Teacher: Mrs. Cole
Subject: Spanish 1
Fall 2012/Spring 2013
Course Objective
This course is designed for non-Spanish speakers to learn the fundamentals of Spanish conversation, grammar, and culture. In addition, students will explore and begin to understand Spanish-speaking cultures and people. Attendance to every class is important because each day builds on previous learning.
Materials Needed
- 1 ½” 3 Ring Binger
- College Rule Loose Notebook Paper
- Pens (Blue or Black ONLY) or Pencils
- Index Cards/Steno Pad from Spanish 1/StudyBlue Smart Phone App
- 2 Skinny Dry Erase Markers (NOT RED) (Teacher will keep these in classroom)
- Spanish-English Dictionary or Binder Dictionary (OPTIONAL)
Exam 25%
Tests 25%
Daily/Homework 20% (Includes participation during class)
Projects 15%
Quizzes 15%
- Quizzes will be given for vocabulary knowledge and basic grammar comprehension. At times, a culture quiz may be given.
- Tests will cover everything we have studied in the chapter. This will include grammar, vocabulary, verb conjugation, culture, speaking, reading, writing, and listening.
- If students are scheduled to take a test, but miss the day before the test, the student will be expected to take the test on the scheduled day. If the student misses the day of the test, he or she will be expected to take the test upon returning to school.
Late Homework Policy
Responsibility is also something that I teach and expect from my students. Therefore, no late homework will be accepted. Homework is due at the beginning of the class. You may NOT finish your homework during class and turn it in. If you forget your homework it will NOT be accepted. Some assignments are so important for your grade that I will not accept a zero from you. Therefore, you may be assigned to remediation during skinny block to complete these assignments.
Make-Up Work Policy
If a student is absent one day, he/she will have two days for each day missed to complete assignments. (For example, if Alex misses Tuesday, he must turn in his work at the beginning of class on Friday.) Although the make-up work will be posted everyday in the make-up binder, it is the student’s responsibility to complete work and turn it into me so that I may place it in the make-up box. If a student is absent for more than one day in a row, he/she may be assigned to remediation during skinny block to help him/her catch up with his/her work.
The binder is an important role in your learning process of Spanish. It is very critical that you keep it organized and neat at all times. You should not keep another class’s material in your Spanish Binder. It is imperative that you ALWAYS bring your notebook to class. When you write down your daily bell ringers and objectives, always write down the date with them.
What will I be doing in class?
Students will be taking notes, participating in speaking activities, doing group work, playing educational games that increase the learning of a specific topic, learning culture, eating authentic foods (sometimes), and occasionally watching an educational video about the Spanish language or the culture. Homework assignments are an essential part of the learning process; therefore they should be completed and turned in at the beginning of class.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices in My Classroom
You may have cell phones in your possession, but we will not use them on a daily basis in this class. Therefore, the use of cell phones without teacher permission will result in confiscation of the device. This policy will be followed as it is outlined in the Student Handbook. Electronic devices such as Ipads, Tablets, Laptops, etc may be used to take notes; however if you are found to be communicating with other students, playing games, or being off task your device may be confiscated as well. If you finish your work you may use your electronic devices for educational purposes such as reading, studying flashcards, or completing assignments for other classes. The educational value of your task is at my (the teacher’s) discretion.
What is expected of each student?
A demerit will be given if you are talking during instruction, sleeping, not participating, or disrupting class.
In addition, I expect each student to:
- Be respectful to teachers and classmates
- Be on time (students should be in seat when the bell rings)
- Be prepared (students should bring text book, binder, and a pen or pencil to class each day)
- Leave all food and drinks OUTSIDE of the classroom.
- Turn in all assignments on time
- Participate
- When the student is finished with all assignments, the student must be working on homework, reading, studying vocabulary, etc (not talking).
- Stay in seat until I dismiss you. (The bell does not dismiss you!!)
Going to the restroom/locker
Students should use the restroom before coming to class and be prepared when they come to class. However, in case of emergencies each student will have 4 bathroom/locker passes for the semester. After the use of all four passes, students will not be allowed to leave the classroom or a demerit will be issued. Therefore, use your passes wisely. **PASSES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE**
What is expected of the teacher?
I am expected to be prepared and ready to teach each day. I will do my best to guide you throughout the course. I will offer my help to those who need more explanation. I will be happy to schedule before or after school tutoring sessions, as needed. In addition, online resources are available for students to use at home if you desire extra help. If you or your parent has a question or comment, please feel free to contact me in one of the following ways:
School Phone: (731) 696-4525
***This Syllabus is not all-inclusive. Instructor may add/change
any information on this syllabus***
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am Mrs. Cole, and I will be teaching Spanish 1 and 2. This semester promises to be an exciting and successful one for your student. We are going to develop your student’s knowledge of the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures. The program is standards-based and emphasizes real-life communication to motivate students to master Spanish. Our instruction uses an integrated approach that practices reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and introduces students to cultures throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
The goal is to build students’ knowledge and understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and people as well as connect to other academic subjects, such as math, science, and language arts.
I hope that your student will become aware of how Spanish is used everyday in the real world. I also hope that you will be involved with the learning process through projects and activities sent home that are intended to be completed by the student and parent. This year, we have an online program that students can use to practice the specific skills we are or working on in class, to learn vocabulary and to master each lesson; www.realidades.com is the website that corresponds with our textbook. In addition, your student will be given a username and password that will allow them to log on to the website and view their textbook online. StudyBlue is an online program that also has a Smart Phone App. Every vocabulary word for Spanish 1 and 2 has already been created for your students to use. I will be helping them set up (free) accounts in class.
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions or concerns throughout the semester. I look forward to having your student in class.
DeShae Cole
School Phone: (731) 696-4525
PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN: (You may cut off this portion if you would like to keep the above information.)
I have read and understand all the policies and procedures for Mrs. Cole’s Spanish class.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______
Parent Email Address (optional) ______
Student Signature:______Date:______