): ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
I have read and understand the classroom expectations and grading policy outlined in this syllabus. I understand that I may contact Ms. Bailey about any concerns I may have. I agree to support my student and Ms. Bailey in upholding these expectations and policies.
Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Please provide me with your contact information and check the way you prefer I communicate with you. If you include your email address, I will be able to send you progress reports and information notes.
Home Phone Number: ______
Mobile Phone Number: ______
Work Phone Number:______
Primary Language:______
Is there any information or concerns that you would like to share that might be of help to your student’s education?