English Grade 10 Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Jenna Tanis


Course Description : The reading/writing workshop is designed to

provide the student with a balanced and comprehensive approach to the

language arts literacy curriculum. The goal is to capture language

experiences that the students require to grow intellectually, socially, and

emotionally. All of the literature units focus on specific reading strategies

with associated and complementary writing units. The topics of the reading units are as

follows: “Unit 1: Can progress be made without conflict,” “Unit 2: What kind of

knowledge changes our lives,” “Unit 3: Does all communication serve a positive

purpose,” “Unit 4: To what extent does experience determine what we perceive,” and

“Unit 5: Can anyone be a hero?” All units incorporate the New Jersey Core Curriculum


Class Rules:

1.Be on time. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Any student who comes to class after

the bell rings without a pass will be recorded as late. Remember 2 lates=detention, 4

lates=ACS, and 6 lates=loss of credit.

2. Be prepared everyday. A notebook, textbook, pen and your assignments are

required for class; not your cell phone, food, or drink. If your phone is out I will warn

you to please put it away. If the behavior continues I will let administration handle the


3. Be respectful of yourself and others .

4. Participate in all class discussions.

5. Do not line up before the rings. Stay seated until I dismiss you.

6.Please do not talk while others are talking. This includes side conversations

and talking to yourself.

7.Put your name on all assignments given. If I don’t know whose paper it is I can’t

grade it.

8. No Sleeping in class.

Bathroom policy

If you need to go, go. Do your business and get back to class promptly. If you are

abusing the bathroom policy you will be required to go to the nurse.


For everydaythat you are absent you have 2 days to make up the work. You are

responsible for acquiring all missed notes, handouts, and homework when absent. All

missed work will be located in the “Absent” folder in your classroom. If you are absent

on the day of a project or test it will be due the next day you return.

Work turned in late: will lose 5 points daily for each day not handed in. Once the

assignment is given back a student is not allowed to hand it in.


50%= Major Assessments: Test, Projects, Essays

50%= Minor Assessments: Homework, Quizzes, Class Participations/Do Nows

Organization and Effort are keys to success in this class and in life.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Mrs. Tanis

Student Signature:


Parent Signature:
