LLN Teacher Council

Teacher Council Shared Purpose:

The shared purpose of the LLN Teacher Council is to provide structures and avenues to educate the whole child by creating action-oriented, collaborative, teacher-driven professional learning opportunities while holding the Zone accountable to its own community.

Who we are:

We are a group of teachers representing each school within the LLN Zone, elected or chosen by our schools to represent teachers and staff.

Council Composition:

  • Each school will have at least 2, but no more than 4 representatives.
  • Each school will design their own process for qualifying and selecting members for the teacher council. It is strongly encouraged that staff members at each school have the majority say in the selection of their representatives.

Responsibilities of the Council:

  • Design, lead, and facilitate cross-school professional learning opportunities based on teacher feedback from each school.
  • Design cross-school celebrations.
  • Solicit feedback, opinions, and ideas from teachers and incorporate them into long-term vision.
  • Serve as a communication liaison between teachers, the LLN board, and school leaders regarding these and other issues.

Initiatives and Projects:

The Teacher Council currently has three running committees which are subject to change each year based on the foci and initiatives of the teacher council: Equity, Organization, and Professional Development.

The equity committee has centered its focus on developing relationships between schools, both with teachers and students. This committee creates opportunities to celebrate cultures and empower learners to achieve. This year we have facilitated a coat drive within the network, initiated pen pals between LLN schools and started to envision how specials teachers can showcase student success.

Our professional development group has worked to provide teachers with opportunities to learn from other teachers within the zone through learning labs and cohorts. The cohorts offer teachers three labs centered around a problem of practice within a collaborative group. Learning labs give teachers their choice of one day labs that highlight a particular area that a teacher wishes to grow in.

The organizational committee seeks to increase and maintain our transparency as a council within the zone by maintaining our web presence, as well as by managing all data collected via surveys, cohorts, etc. The committee also supports and facilitates onboarding of new TAC members.

Future Innovation:

As part of the Teacher Council within the Luminary Learning Network, we want to be on the cutting edge. One of our goals is to continually research and visit inspirational education programs and incorporate and tailor ideas to fit our zone and individual schools.