Teacher: Mrs. Winansclass Room: 131/132

Teacher: Mrs. Winansclass Room: 131/132

Gourmet Foods


Teacher: Mrs. WinansClass Room: 131/132

Email: Office: 132

Phone: 571-252-2000 Raider Rally: 132

Welcome to Gourmet Foods! I am looking forward to an exciting semester of cooking fun foods, experimenting with flavors and spices, and learning about health and nutrition. If you ever have a question, please do not hesitate to raise your hand, ask me after class, see me during Raider Rally, or email me. I am here for you and will help you in any way I can.

What’s Cooking? (Course Description):

The application of science concepts in biology, chemistry, and physics are important to the study of foods. Students learn the relationship of science to foods, use of technology, nutrition, wellness, sports nutrition, food safety, sanitation, foods and cultural diversity, contemporary trends and issues, special dietary needs, and the use of the food pyramid guide. Hands-on activities are utilized in food preparation and in the actual planning, preparation, preservation, and serving of nutritious meals.

Main Ingredients (Topics of Study):

Managing work and family responsibilities for the well being of self and others

Applying problem-solving processes to individual and family problems

Relating to others in positive, caring ways

Assuming leadership roles as a responsible family member and a citizen in a global community

Making food choices that promote wellness and good health

Analyzing relationships between food choices and wellness

Evaluating relationships between psychological and social needs and food choices

Choosing foods that promote wellness

Obtaining and storing food

Practicing cooking methods and principles

Preparing and serving nutritious meals and snacks

Learning about and preparing cultural foods

Selecting and using equipment for food preparation

Stretching your food dollar

Exploring careers in food and nutrition


Formative Assessments (Practice): 40%

Including, but not limited to, bell ringers, homework, group work, and individual class work.

Summative Assessments (Mastery): 60%

Tests, quizzes, projects and presentations.

If a student turns in ALL work on time throughout the quarter, they will be allowed to drop their lowest grade. Because class participation is so important in this class, you will receive a grade for each class time. For each class, you will receive up to 5 points for your classwork (bell ringer, exit ticket, handouts, etc.) and your participation in classroom discussions.

Homework assignments, tests and quizzes will all be given a point value at the time it is assigned, depending on the depth and/or length of the assignment.

Extra Credit:

Students will receive 1 extra credit point for any items they bring in related to our class discussions. Examples would include articles about restaurants, chefs, nutrition, new food guidelines, etc.


All agendas, PowerPoint slides, handouts and assignments will be uploaded to my webpage on the school’s website by the end of the day. If you are absent, please look under the Gourmet Foods tab for any work you missed. Any hard copies will be in the “recent handouts” folder in the classroom.

Please don’t hesitate to talk to me or email me with any questions or concerns. I realize sometimes things come up and I will help you in any way I can, as long as you are helping yourself.