Teacher: Grisham Subject: Reading/ Language Arts Unit: Biography Wk. 2 6wks. 3
Dates: / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Students will use elements of writing process while writing informational text on a historical figure. / Students will use elements of writing process while writing informational text on a historical figure. / Students will understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. / Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex text / Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex text
TEKS standard(s): / 11.C, E, 13.A, 15.A-E / 11.C, E, 13.A, 15.A-E / 5.2A, B,C, 5.14A, B,C,D,, 5.15B,C, Fig. 19D, 19E, 19F / 5.2A, B,C, 5.14A, B,C,D,, 5.15B,C, Fig. 19D, 19E, 19F / 5.2A, B,C, 5.14A, B,C,D,, 5.15B,C, Fig. 19D, 19E, 19F
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Sm gp, pairs, individual, whole group / Students will begin class with “Lone Star Reading” passage.
TTW pass out spelling words- One Consonant or Two and worksheet pgs. 215 and 220 from RWN.
The class will Students continue to work on the Research Project. Students will be introduced the next process- Lapbook. / Students will begin class with “Lone Star Reading” Bell Ringer.
Students will continue working on the Research Lapbook Project.
Students will get their new AR goals and TTW announce Most Improved and Highest Levels for the Reading Star AR Testing.
Library Day / Students will begin class with “Lone Star Reading” passage.
Students will continue working on the Research Lapbook Project.
Teacher out of building. / Class Field Trip / Students will begin class with “Lone Star Reading” passage.
Students will take Spelling Test 9
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / Students will take Spelling Test 9
Higher order thinking/questioning:
Academic Vocabulary: / Chronological order, supporting details
Resources: / internet, encyclopedia, library book, Research handout / internet, encyclopedia, library book, Research handout / internet, encyclopedia, library book, Research handout / internet, encyclopedia, library book, Research handout / internet, encyclopedia, library book, Research handout
Technology Integration:
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Biography on Mozart