2016-2017 School Year
Teacher:Justin D. Baker, B.A.
Subjects:French IV, AP
Email address:
French IV, AP
- Theme 1- Les DéfisMondiaux
- Theme 2-La Famille et La Communauté
- Theme 3-La Science et La Technologie
- Theme 4-L’Esthétique
- Theme 5- La Quête du Soi
- Theme 6- La Vie Contemporaine
Portions of this syllabus borrowed/adapted from the AP French course taught by Elda Hall-Yee, Dixie Hollins HS 2012-2013.
Materials and Sources
/- Delfosse, Kurbegov and Draggett “Themes”. VistaHigherLearning,2016.
- Edmiston, Dumenil«La France Contemporaine». Thomson Heinle, 2005.
Supplementary texts
/- Released AP Exams
- Amiry, Laila. “Barron’sAPFrench, 3rd Ed”. Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 2007.
- Kendris, Christopher. “501 French Verbs”. Hauppage, New York: Barron’s Educational Series.
- “Larousse Concise French/English, English/French dictionary”. Paris: Houghton Mifflin Company.
- Handouts and copies from other AP Scholarly Resources
/- TV 5
- Le Monde
- Chez Nous
- Le Figaro
- Le Canard Enchainé
- VariousFrenchMovies(LesChoristes,Lagloiredemonpère,Lechâteaudemamère,Banelieue13,Lescaphandreetlepapillon,TroisCouleurs–Bleu,BlancetRouge,Entrelesmurs,FillesUniques,CyranodeBergerac,LaVieenRose,etc …)
- Various French music (McSolaar,NotreDamedeParis,NajouaBelyzel,DanyBrillant, Patrick Bruel,MauriceChevalier,EdithPiafetc …)
- Additional Media Sources given as needed
Materials and Sources, Continued
Technology Used
/- Online Text Book
- AudioCDs
- Take Home Tutor computer programs from “DiscoveringFrenchNouveau” McDougalLittell. Bleu, Blanc, and Rouge.
- Language Lab (headsets and speakers; individual recording devices; CD, Cassette, and DVD/VCR players; laptop; digital recordings; and LCD projector)
- Individual white boards
- Existing PC programs
- Discussion board, blog, and other interactive media
- Learnerator
- Schmoop
- Quizlet
- SMART Response Clickers
Supplies Needed
/- 2 inch 3 ring binder
- 5dividers(le vocabulaire, les verbes, la grammaire, la culture, les devoirs)
- Filler paper
- Writingutensils
Course Objectives
/- To increase student proficiency in the reading, writing, speaking, and listening of the French Language in preparation for the Advanced Placement French Language and Culture Exam.
- To enrich and enhance the cultural knowledge and experiences of the students with the Francophone world.
Course Description
/ APFrenchistaughtexclusivelyinFrench.- All lecture and instructions are presented to students in French.
- Student activities and assignments are conducted in French.
- Media classroom supplements (videos, music, etc.) are presented in French.
StudentswillworkonselectedportionsofoldAPexamsandonbooks, suchasBarron’s AP Frenchinordertomakethemmorecomfortablewiththerigorousformatof the exam.StudentswillbepracticetestedinsimilarconditionsasthoseoftheAPExam.
Course Projects
/ All projects are prepared and presented in French.Description
ImpromptuSpeaking / Students will be asked to make brief presentations in French during class about themselves, views, and responses to classmate’s questions/comments.
ImpromptuWriting / Students will be asked to make brief presentations in French during class about themselves, view, and opinions on various topics presented in the text.
LRWSLoto / Students will be asked to do various projects (in French) of their choosing, as long as they make a Loto (3 in a row). The card has nine project choices focusing on different topics from the text. Each project focuses on one to two of the four skills, Listening, Reading, Writing, and/or Speaking (see page 9)
Oral/WrittenResearchPresentations / Students choose an event in the news and research how that event is portrayed in the media of both the United States and France. Students will prepare:
- a written report in French of their findings,
- make an oral presentation in French to the class, and
- respond to their classmates’ questions/comments in French.
Course Overview, Continued
Language Lab Activities
/ The daily classroom space is also the language lab area. This provides students easy and frequent access to authentic French media, such as recordings, movies, and websites. During these interactions, students are expected to participate in discussions—both teacher and student lead—about the media content. They are also encouraged to tie the discussions into their journal writings.Lab Components
- headsets and speakers
- individual recording devices
- CD, Cassette, and DVD/VCR players
- laptop
- digital recordings
- LCD projector
/ All aspects of LRWS are completed in French only.Listening Comprehension
/- Communication carried out in French
- Exposure to authentic French films, music, and oral recordings
- Dictations, fill in the blanks
- LRWS Projects
Reading Comprehension
/- Popcorn reading, followed by questions of understanding, verbal and written
- Reading authentic French materials from newspapers, literature, and websites
- Reading strategies
- Readings from both texts with comprehension questions
- LRWS Projects
Writing Proficiency
/ Writing proficiency focuses on expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive elements.Writing Element / Function
Expository / Writinginwhichauthor’spurposeistoinformorexplainthesubjecttothereader.
Persuasive / Writingthatstatestheopinionofthewriterandattemptstoinfluencethereader.
Narrative / Writinginwhichtheauthortellsastory.Thestorycouldbefactorfiction.
Descriptive / Atypeofexpositorywritingthatusesthefivesensestopaintapictureforthereader.Thiswritingincorporatesimageryandspecificdetails.
Writing Tasks
- Journals – narrative writing
- Written interaction – (blog, e-mail, discussion board, or other medium to promote written interaction and development for students’ writing and comprehension skills)
- Focused compositions on past and future tenses – descriptive writing
- Full length compositions– persuasive and expository writing, based on the chapter
250 – 500 words
Subject matter reflects the topics covered in the text coinciding with their studies
Written in class, collected, errors marked but not corrected, returned to student, self correction/peer correction, returned to teacher for final grade.
- LRWS Projects
- Graded according to official AP rubric
- Additional help always given
Reinforcement of Listening, Reading, Writing, and/or Speaking (LRWS),Continued
Speaking Proficiency
/ Speaking proficiency focuses on informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and entertaining speeches.Speaking Element / Description
Informative / Thisspeechservestoprovideinterestingandusefulinformationtoyouraudience.
Demonstrative / Thishasmanysimilaritieswithaninformativespeech.Ademonstrativespeechalsoteachesyousomething.Themaindifferenceliesinincludingademonstrationofhowtodothethingyou areteaching.
Persuasive / Apersuasivespeechworkstoconvincepeopletochangeinsomeway:theythink,thewaytheydosomething,ortostartdoingsomethingthattheyarenotcurrentlydoing.
Entertaining / Theafter-dinnerspeechisatypicalexampleofanentertainingspeech.Thespeakerprovidespleasureandenjoymentthatmaketheaudiencelaughoridentifywithanecdotalinformation.
Speaking Tasks
- Respond to and ask questions solely in French (CR 1, CR 5) – informative speaking
- Presentations (CR 5) – informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and entertaining, based on the chapter
Verbal delivery
Single student
Content coincides with current material
- Impromptu speaking (CR 5) – informative speaking
Daily discussions about current news or activities
“Hot Potato” discussion of topic and chapter
- LRWS Loto (CR 7) – informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and entertaining, depending on the project chosen
- Graded according to official AP rubric (CR 2)
- Gentle correction of pronunciation (CR 1)
- Recordings of readings, pair activities, team activities for playback and pronunciation corrections (CR 5)
/ Assessment Category / Assessment PercentageCourse projects / 40%
Vocabulary quizzes / 20%
Grammar quizzes / 20%
Homework / 15%
Class Participation / 5%
Study Tips
/- Practice every single day for atleast 20 minutes
- Review every single day for atleast 15 minutes
- When going over vocabulary either with the online book or the Take Home Tutor, use a headset with a microphone to hear and correct pronunciation
- Study groups can be helpful
- Make your own flashcards
/ This course will require the student to be an independent learner. He/She will have to spend time on his/her own in order to reach the level necessary for success on the AP French Language and Culture Exam.Grading
90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0- 59 F
All written and oral assignments will be assigned a point value. Your grade will be determined by the number of points you earn out of the total points possible for the grading period. Daily grades, which consist of written assignments, oral assignments, homework, short quizzes, and projects. Test and quizzes are based on the text.
It is strongly recommended that you complete and turn in all work on time. Late class work will not beaccepted, unless you have a written acceptable excuse. If you are absent, you must turn in make-up assignments within the number on days of absences.
Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are suspected of cheating you will be disciplined according to the guidelines printed in the Student Code of Conduct.
Students are expected to complete all homework assignments. Homework will be checked for accuracy and/or completion. Late homework will not be accepted, unless you have an acceptable excuse. Remember—even if I do not assign homework, students should ALWAYS study vocabulary, grammar rules and materials covered in class. If you are absent, it is also your responsibility to check on HideTide (school website/lesson plans) for homework assignments. Being absent one or more classes is not an excuse not to turn in homework. That is why is posted on the website.
Students will have several vocab/grammar quizzes and a test for each chapter. You will be assigned a project or mini project for each chapter. Projects are designed to help those that might not be the strongest test taker and are a good way to improve student grades. Be sure to always read and follow directions.
In order to succeed in a foreign language classroom, students must participate. Students will work in cooperative learning groups and will be expected to work as a team. I will give individual participation points during group work.
Students must be in the room when the bell rings. If tardy, students must report to their administrator for a tardy pass. The following are the consequences of being tardy: Periods 1and 2 – 4 tardies excused; 5th and subsequent tardies – after school detention. Periods 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 – automatic after school detention. Tardy after lunch is an automatic detention.
Bathroom passes
Students will be allowed bathroom passes until they abuse the privilege (i.e.—asking every day/taking too long). Students should try to use the restroom between classes. Only one student at a time will receive a pass.
After receiving permission, students will sign out and then back into class. Being gone for more than 5 minutes is not acceptable. In addition, students may not buy drinks or snacks while out using the restroom. Remember, no one is allowed to leave the first or last 10 minutes of class.
Daily activities
Students will be seated and prepared to do bell work when the bell rings at the beginning of class. Students will stay in their seats until they are dismissed.
Food and Drinks
There is neither food nor drinks allowed in the classroom unless it is pre-arranged or it involves some class activity. Water is permitted.
Extra help
Students must seek extra help if they are behind or confused. A meeting should be scheduled in advance. Please come to me with questions and concerns.
Discipline Plan
- Be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings.
- Bring all materials to class.
- Obey all rules in the student Code of Conduct.
- There is no eating or drinking in the classroom.
- Respect everything and everyone.
- Remain in your seat until dismissed by teacher.
- Cell phone and electronic devices off and out of sight.
- Verbal or written warning
- Detention with teacher
- Contact parent
- Referral to administrator
- Serious misconduct will warrant a referral excluding steps 1-4.
Positive Reinforcement:
- Verbal or written praise.
- Contact parent by phone or note with positive report.
- Participation in cultural activities.
- Awards.
Parents may reach me by email or contacting the school at 727 893 2780.
Student’s signature______
Parent’s signature______