2015 – 2016
Teacher: Mr. Campbell
Class: Biology I
Materials Needed:
- Text book
- Notebook binder
- Pen, pencil, highlighter(s)
This course includes the study of the structure and function of living organisms, energy transformations, comparative anatomy, diversity of life, and the interdependence of organisms and their environment. Investigations will develop safe manipulation of laboratory equipment and materials in the field and laboratory. Students will be asked to think critically about biology concepts and relate them to the world in which they live.
Course content:
- Nature of Biology
- Cells and cellular processes
- Animals
- Biological classification
- Plants
- Evolutionary principles
- Ecology
- Genetics
- Human biology
- microorganisms
Assessment: (approximate breakdown by percentage)
- Tests and quizzes – 60%
- Lab/projects – 25%
- Homework – 15%
Rules and regulations:
- Horseplay is not permitted in this classroom. You are in a laboratory setting and
safety is first. If there is a problem, you will be removed from class and your
parents will be contacted.
- You are expected to be on time and prepared for class.
- There are no projects for extra credit.
- See student handbook for additional policies and conduct in the classroom.
- Food, gum, are not permitted in the lab. Water (plastic bottle with a lid) is
- You have the right to learn and excel in this class. You also have the right to fail.
You do not have the right to interfere in any way with another's right to learn.
Safety contract:
- Safety glasses must be worn when instructed. Failure to do this will result in loss
of points and possible dismissal from class.
- Long hair must be pulled back during any experiment.
- Loose clothing and opened toed shoes should not be worn on lab days.
- Due to the nature of the study of biology, some activities will be conducted
outside and may include walking and collecting data outside. You will also use
chemicals to conduct experiments. If you have any allergies please let me know.
- Read and follow all directions carefully.
- Never perform activities that are not authorized.
- Never aim an object at another student or yourself. If this occurs you will earn a
zero for the assignment and will not be allowed to make up the grade.
- Glassware and other equipment are to be handled with extreme care.
- Never eat, drink, or chew gum during lab procedures.
- Always wash your hands after every experiment.
Once you have read this contract and agree to its content, please sign below.
Student's signatureDate
Student's printed name
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) please sign below stating that you have read the syllabus and safety contract. If there are any medical reason(s) why your student would not be able to participate in activities (in or outdoors), please write at the bottom of this form or attach the information explaining limitation(s). Please not my email address. This is the easiest way to contact me. I am looking forward to teaching your student this year.
Parent's signatureDate