Teacher: Melissa Michaels Grade 5 Room 105A School: Swift s1

Teacher: Melissa Michaels Grade 6 Room 105-A School: Swift

Week of:
Feb. 9-13, 2015 / Monday 2/9 / Tuesday 2/10 / Wednesday 2/11 / Thursday 2/12 / Friday 2/13
Homeroom / A/R- Blog / A/R- Blog / A/R- Blog / A/R- Blog / A/R- Blog
COS: 6,NS.1, 6.EE.2.c, 6.G.1, 6.NS.7, 6.NS.7c. 6.NS.7d, 6.NS.8, 6.EE.2b, 6.EE.5, 6.EE.7
21st Century Skills:
Information/ Communucation
Workplace Skills
LIM Skills: Synergize, Seek first to understand, then be understood / PBL
As caterers, students are bidding on a job to plan a birthday party for a 13-year old. Given a budget of $250, they will submit a party proposal for 30 guests that includes a budget spreadsheet, written description of party and events, menu, map of room, and an oral presentation.
Hmwk: WMT / 6.7 Review: Number Sentences
Math msg/ follow-up
Pg. 225-227
Journal Reflection
Homework: pg. 199 / 6.8 Solving Simple Equations
Math Msg./follow-up
Srb- pg. 242-243
Pg. 228-229b
Homework: pg. 202 / 6.9 Review: Pan Balance
Math Msg./Follow up
Pg. 231-233
Homework pg. 204 / 6.10 Pan Balance Equations
Math Msg./Follow up
Pg. 234-237
Weekly Math Test
Complete Party Planning Spreadsheet
8:45- 9:15
Math Intervention / Stride / IXL / Stride / IXL / Stride
Reading Intervention / Scootpad / Scootpad / Scootpad / Scootpad / Scootpad
Wordly Wise / Wordly Wise / Wordly Wise / 9:45-10:20
Comprehension Toolkit / Wordly Wise / Wordly Wise
Reading Cos: RL.6.4, RI.6.1, RI.6.1, RL.6.3 / Anne Frank Novel Study
“The Power of Light by Issa Bashevis Singer
What incident in this story acts as a turning point? What does this incident reveal about David and Rebecca’s relationship? What decision does this incident provoke?
pg. 86-96 / Anne Frank Novel Study
“Survivor Stories: Jeanine Burk”
Summarize the author’s feelings about being a “hidden child”.
Pg. 97-107 / Art/ Music 10:20-11:00 / Anne Frank Novel Study
Speech: Elie Wiesel: The Perils of Indifference- April 12-1999.
Determine Wiesel’s purpose for giving the speech. Discuss the conflicting viewpoints of President Roosevelt’s role in the war.
Pg. 108-118 / Anne Frank Novel Study
Grammar/ SS/ Reading Tests
Pg. 119-129
Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
Recess / Recess / Recess / Recess / Recess / Recess
Reading/SS / SS- Week 14 WWII Begins
Hmwk: pg. 1- Chunk/ TD Questions
Fluency Passage/
Skill: Cause and Effect
Strategy: Summarize pg. 408-409
Hmwk: 153 / SS- Week 14 WWII Begins
Hmwk: pg. 2/ Chunk Text/ TD Questions
Fluency Passage/
Vocab Strategy: Unfamiliar words
Pg. 410-411
Read pg. 415-419
Hmwk: pg. 154-155 / SS- Week 14 WWII Begins
Hmwk pg. 3/ Chunk Text/ TD Questions
Fluency Passage/
Read pg. 420-425
Check for understanding
Hmwk: pg. 157 / Counseling 11:55-12:35 / PE 11:40-12:10
weatherbug / Amsti- Understanding Weather and climate
Lesson 3- Heating Earth’s Surface / Amsti- Understanding Weather and climate
Lesson 3- Heating Earth’s Surface / Amsti- Understanding Weather and climate
Lesson 4- Heat Transfer and the Movement of Air / SS- Week 14 WWII Begins
Hmwk: Study for Test pg.4 / Answer Questions
Reading Homework pg. 158 / Amsti- Understanding Weather and climate
Lesson 4- Heat transfer and the movement of Air.
PE / PE / PE / PE / PE / Health/Technology
1:45- 2:15
Grammar/ Writing
COS: w.6.1a,b,c,d,e; W.6.4., 6.5, RL.6.1, RL.6.2, RL.6.3, RL.6.5, RL.6.10, SL.6.1, SL.6.2, SL.6.6, L.6.1, L.6.2, L.6.3 / Lesson 22: Adjectives and Articles
Hmwk: pg. 177 pg. 1-12
Writing: Argument Essay Session 1
Hmwk: Reflection on Essays/ Connect Anne Frank / Lesson 22: Adjectives and Articles
Hmwk: pg. 177 #13-20
Writing: Argument/ Boxes and Bullets Strategy
Hmwk: Big Ideas about Characters/ Connect Anne Frank / Lesson 22: Adjectives and Articles
Hwmk: pg. 178 # 1-10
Writing: Argument/ Session 3
Hmwk: Noticing details/ Connect Anne Frank / Lesson 22: Adjectives and Articles
Hmwk: pg. 179 # 1-20
Writing: Argument/ Session 4:
Hmwk: Revealing the character through details / Clubs
2:15-3:00 / Band / Band / Band / Band / Band
3:00-3:15 / Dismissal / Dismissal / Dismissal / Dismissal / Dismissal