Teacher Education Advisory Group (TEAG)


The Teacher Education Advisory Group serves as a channel of communication between the field of teacher education, as represented by professors, practitioners, and deans of teacher education, and representatives from the New York State Education Department (NYSED). It shares with the New York State Education Department perspectives on policy and regulation, on research and practice, and on trends and issues that face this field. It also shares with the field those perspectives offered by the Commissioner and State Education Department staff on the same matters. It provides a ready and able means by which matters of teacher education can come to be understood and addressed.


The Teacher Education Advisory Group to the NYSED consists of nine representatives of the field of teacher education.

The New York State Association of Teacher Educators (NYSATE) to include a past president, president, and president-elect.

New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NYACTE) to include a past president, president, and president-elect.

One representative is selected by the School of Education Deans of SUNY institutions.

One representative is selected to represent CUNY institutions.

One representative is selected to represent the Council of University Deans.

Either the president of NYACTE and/or NYSATE will serves as facilitator for the group, communicating amongst the group’s members and with the NYSED Office.

The Teacher Education Advisory Group to the NYSED meets with the Commissioner and/or selected State Education Department staff members a minimum of twice a year or as the need presents itself at the convenience of all parties involved. Meetings will be held on the last Tuesday in September and the third Thursday in March. All meeting will be confirmed at the initial meeting.

The meeting dates and agenda for each meeting is proposed by the members of the group, communicating to and through the TEAG Facilitator with the NYSED. The agenda will be communicated to all parties prior to the meeting. The agenda is open for modification at the start of each meeting.



Rev 7/15/16

Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, Ph.D., Immediate PastPresident, NYACTE (TEAG Convener)

Dean, School of Education

Nazareth College

4245 East Avenue

Rochester, New York 14618

Office (585) 389-2618

Nancy Dubetz,Ph.D. President, NYSATE

Lehman College, City University of New York
Department of Childhood and Early Childhood
Carman Hall, B-45
250 Bedford Park Blvd. West
Bronx, NY 10468
Office: (718) 960-8170

Harriet Fayne, Ph.D., CUNY Deans Representative

Dean, School of Education

Lehman College

250 Bedford Park Blvd West

Bronx, New York 10468

718 960-6777

Illana Lane, Ph.D., Immediate PastPresident, NYSATE(TEAG Co-Convener)
Chief Assessment and Learning Officer

Medaille College

18 Agassiz Circle

Buffalo, NY 14214

Office: (716) 880-2553

Fax: (716) 880-2959

Joanna Masingila, Ph.D., President-Elect, NYACTE
Dean, School of Education
Professor of Mathematics Education
Syracuse University
230 Huntington Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244
Office: (3150 443-4751

Lori V. Quigley, Ph.D., President, NYACTE

Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Medaille College

18 Agassiz Circle

Buffalo, NY 14214

Office: (716) 880-2240/2241

Christine Smith, Ph.D. Co-Convener of SUNY Deans and Directors of Professional Programs
Assistant Dean for Professional Studies

School of Education

University at Albany
ED 212
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222

Office: (518) 442-4986

Ashleigh Thompson, Ph.D. Convener of CUNY Deans
University Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
City University of New York
205 E. 42nd St., 9th Fl.
New York, NY 10017
Office: 646.664.8151

Tina Wagle, Ph.D. Convener of SUNY Deans and Directors of Professional Programs

Chair, Teacher Education

Empire State College

Office: (716) 686-7800, ext. 3862


Council of University Deans (TBD)

President-Elect, NYSATE (TBD)

Rev 7/15/16