Teacher: Juan Hernandez

Chapter: Zeta Beta

School: Howard Payne University

Lesson Objective (What would you like the members to be able to do once the lesson is taught?):

The brothers will be able to define and have a better grasp on the subject of a good member. They will be able to answer the following questions,

-What is a good member

-What qualities are in a good member

-What exactly does a good member do

-why do we need good members

-How do you become a good member

Week in MEP:

This lesson is designed for the Continuing Membership Education Program.

Vocabulary (What specific terms are you targeting?:

-Good Member







Materials(What resources, items, orutensilswill you need):


-Dry erase markers

-(or just something to write down

Activities (What are you going to do to teach/reinforce the material?):

Activity 1

-This a simple one. In order to help the chapter as a whole get on the same page ask for each individual’s definition of a good member. Take keywords from each and write them up on a board for the chapter to see. Now as a Segway into the next question, draw a line straight down and now ask for what qualities are in a good member. Make sure to get every brother involved. Don’t just let the same people keep answering. When you feel you kind of run the well dry stop and look at each list. Do they match up? What’s the same on the list and what is different? Ask why a certain quality was mentioned in one list but now the other. Question everything you can.

Activity 2

-Make a list of qualities you would find in a good leader. Now draw a line down and make another list but this time qualities you would find in a good follow. Come up with different scenarios and ask who would be leading it, a leader or a follower. (i.e. Brother Jack is delegating jobs during a service project. – leader). Ask each of the brothers where they feel more comfortable, leader or follower. ask why they feel that way.

Assignment/Homework (What will they do on their own to reinforce what they were taught?):

-Have them make a list of qualities they need to work on personality. Bring it to the next meeting and have them read them in front of the chapter. This is not meant to embarrass them but to let their brothers know what they need to work on and so the others can help him/her work on and get there. We don’t strive alone, that’s why we have our brothers. To back us up when we fall down.

Correctives (What worked well and what would you do differently?):

Side notes:

Learn everything you can before you teach this lesson, question everything because if we don’t then how will we ever learn?

What is a “good member”, someone who works hard? Comes up with all the ideas? Leads every project? The definition of a good member is a broad one. Many interpretations exist now it’s only a matter all agreeing on one.

The qualities that we look for in a good member should be the same qualities we look for when we are recruiting for the brotherhood. Now does this mean we only look for those who instill every single quality and not let in those who are missing a few? No. We as human beings are not perfect, but we learn. We grow off of each other to not only learn but better ourselves as human beings and as in this situation, brothers.

What does a good member do?

What does a good member do? How to they conduct themselves? This is the overall view/question this lesson is about. I’ve seen brothers who strive to lead every project but don’t make the best leaders. I’ve some who make great workers but deep down have that servant’s heart to want to lead a small group/task force. There are those who would rather stay behind the scenes and there are those who want to be at the head of it all.

But with that being said what is it exactly that a good member does that makes them a good member?

I’m sure you have heard once before the saying “know your place”. There are those who lead and there are those who follow but knowing when and where to put your skills is what is important.

Why do we need good members?

Why do we need good members? Because we need someone to do the heavy lifting, to come up with all the ideas, to lead the service project for that month? We need good members to not only lead and follow along as a working hand but also to be the better influence. If you were to see someone cleaning up a mess would you not help them as well? Striving for the highest is contagious believe it or not! It just takes for one brother to say we need to get this done, then all the other brothers who stand next to the side will more or less jump up and start helping. Always remember the best leaders are those who work alongside their followers.

How do you become a good member?

It quite simple, strive for the highest. Never settle for bottom line second best work. Always ask is there something more I can do. Do this with love and compassion and the right intentions and all will be well. For those who need a little push it also quite simple. Having your brother right next to you side by side does not only give you a boost but it reassures you that you are not alone. It’s been proven that a human is more likely to follow if they are not alone and have someone to work alongside with.