College Algebra
Teacher: Mrs. KelleyMain office: 557-4402
E-mail: ath Office: 336-6320
Office: 201
Course Description
MAT 741/742 COLLEGE ALGEBRA (Yearly 1 Credit) (11, 12)
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Honors Algebra 2; or “C” or higher in Algebra 2; or “B” or higher in Elementary Algebra 2
This course is designed to assist students in acquiring a more thorough knowledge and proficiency in Algebra. It should be valuable to those who wish to review fundamental principles and applications in anticipation of college placement tests. Topics covered are: graphing and analyzing linear, quadratic, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions. Additional topics could include systems of linear equations and inequalities and matrices. Trigonometry is addressed second semester with the inclusion of the following topics: trigonometric functions, identities, and conics. This course is NOT intended for students who have successfully completed Pre-Calculus. A graphing calculator is required.
- Be Respectful.
- To Yourself
- To peers
- To teachers/administrators
- Do Your Work.
- Homework is assigned and should be done daily. It is essential to do and keep up with homework to be successful in this class.
- Copying or cheating is not allowed. A zero will be given for that assignment/quiz/test and disciplinary action will be followed.
- No late work is accepted unless you have an excused absence. YOU are responsible for any missed work. You will have 2 days to turn in all missed work.
- Show All Your Work.
- No credit will be given on homework, quizzes, and tests without the proper work shown.
- Bring All Materials.
- Come to class prepared with your book, pencil, binder, paper, and graphing calculator(TI-83, TI-84)
- Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings.
- 1st TardyWarning
- 2nd TardyWarning
- 3rd Tardy Referral to the Assistant Principal
- Raise Your Hand.
- Don’t hesitate to ask questions.
Not following these expectations will result in disciplinary action occurring.
Other Information:
- I am available for extra help. Before school (6:45-7:10), after school (2:30-3:00), and conference hours (3rd hour 9:05-9:55 and 8th hour 1:40-2:30). Come and talk with me to arrange for a time.
- Head your paper in the right hand corner with the following information:
Class and Hour
Assignment Page and Numbers
- Binder
- You will need a 3 ring binder for this class. This binder needs to be at least 1.5 inches thick.
- You will need to divide your notebook into 5 sections (preferably using tabs).These sections are:
Math informational sheets – course syllabus, etc.
- Grade Break Down
- 80% Quarter 1 and Quarter 2
Assignments/In-Class Work 10%, Quizzes 30%, Tests 60%
- 20% Final Exam
- Grading Scale
A 90-100B 80-89C 70-79 D 60-69F 59↓
- Passes- Each student will be given very limited use of bathroom/locker passes each quarter. Please use the bathroom, see your counselor, etc. before school and at lunch.
Internet Information
● Our textbook is not online
●I will be using my Normal West webpage to upload notes and worksheets